Saimin Regulation

Chapter 46: Touhou Sunou Hostility Stagnation-Arc

Chapter 46: Touhou Sunou Hostility Stagnation-Arc

Without anything in particular to do after eating, both Sunou and I floated around the living room.

As according to my warning, Kokoro continued to sleep in her room.

Although it was a good thing that I decided to take a break from school, this is about the time when I have nothing to do.

I dont think its something that I unnecessarily felt because I suddenly had free time on my hands.

Say, can I turn on the TV?

Hm, yeah, I dont mind.

I dont think Sunou is as free as I think she is. Shes used to not going to school, after all.

She placed the bags that she prepared on the desk with a *thud*. She probably prepared them for today, but I wonder whats inside?

Busy, busy-

Walking with a *pitter-patter*, Sunou sat on the gorgeous, but slightly narrow sofa.

The TV in the house had 57 inches, and was something that Kokoro bought on her own volition along with the sofa when she knew I was going to live with her.

Im not the type who normally watches TV so I dont really use this TV that much, but sometimes when I watch stuff Ive recorded, Kokoro would be by my side like a dog which was annoying. Also, buy a sofa thats a bit bigger.

Im pretty surehere it is. Its filled more than half of the disk space, this.

Thats because the digestion rate is bad.

Sunou operated the TV without stopping at anything in particular. It feels as though shes used to using it.

Rather, upon looking, there were occasionally some programs that have been watched, huh. I dont remember seeing them, and they dont look like things that Kokoro would watch either.

You sometimes lie to your houses old man and the rest, dont you? Saying things like youre going to school and such.

Sunou silently continued to operate the TV. Since she got a little sulky, I probably hit the bulls-eye.

So since we gave her the key, she used this house as a means to kill time while Kokoro and I werent here, huh?

I dont care what Sunou does, but since it didnt sit right with me, I held both of her sides and lifted her up.

Kyah, ah!! What are you doing!?

There we gooo! Up, up!

Sunou is lighter than she looks. When I shook her from side to side, her frilly Gothic clothes swayed adorably.

Put me down!


Put me down!!

I thought she would act violently, but if I had to say, she was curling herself up like a cat who couldnt get down from a tree.

Like this, I sat myself down on the sofa and put Sunou down on top of me.

Im also gonna watch TV.

Whats with this?

Because its narrow.

Sunou turned away unhappily, but did not pursue the matter any further. She was probably striving not to care about it.

As slaves will become happy when they are together and touching their Master, shed be able to obtain a little bliss so long as she was obedient. Even so, this girl is really troublesome.

What are you gonna watch?

Among the ones that Ive watched, I recommend the overseas drama, Agent of S


What Sunou chose was an anime.

Is from a genre that I dont know about, huh. I can tell that cute girls will show up in it. At the outset, a pop song flowed forth.

Whats this?

Dont you know? Its the one that they broadcast every evening. Even though I sometimes watch it over here-

No idea. Why are they holding cards here?

Its a costume.

Sunou was somehow exalted. Because she was on my lap, I could tell that she was cheerfully following the rhythm.

Rather, you watch it every week, right?

Its just a rerun, today theyre playing the latest episode.

The program that started after the fast forward commercial was a story that had the girls, who were singing just a while ago, struggling against various problems.

I dont really understand it since I havent seen it from the beginning, but I could tell that the girls were doing their best.

!!? Demon, youre the worst!!

Even though I didnt say anything, Sunou got angry.

Its probably because I got an erection. Since Sunou was sitting on my lap, it appeared that she was sensitive to that area.

The appearance of them working so hard made me want to fuck them.

That sort of thinking is so warped!! I cant just obediently support that!! Are the insides of your brain filled with potato, Demon!?

Although I had difficulty doing so, I took off my pants and trunks, and put my erect penis inside of Sunous panty-less skirt.

The sensation of Sunous soft thighs sandwiched my penis.

Kuha day will come when the pure, struggling angels will make you repent. You are defiling the dreams of children!

Having her do it with her bare thighs underneath her skirt isnt that bad. Sunou profusely rubbed her thighs, perhaps because her slave mentality was at work.

The fact that one could not tell what was happening in that place, as it could barely be seen due to her long skirt, was quite fresh.

hey, get that. Together with the box.

Hm, oh, this?

While purposefully shaking my waist, I grabbed her bags.

Sunou probably asked that because she didnt like rubbing my member on her own. Her pride is weird.

Of course, I checked the contents of what I held without obtaining permission.

This is a needle? Thread, anda costume, huh?

Thats right, since the Demon is always, always, always, always messing it up, I have to restore it with the recovery magic in my fingertips.

Who did you learn it from?

Auntie Fuyu.

Auntie Fuyu is a lady called Touhou Fuyu who lives in Sunous house. I heard that she, with her cousin, are a happy couple who, for better or for worse, were not blessed with children, and so cherished Sunou.

Although I heard that Sunou couldnt get along with them that well because she felt pity for her, it would appear that they have become friendly enough that she was taught how to sew.

This just means that Sunou is also growing in places that I dont know of.


Why are you getting bigger!? Hyah

No, I was watching the anime.

While protesting, Sunou bashfully rubbed her thighs. She was trying to appear natural, but it was blatantly obvious.

She probably doesnt want to admit that, because I made her a slave, the fact that just by being together and coming into contact with me is her happiness, even if its vexing.

Hey now, those hand movements are shaky.

Whose fault do you think it is?

Since you have money, all you have to do is buy a new one, right?

This is order-made. I cant just treat these as disposable. Thats why dont soil these so much, Demon. Im being serious.

Oh, somehow theyve started a live show, huh? Theyve transformed like a rider.

Theyve changed clothes.

While repairing her Gothic clothes, Sunou followed the rhythm that flowed from the TV. Since it was like she was moving up and down, the stimulus was transmitted to my penis along with the fun atmosphere.

Its kinda faint, huh?

The Demon just has to do this, huh?

Although gradual, Sunou has grown. Perhaps I should say that she has adapted?

Even when I touched her chest, other than her cheeks blushing, Sunou didnt kick up a fuss.

Do you want to play this animes game?

just a bit.

Sunou cleared her throat with an *ahem*, but this was the behaviour she showed when she wanted to boast about something. She seemed to be showing something while glancing at the bag.

Shes being overly familiar. Shes being way to overly familiar.

Since this girl originally held antagonism towards me, I have developed her mentality up until this point. Even though this should have been the case, I feel like the crucial hatred she held towards me has become smaller.

As expected, even though Ive raped her that much, I knew that shed become accustomed to it after repeating it countless times. As there still wasnt any remarkable loss, such a thing would only be spurred on.

But, in that case, it wont be interesting.

Besides, the source of Sunous withdrawal syndrome has yet to be resolved.

For the time being, due to my promise with Kokoro, I have the goal of having her learn enough sociability so that she can normally fit in at school. I havent forgotten.

Heeh, so you have a save file, huh?

Of course.

I opened the file, and appropriately viewed an excessively large amount of cards.

Although pictures of adorable costumes were drawn on them, the name Laplace was properly next to them, probably so that they were not used by others.

There are too many files inside your bag.

I also play other games. Even if its not card collection, there are lots of media that has name registration nowadays.

I took another messed up file with the name of a different game. This is probably an account card.

They were almost all filled out with the the title Laplace, huh? Hasnt she gotten too attached to this nicknameoh.

Unusually, I discovered a game account that was registered under a name other than Laplace.

The name was simply written as Yuki.

I know this name.

Yuki. That was the name of Sunous dead brother. I knew that, when Sunou was even younger than she is now, he gout wrapped up in an incident and ended up dying. It was the event that led to the discord with her parents, and the cause of her withdrawal.

In the end, she adored him. If she wanted to forget him, then his name wouldnt be in this game. Rather, because her dead brothers name is in the game, then they should have been quite close with each other.

Because they were on good terms, she would probably feel an even bigger shock at his death.

I seethats right. I guess I should do that, huh.

Demon? Aaah!!?

Along with the feeling of release that came from relieving my own turn-on, my penis that was squeezed between Sunous bare thighs ejaculated.

From inside of her skirt, Sunou received a moist sensation with a *splurt* as she raised a shrill cry.

What are you doing!? I just swallowed it earlier, you know!? Isnt there no point to it if you make it dirty again!?

Ive got nothing to do with it. I tried to cover your clothes, yes, but you swallowed it of your own free will, right?

Having a strong influence on people isnt about good or bad sentiments, but the difference between them.

While slightly chuckling to myself at this new idea, I continued to gaze at the panicking Sunou.

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