Saimin Regulation

Chapter 16: East-South Public Humiliation Lesson-Arc

Chapter 16: East-South Public Humiliation Lesson-Arc

TL Note: Same explanation as last time.

The Tou in Touhou Sunou () means East.

The Minami in Minami Mai () means South.

Title means both Sunou and Mai are the stars. Enjoy (-)

In the usual counselling room, the sound of the ticking clock quietly resounded.


Sunou, who was drowsy and nodding off, suddenly woke up as her eyes flashed open.

Or perhaps it would be best to say that I had finished implanting my suggestions and that she was made to wake up.

Staying up late is no good for you, especially in the small hours of the morning.

Dont get any closer to me! Also, how do you know what time I went to bed!?

The moment Sunou laid her eyes on me, she hugged her own body as she retreated from me.

It seems that she inferred that I was scheming simply from my expression.

Even though you know that its pointless to try to run away-

Thats not the problem here! I can feel the haunting miasma of Helheim just by breathing the same air as you.

It appears that theyll be coming soon.


The moment Sunou saw her figure, she had already hid herself behind Kokoros back.

Although Kokoro is already in my camp, I guess this action isnt really one thats taken under logic.

Scusie! Minami Mai has arrived-!!

In the midst of such a tense atmosphere, Mai appeared without knocking. She took off her shoes as she entered the room.

Hello, Minami-san. Thank you very much for coming.

Well, the mid-term tests are close after allI have to do all that I can.

Mid-term tests?

Sunou peeked her head from out of Kokoros shadow and cocked her head. The only thing that she couldnt understand from our conversation was just this.

You dont even know what the mid-term tests are? I know you were a truant, but-

I at least know what the mid-term tests are! Dont fool-

Waahh! Hey, hey, who is this kid? Shes so cute, and kinda fun!

Noticing Sunous existence, Mai innocently nestled up to her.

Resembling a small animal, Sunou hardened with a start.

Im Minami Mai. Can I ask for your name?


Sunou-chan! Nice to meetcha-cha!

Mai took Sunous hand and shook it with large swings. After which, she made Sunous clothes flutter whilst fidgeting around with it. The choice of acting pushy when interacting with the extremely cautious Sunou deserves full points.

It was impossible for Sunou to understand what was happening at this moment in time. Her shyness truly knows no bounds.


You can call me Mai.

Mai, I want to start soon.

Eh, ah, sure.

A little earlier, since it was troublesome, I made it so Mai wouldnt feel discomfort when I called her by name. I naturally have to call her Minami-san in front of others, though.

Mais tension fell as she sat down on the prepared seat.

Sunou, from your perspective, what kind of person is Mai?

Whatshe has a face that portrays she wont do anything as long as youre not an enemy.

For the time being, shes hit the nail right on the head. Id be scared if she became an enemy.

Amazingly, she also read my expression. Although not as much as me, she probably understood enough from just that.


-wait, what!? Get away from me! I have no intention of crossing words with a demon!

Regaining her senses, Sunou turned towards me, swinging her hand as she assaulted me.

Eeh, you guys are so close.

Yeah, we have the same hobby, so-

Thats wrong!

Ahem, then shall we begin?

Kokoro gathered the three of us together. Its in these places that she really helps me out.

Starting from the right: Sunou, myself, and Mai lined up together. The three of us gathered around a long table, having taken out a floor cushion before sitting down on it.

While directing a skeptical expression towards me, Sunou asked Kokoro.

Um, what is going to start?

A study session for the tests. Masters mid-terms are fast approaching. After all, spring is also just coming to an end-

Rather, I think that other schools also have their tests around this time~ Sunou-chan is from the pri-the middle school department, right?

I dont really have any interest in that sort of thing, so

Right, right! Anyway, lets start!

As expected, Mai is sharp. From all appearances, she paused her sentence before saying primary, switching the topic the very instant that the topic unintentionally was about to shift to Sunous truancy.

If I didnt have prior information, I would have also said she was from the primary department during our first meeting.

I havent studied for a test before

While I know that its still not necessary for you to do sorather this school is a rather private establishment, but what about your enrollment exams?

Um, Im sorry. But Sunou-chan enrolled due to the goodwill of her relatives, so-

Isnt that a perfect example of admission via back channels? No, well it seems that there are also medical universities nowadays that would drop students if their father wasnt a doctor. Relations are important.

W-What!? Ive properly got the enrollment results! Even now Im trying hard so that I dont have to repeat a yearafter all, its just memorising terms

W-Well, the conversation has drifted slightly, so lets start the study session this time.

I agree. Then, with this paper-

Kokoro distributed the printed sheets amongst us. Its an answer sheet.

Um, first is mathematics


Sunou is making a pretty triumphant face. Shes also the same as me where maths is our strong suit.

Its only just started, soa simple trigonometric ratio-

W-Wait a sec! What is that?! I dont know it!?

Well, thats cause this is our study for our midterm tests.

Unconcerned, Kokoro continued to write down problems on the white board. Yup, its basic so its not really that difficult.

Since Sunou probably still doesnt know about sine and cosine, she has no method of calculating it.

W-Whats with this. For what reason am I even here


Done-zo! Im not good at maths

Upon finishing writing on her own test paper, Mai slightly began to fidget as she looked at Sunou. It seems she wants to touch her. Mai has unexpectedly taken a liking to her.

While this was happening, the time limit had elapsed as Kokoro checked the answers of us three.

Masters answer is correct, the formula Mai-san used was wrong. Sunou-chan submitted a blank sheet.

Theres no way Id know thisor rather, Kokoro-nee-san, why are you doing such an inefficient thing as doing them one by-

Well then, since Mai-san and Sunou-chan didnt get it right, please remove one article of clothing.


Due to her surprise, Sunou stood up without thinking. Even though this situation was one that could more or less have been predicted.

Okay~ Even though Im bad at maaths. Book, dont stare so much!

Eh, eh!? Mai-san!?

The suggestion that was originally placed on Mai took effect as she began to take off her shirt without holding any doubts. Her torso covered with a bra was exposed to the wind.

However, even if she undressed, her resistance to showing off skin was as normal, resulting in her feeling slightly reluctant towards being seen by me. This inclination is good.

Dont tell me this is the Sabbath of Twilight!?

Drunk mackerel? Whats that, it sounds tasty. Sunou-chan! Lets abide by the rules, mkay!

W-Wait!? Hang on a-!! All of this is only one piece!!

It seems like her Gothic Lolita outfit was a one-piece. In other words, if she took off a single article, shed suddenly be in just her underwear.

Sunou begrudgingly glared at me. Even though this incident wasnt even close to what Id call a scheme.

You tricked me!

Just so you know, accessories, tights, and socks dont count. Also, the top and bottom piece of underwear are counted separately.

Ill take off my bra. Demon, a day will come where you will repent.

Just like a girl who was changing in a dressing room, Sunou began to squirm inside of her clothes. After a while, her bra fell with a plop just below her skirt.

Now then.


From there, I mercilessly placed my hand against Sunous chest.

Although Sunou was surprised, it would seem that she couldnt resist due to the suggestions.

You cant complain no matter what I do to the place where you removed your clothes.

Y-You coward! Why did you inform me of the rules afterward? Haah aah

Because you didnt listen to me.

Although Sunous chest was equivalent to being nonexistent, teasing those bulges on her body was nice. Whilst loosely groping the vicinity of her still-soft flesh which was starting to gain some fat, I pinched her tips.

Ow!! Ahh!!

This is also good

H-Hey, Book! Not the sides!

I will start the next problem! The subject is Japanese History!

Kokoros well-projected voice begins to speed things along. Next is the names of famous people, huh. Im bad at these sorts of problems, though.

In any case, lets put down an answer. This much is easy.


What the hell is the Genrokus 47 Ronin!?

Im done.

Now then, Ill be showing your answers. Those who answered correctly were Master and Sunou-chan, and Mai-san was incorrect.

Aww~ Hey, does this fit the rules?

Mai listlessly looked towards me. However, as though it couldnt be helped, she began to remove the hook of her bra. She released her restrained chest and showed me her plump projections.

It would seem that Mai dislikes being touched near the base of her feet and thighs. Ive learned something good.

I quickly took hold of the now-bare arrow tips in my hands.

Wai, hang on Book! Ah, haahnooo!

This time, it seemed like I legitimately compelled her into performing a sexual act. Although Mai held some disgust, it was fresh feeling and raping her like this would not be totally out of the question. Even so, its still strange that her body properly reacts to the pleasure.

Lets lick her chest. I was satisfied after confirming the goosebumps that were covered over Mais body.

In the face of my dishonourable behaviour, Sunou directed an appalled expression towards me.

Its because of this that demons areto think that youd sink your fangs into someone else

Say, Sunou. You did well to know about ishi Kuranosuke. Arent you unfamiliar with peoples names and the like?

Its only natural that I know about Kuranosuke. Whilst he was abused as useless during peacetime, a handful of close associates knew about the ability that was hidden within him. In actuality, he desired the revival of his house more than anyone, and was known as the prime culprit who placed his life on the line and performed a raid even when knowing that he was no match for his enemies. (DP: Learn more here /index.php?title=Oishi_Kuranosuke)

So Sunous point is that, despite being useless during normal times, he was able to take action in emergencies.

B-Book! How long are you gonna touaah, ah, aaaaahh!!

Can she even cum through just having her breasts touched? Although she was originally sent into heat due to the suggestions, but I guess even her sensitive was raised up until this point, huh.

Mais head grew unsteady as she lost her energy. Since Im already touching her torso, Ill support her.

Thash wai I shaid chu schtop

Yeah, my bad.

this is the last question.

I didnt do anything to Kokoro, huh. Since I feel bad, I guess Ill follow-up afterwards. Shes the type that accumulates everything and explodes at the strangest of times.

I wonder just how did she relieve her stress when she didnt have me? Or perhaps she was pent-up for so long that she became like this after turning into a slave?

Next is English.


Yup yup!

Im, done.

Then I shall look at your answersthose who got it correct were Master and Mai-san.

Eh!? No way!?

For some reason, Sunou was surprised. She must have made a mistake somewhere.

This is to obtain a geographical advantage, right!? Even I know that this is how you liberally translate it!

No, just translate in normally.

Because she was someone who became proficient in English due to apparently playing games from foreign countries, her knowledge has been skewed strangely, resulting in this outcome. Shes turned out this way somehow or another, even though shes a half.

Uuhthis is terrible.

Make sure to also study from the text-book properly.

Im taking it off.

As she was wearing a one piece, she would very quickly become naked once she removed her clothing. As expected, she couldnt very well remove her panties and allow me to do whatever I pleased with them.


Sunous cheeks blushed, using both hands to hide her chest as though to protect her body from me. She glared at me threateningly.

As though catching her off guard, I grabbed her sides.


Come on, dont resist so much.

Starting from her sides, the part of her body that I groped gradually began to rise. From her collarbone to her chest, and I even rubbed her sides below her armpit.


Unusual for Sunou, her face was melting due to the pleasure. Since I had implanted a suggestion that gives her pleasure from the start, its become something like a erogenous zone massage.

hahh! N-Nono moah

Even though Sunou tries to resist, she raised both her hands and waits to be touched. Her body gave up its resistance so as to try to calm its throbbing.

Before I noticed it, shes become quite lewd.

Even though she intends to firmly resist in her head, its likely that her body has become accustomed to it. In doing so, rather than pain, she actually feels pleasure instead.

But then theres no meaning to it anymore, huh.


I picked up Sunou and made her sit on my lap. Essentially, its fine so long as the I dont touch the parts of her body that arent covered by her panties.

If I do this, then Sunou, who was held up in front of me, would have her bare body exposed to Kokoro and Mai. Every part of her that was hidden by the shadows of the desk were now completely visible.


WowzerSunou-chan looks really happy

Perhaps due to the fact that she was horny, Mai was fixated on Sunou, who had become a bitch.

Although it neednt be said, Kokoro watched Sunou and myself with an envious gaze.

D-Dont look!!

It cant be helped since you got the problem wrong.


While expressing her displeasure, Sunou was conscious of the fact that her body was burning.

Although the true reason for her arousal was due to the fact that the entire backside of body was in contact with me, an outsiders perspective would see that she appeared to be aroused from being seen.

Come now. Even you were watching Mai earlier. Sunou was the one who got the most questions wrong today. Ill have to shame you properly.

Such a thingis illogica-aaah!? Haaaahh!!

Book and Sunou-chanyou really get along well, huh.


Come on, make sure that everyone can see you properly. This is shame. Firmly feel ashamed due to the fact that you failed.

No, aah!!?

Even though Mai, who was similarly nude, was also here, she probably feels that only she, herself, was being made a spectacle of.

My feet brushed against Sunous thighs. Our arms rubbed against each others, and my fingertips teased her chest.

Without sparing anything, Mai and Kokoros eyes were privy to everything that happened.

Dont, dont look! N-Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!

Sunou humiliatingly spread her legs, climaxing in her seated posture.

All the muscles in her body convulsed as she entrusted all of her weight unto me, whom she should detest.


S-Sunou-chan, amazing!

Forgetting to blink, Mai took in the entirety of this foolish spectacle. Her horny body was likely prioritised over her sexual interest.

No, put me down

How about getting off of me by yourself?

You, demon

Although she had just climaxed, Sunou glared at me as though trying to say that she was still not satisfied.

Content with such an expression, I let go of Sunou, discarding her onto the floor.

With her trembling legs, Sunou somehow managed to raise her body.

Say, Kokoro. Shouldnt we review the next subject soon?

thats right, fufuh. In that case, I shall start my preparations.

Somehow becoming happy, Kokoro beamed at me. I didnt think that this plan was something that Kokoro would enjoy, though.

Hey, are you alright?

Alrightyou ask? Even thoughIm no where near alright!

Stepping on her collapsed body with my foot, I called out to Sunou.

Having a fire lit in her characteristically rebellious heart, Sunou stood up. Shes got good mental strength.

Without being discouraged after having received such disgrace, she could only stand up.

Sunou-chwan, Ill lend you my shoulder, mkay?

T-Thank you very much

Mai thoughtfully helped Sunou get up.

Even though they couldnt hold a conversation up until now, shes now become able to express gratitude before I even noticed it. I guess this is thanks to the Suspension Bridge effect, huh.

As expected, Mai coming here really helped out.

Huh? Book?

But the next pla-lesson wont end so prettily.

Ill have the losers become sex experimental subjects.

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