Saimin Regulation

Chapter 29: Houjou Kokoro Ridiculous Production-Arc

Chapter 29: Houjou Kokoro Ridiculous Production-Arc

Once I separated from Kokoro, I returned to my room.

After this, I will have a date with her as promised.

The destination has already been decided, and since Kokoro has already consented, all thats left is to make our preparations.

What should I do?

I was alone, at a loss as to what I should wear.

I have never been on a date.

Aside from my hypnotic abilities, my academic and physical abilities arent that different from other students. Even my judgement skills are still poor.

What should I do at times like these?

What should I wear? No, no wait. My partner is Kokoro.

What was I so lost about?

Whats the point of thinking about this sort of troublesome thing. Whats the point of being lost?

In the first place, Kokoro shouldnt care about whatever I wear.

Wait, but today I promised that wed have a lovers relationship, so I should at least do a minimum amount of arranging my appearance.

No, theres no need. Normal should be fine.

I closed my drawer of western-clothes and opened it once more.

Well, at the very least, so that I wont suffer a loss, it should be fine if I wear something that I like a little bit.

No, no, no.

If I do such a thing, it will likely be noticed by Kokoro.

It was humiliating for me to get strangely fired up like some sort of country bumpkin. Rather, isnt it fine if I just go to the extent of wearing the clothes that I always do?

However, if I just do it to the extent that its not found out-

No, I should give up. Kokoro would definitely notice this.

But if the part thats noticed is the fact that I just arbitrarily did it, then wouldnt my partner think that I dont sufficiently respect them?

Although temporary, this was the story I accepted.

Wait, thats no good.

Yeah, thats right. This is as it should be.

Ah, wait. At the very least

Acting separately from Kokoro, I headed towards the meeting place.

I thought that we should go together since we both left from the apartment, but apparently Kokoro held a certain amount of admiration towards this sort of meeting.

Since shes never had a lover, she probably wants to try things that an average couple might do.

I arrived 30 minutes early at the meeting place, in front of the station.

This was how I show my respect. Although I hear that its fun to wait, being made to wait is bador so is my show of respect. Yes, thats all it is.

Itd be bad if I arrived late, after all.

Its better than stirring up anxiety from thinking that I may have perhaps forgotten about her.

Its just that she arrived earlier than I anticipated.



However, Kokoro had already been waiting for me in front of the station.

Kokoro energetically waved her hand and rushed at me as though she couldnt wait.

This girl, since when has she been waiting? Ive heard that women take a lot of time getting ready, though.

30 minutes early. To think that you would come this early, Im so happy!

Ah, noyou were waiting?

No, I just got here!

Kokoro bombarded me with a smile, as her excitement did not cool down.

Furthermore, the clothes she was wearing was the one whose coordination I liked the most. Even though Ive never once confessed this to her, just how did this girl know about this?

How stupid. Since trains run by this area only every 30 minutes, theres no point even if you came earlier.

Thats right.

While smiling broadly, Kokoro tightly clung to me.

Even I could understand what this girl was thinking. However, I dont like it.

Wait for now.

I see

Kokoro distanced herself from me just a little bit.

After being troubled once about what I should do, I grabbed Kokoros hand as though to snatch it away.


Were waiting.


Sitting down on the stations cold seat, the two of us waited for the train.

Since were ultimately going to end up waiting, there was no need for me to arrive early, huh.


While swaying her dangling legs, Kokoro was acting merrily like a little kid.

Realising only now that there were people in our surroundings, I became extremely embarrassed.

However, telling the current Kokoro to let go would be kinda awkward.

This is bad, I need to distract myself somehow.

This is your first time doing this, right?

Yes, thats right. Mastas you have also seen. My father is rather particular about such matters.

It was because Kokoros father cherished her so much that she became so sheltered. It seems that he would have opposed her living alone if the security wasnt that strict.

Naturally, it was because Kokoro herself was excellent that her wish to live alone was able to pass through. There were also several restrictions such as her having to come home during national holidays.

And so, Kokoros father was about as skilful as Kokoro and was quite sharp about many things.

As he noticed the presence of a man three days after I made Kokoro my slave, I had Kokoro and her mother cooperate to hypnotise him.

Incidentally, the car Kokoro uses to commute to workthe Lancer Evolutionwas also a car from her fathers collection.

Ah, its here. Lets go quickly! The adjacent seats will disappear!

No, its not that crowded, so-

Personally, I dont like trains very much. I dont like the act of waiting in and of itself. I also dislike crowds.

Also, I end up feeling like Im locked in a box that I cant do anything in. For the trains without toilets, one has no choice but to get off when their stomach hurts.

Come, come! Lets go!

Its only this time.

Because Kokoro desired it, I will get on the train this time only.

There was an event that was only held on today, which was a holiday.

That was held at this large display facility, an exhibition centre. Woof-Meow Space-Time. Many facilities related to dogs and cats had been temporarily gathered into this chaotic space.

As it was something that Kokoro and I had in common, it was picked because it seemed that even I would be able to enjoy myself.

Hey, over here.


I held Kokoros hand so that we wouldnt stray away from each other.

Rather than couples, families were more prevalent at this venue. There was an odour peculiar to animals, and if someone wants to have a date here, it is indispensable for them to be selective of their partner.

Kokoro likes dogs, right?

Yes, I kept one at my house in the past

Once they died, you were troubled over whether to keep another one, right? My house was also like that, so there is no second one. Thats why we made do with these facilities.

As Kokoro was being pulled by the hand, she had no idea where I was taking her. Entranced by the puppies passing by, she was took fascination in many different things. There were a lot of fashionable dogs and cats.

Found it.

Finding the right place shown on the map, I confirmed that the room was open.

Dog, two adults.

Um, this isan open petting place?

Lifting her face, her eyes caught the signboard which contained the name of this facility.

Rather than a petting plaza, its more of a private petting room. Its a facility that you can use to play with puppies in a space for about 10 minutes.

Completing a simple procedure at the reception, I entered the designated room.

While still unable to regain her reason, Kokoro was pulled by my hand and entered the room as well.

In that instant, it was just the two of us as her eyes lit up on the spot.

Its a pup-pup!

A puppy.

A few puppies were wagging their tails and waiting inside of the room.

First, the majority of them gathered around Kokoro.

This isthis is!!

Thats right.

Is it ok to do as I please!?

Yeah, thats right.

Kokoro turned her bright eyes towards me as she desperately petted a puppy.

She probably never had an opportunity to touch a dog like this up until now. Kokoros sole drawback was that she didnt know how to take her foot off of the gas pedal.

She couldnt pet a strangers dog or the ones at the pet shop that much either, after all.

Goochie, goochie!

Kokoros innocent smile was directed at the dogs. Although dogs were friendly towards humans, they were being approached by such a person.

I stroked the little, slow-witted dogs with a *tickle*.

You guys came out late, huh.

Although there are times when dogs choose people, they are inherently animals that like to be touched. They were wonderful animals that would even approach someone like me.

Although Kokoro, who was next to me, seemed quite nostalgic, I felt that her condition was a bit too abnormal.

Kyah, wow, amazing!

Come on, Im gonna pet you

Although its sad that she cant meet a dog, it is possible to take her mind off it with this.

However, upon touching them, Ive kinda started to want my own dog no matter what. Its not like these guys have especially taken a liking to me, after all.


Suddenly, Kokoro tapped my shoulders.

Even though there is a surveillance camera in this room, well, if its just calling me Master then there shouldnt be any problems.

Thinking this, I turned around and-


Kokoro curled her hands and barked. Perhaps feeling embarrassed for doing it by herself, Kokoros cheeks were flushed.

Erm, curling your hands is the gesture of a cat.

UmMaster seemed a little lonely, so

I also have dogs here, so-

Showing something like compassion towards me is the same as insulting me.

I sourly turned away.

In doing so, Kokoro jumped onto my back.

Lets play together with me! woof!

No thanks. This is a place to have skin ship with dogs, after all.

I got a little jealous from seeing Master playing with other dogs.

Since Kokoro has moments where shes unexpectedly honest, there are times when I get surprised.

Upon looking back, Kokoro was smiling while lying on her back. The dogs were crowed around her, wondering what was happening.

Obedience-To-Master Pose!

Wait, arent we lovers today?

Please pet me. Lets also have skin ship with me!

Kokoro lied down on her back, as the dogs who were wagging their tails gathered around her. If I had to give my impression of this scene, then it was almost close to heaven.

The dog-like Kokoros body was twisting and fidgeting. If she had a tail, it might be shaking right now.

Hang on, were always touching each other, right?


I reluctantly tickled Kokoros neck.

Kokoro raised her chin as her expression collapsed, seemingly in pleasure. Even though theres nothing going on, the dogs drew closer.

While surrounded by dogs, I flirted with Kokoro as though we were an idiotic couple.

Since I couldnt say anything in this space, I might end up raising a strange laugh.

I really am in bliss

I seeIam-

Since my mouth inadvertently seemed as though it would slip, I hurriedly closed my mouth.

Seeing me like this, Kokoro happily laughed as though she had got me.

I wouldnt be a match for her without my hypnosis, huh.

Without overstaying our visit, we left the venue and headed towards our planned lodging.

The hotel I reserved was an expensive place in its own way, having chosen a high-class room with a beautiful night view. The source of the money I used to pay the fee is a secret.

As it was still evening, it was the time frame where the sun may or may not fall. Its still early for checking in.

However, thats fine.

Kokoro, properly follow me.

YesI willproperly, follow.

While staggering and with glazed eyes, Kokoro powerlessly followed after me.

I used the hypnotic key words, and had Kokoro fall into a hypnotic state.

Today isnt over yet. The lover agreement is still on-going.

Thats why I endeavoured to act as Kokoros ideal lover for the first half.

What we were to do next is to have her do things that my lover would do.

Ok, you and I are in a stylish caf together. There now, gradually this interior will become a place with a gorgeous, and incredibly wonderful atmosphere.

become a wonderfulplace-

We will have a hypnosis date inside of the hotel room.

It was a hypnosis to make only the consciousness mistake the surroundings as a different place. Even in mental therapy they make you imagine your favourite place so its not a particularly rare method.

10, ok!


You can open your eyes now.

I used suggestions to bring her up until here with her eyes closed.

Having opened her eyes, Kokoro covered her mouth as her eyes grew moist. Shes probably impressed by seeing the wonderful place that she, herself, was imagining.

In the face of such a fake reaction, a vulgar smile surfaced upon my face as I sat on the desk.

How is it?

I-I can not put it into wordsMasterthis is

What Kokoro was looking at was the view from the apartment. Since night hasnt come yet, you could clearly see the buildings all lined up.

It seems that you can see a considerably beautiful view at night.

However, due to the fact that she falsely recognised this average scenery as such, I felt a sense of conquest.

I took out a bottle from the hotels fridge and poured the contents into the glass.



I did not prepare a glass for Kokoros portion.

Kokoro, suck my penis. After that, drink the liquid that comes out. Dont bite.

Yes, I shall.

Instead, Kokoro removed my trousers and began to suck my penis.

The hypnosis was to return her back into an inexperienced innocent, setting it so that she would accept sexual acts as being the norm.

Thats right, nnghMaster, is something wrong?


Really, this way is more in line with my nature.

Because liquid wouldnt come out quite that easily, Kokoro began to lick my penis as though she was melting ice cream. As she wasnt recognising it as a penis, it isnt as good as usual, but this ways arousing to me.

Drink it.

Ngh, nbbbbggghh!!!

For the time being, I will have Kokoro drink my mess.

Like this, I will trample on her ideals behind the scenes.

This woman probably knows about this, but somehow just accepts it. In that case, Ill play without caring about it until the end.

Despite feeling discomfort, Kokoro desperately endeavoured to drink it all up.

I was immersed in the feeling of release while holding down Kokoros head.


Yeah, whats wrong?

Turning Kokoro around, I had her place her hands against the wall that was the window. Since its a high-rise hotel, we wont be seen by people, but it was also nice to do it while looking at an unknown landscape.

I, from here after, would like to stay by Masters side.


Violently pulling off the skirt, I lowered her panties. Rather than undressing them both, it was done with the feeling of forcibly rumpling her clothes in order to rape her.

No, thats not what I meantfor my whole life, with Master-

For the rest of your life? What are you saying?

M-My apolog-

Follow me even if you die. If I die, then properly follow after me.


Taking out my penis, I entered Kokoros vagina from behind.

Like usual, Kokoro wasnt properly moving. However, contrarily speaking, that made it clear that I was forcibly ravaging her.

IighI, even if I die-! With Master-!

In both her consciousness on the surface and her unconsciousness, Kokoro would move for my sake.

So that her body would remember the shape of my penis, the interior of her vaginas undulations that were akin to billowing brush tips tried to squeeze out my sperm.

Its likely that I can only get this much sense of conquestthis dominance of pushing people aside from Kokoro alone.

Until just a little while ago, we were strangers. She was an excellent counsellor, a beauty who I shouldnt have been able to reach.

Even though she was such an unattainable flower, hypnosis presented her to me.

Aaah, hyaaaaaaaahhh!! Kyaah, haaaaaaah!!

While swinging my hips, I looked at Kokoro who was beginning to enjoy herself like an animal. Without being self-aware that this was sex, limitless pleasure deprived Kokoro of her sanity.

No matter how intelligent a person may be, it is possible for them to fall this low. I wonder just where, exactly, do the limits of hypnosis lie?

Strongly holding down Kokoros hips so that we absolutely wouldnt separate, I began to ejaculate after continued to stick to her as though to spread out the depths of her vagina.

Kyaahah, aaaaaaaaaaaah, agggggggggggggggggghhhhh!!

Kokoros body convulsed as both of her legs trembled like a fawn.

I firmly held down Kokoro, who seemed like she was about to collapse, and sent my semen deep inside.

And then, after I finished cumming inside her without missing a single drop, I let go of my hands as though throwing her away.

Aahhaah, haaah

Kokoro is unable to recognise the meaning of this lust. She just desperately tried to suppress the burning by correcting her breath.

The night scenery isreally beautiful, isnt itnngh!

Yeah, thats right.

The sun had already set, and the landscape was full of artificial lights.

Unable to correct her dishevelled attire, Kokoro shook her waist as semen dripped from the base of her thighs.

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