Savage Queen's Secret

Chapter 100 - Excruciating!

"She left and we are still here!" Wang Shiwei said with a light voice.

On the roof of the resort building, he and Daoming in a disguise was eavesdropping at Caixia conversation with the others. They were sitting to the nearest place from where they can access the sound of Caixia and others using some sort of device.

Daoming gave a bright smile, his hair swayed back on the roof through which the cold breeze had access to pass and he shivered grabbing his both arms.

Contrasting to Caixia, Wang Shiwei was wearing a totally white outfit and a white mask while Daoming was following his shoes.

His unique butterfly mask covered his face beautifully and he brushed his hair with a soft smile, "Lets go, I need to be there to welcome my wife in the house".

Daoming nodded, "But boss, why does even Ms. Queen students couldn't able to recognize that Caixia is a fake one when she toyed with them while telling a lie?".

A silence left Wang Shiwei parted lips as he, for some reason refrained from saying anything. And they finally left.

Wang mansion:

Caixia tiptoed inside the room after sneaking a peek inside.

Wang Shiwei was sleeping on the bed, his body was turned in an opposite direction from the door and so, Caixia couldn't see his sleeping face but assumed that his sleepiness must be the reason of the silence.

No wait! How can he easily fall asleep when I didn't come back even after midnight. Before, he even rampaged Jully house to get me back, but now he is sleeping tightly, that's suspicious!

Caixia bit her lower lips while nodding in her self for her reasonable thoughts and slowly without making any noise, she went to the side where he was facing in his sleep.

They both had already changed their guise and were back to normal. After reaching to his side, her eyebrows together with lips twitched and she become more perplexed.

Fingers caressing her chin, she stared him in his sleep while standing beside the bed, her arms crossed.

Momentarily she felt lost in his innocent looking face and muttered, "How can someone be this handsome. It's a sin!".

She was in awe, envying his charming sculpture like face that looked like it was carved out from a painting.

At first she nodded and then shook her head while staring at him and dazing off in her various thoughts. She almost forgot what was suspicious until she flinched back while being startled of his eyes that suddenly opened without any warning.

They both remained silent for a moment. Shiwei was still on the bed and only his narrow lids were staring her without much of a movement, while Caixia was standing after being startled.

"Are you done?" his mellow voice sounded pleasant but the question awaked her.

Somehow Caixia could feel his narrow lids frowning while staring her even though his voice sounded gentle.

She finally left the statue position and chuckled awkwardly, "What do you mean" her gaze averted.

"I am asking whether you are done with envying my handsomeness!" he replied bluntly or more like his natural narcissism.

Caixia nodded with an annoying gaze and before she could reflect his move, she got pulled by him on bed and together they rolled once and finally she was under Wang Shiwei.

She sweated out of nervousness and to think she was still unable to get familiarize with him and his seductiveness after the time she have spend with him, it was quite shameful and heart throbbing.

He grinned and put his ear on her chest, "It's beating quite fast. Seems like you are in love with me".

Totally red, she might turn into a red pig rather then pink if he continues seducing and embarrassing her with his teasing words.

"Who is in love with whom! Don't dream with open eyes and go to sleep," she shouted while blushing and pushed him aside.

Heaving while she was laid on the bed, she stared the ceiling without glancing at him.

"So, where were you all this time?" finally he asked her the question which felt monstrous to Caixia's ears and she gulped.

Let's play dead! Let's play dead so that I won't have to answer him. Her eyes suddenly shut and she pretended to be dead while letting her strength leave her body.

She could feel even with her eyes closed that he was moving in front of her due to the moving light.

"Ah, did she fall asleep," he rhythmically said those words while mocking her and lying above her, "maybe, she is sick. Should I perform CPR?". He said those words loud and clear while having a big smile on his face and toying with a lock of her hair.

It was as if the rabbit was lying silently in his trap and asking him to eat it. Even though she did pretended to be dead, she was not able to control her every tiny movement and she swallowed as he bit her neck.

I must stay still or he will take it further!

Finally he opened her mouth a little with his hands so as to perform CPR but since she didn't moved, it turned into a French kiss.

Her body was already in tremor while breath have increased, only her eyes and mouth was shut but her cheeks was blushing deep red.

He giggled and caressed while tugging her hair lock back to her ear, "So, should we start?".

Caixia panicked hearing him and could no longer was able to control her anxiety, she might open her squeezed shut eyes anytime and she finally opened it as his hand reached her thighs.

I only have one last option to prevent this embarrassing situation or my heart might get a attack if I once again got to see his naked self.

"Wang Shiwei! I haven't forgiven you yet, so go away and sleep still," she said but he only gave her a poker face.

"I only did a little trick to let others know that you are mine but what about you? You came back after 1 am, yet I didn't questioned you as your husband. Caixia, it's wrong of you," while saying these words, he changed his poker face into an innocent face as if his wife was bullying him.

Caixia felt a little guilty while pressurized by his acting and let out a sigh, "You see, I am in my periods so we can't have..".

Her cheeks blushed as she said a lie out of her bright teeth. Wang Shiwei tilted his head and looked down near her abdomen and then at her averted gaze.

She looked quite cute with her childish act which was getting hard for her to pull.

"It must be hurting, let me check it," he said while mocking her since even he knew that she was lying.

Caixia face flushed and she agitated, getting away from him, she become hyper active after feeling the utter shame as she heard his embarrassing word, "How shameful of you, you perverted husband! If you don't sleep now, I will gouge out your eyes that wished to see me just now".

He laughed loudly and pulled her back to himself. Cuddling her up like a teddy bear, he gave her a kiss on her forehead and slept next to her.

Her heart was in turmoil since she was having a hard time understanding these agitated feeling.

Sleep Caixia and everything will end.

Next morning, Caixia wake up, this time she didn't moved, too, much in her sleeping position, since Wang Shiwei was cuddling and holding her tightly all night. But she has a haggard look on her face as her face looked pale as a white sheet.

Lying is a bad thing, and I finally understood it after having a great experience like this. She looked under the quilt near her butt and the bedsheets have stained red.

She sighed painfully and shook her head in distress. Wang Shiwei yawned after waking up due to her movements struggling to get down of the bed, "What happened?" he asked as he stretched his arms and looked at her.

He looked like a fresh morning dew while Caixia was like a withered flower.

She shook her head since the pain was killing her and that reminded her that this was her first period even though she has been inside the body for more then one and half month.

She almost crawled toward the washroom and now once again it was the first time she felt this much pain on her period.

"She is quite weak and vulnerable!" Caixia muttered forgetting that Wang Shiwei was also inside the bed room.

While she was crawling on the ground to reach the washroom, he was shocked and quite scared to see her being so weak and frail as if she might end up breaking anytime.

He quickly got up with a nervous face and carried her in his arms but Caixia had no energy left to even open her eyes and finally she fainted as her hand become strength less and fall in the air.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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