Savage Queen's Secret

Chapter 67 - Arriving At The Black Market

Aghh! How did I ended up like this! My injuries are yet to be healed and here I ended up in another trouble after setting foot inside this hotel.

She looked at the one who was embracing her tightly from front. He looked no older then a 12 year boy, but what was he doing there?

Wearing a black scarf which barely covered his face as he ran and a blue trouser with a T-shirt that looked akin to a commoner dress but if judged by its quality, it was surely to be no lesser in price then a custom made.

His curly light brown hair with a slight bit ash color mixed in it. Big eyes as beautiful as those of girls and a thin lower lip. He looked up while being all teary and parted his lips slightly. His lips nonevent made Caixia wander about his voice.

Umm… maybe a sweet and low pitch one.. But he actually had a high pitch child's voice which boasted Caixia ear and she winced.

Her lips twisted and eyebrows furrowed.

"Sister!! Help me!" shouted the child while tugging Caixia black denim coat.

He nuzzled his face on her coat so as to wipe his tears away and again looked at Caixia cutely. His cuteness didn't worked as he wished for and Caixia frowned while showing her dismay.

"Hey child, you should better continue to run rather then asking for my help. I am but a weak woman who is here to take a walk," Caixia muttered to him while showing her disinterest in him.

He stared her as cutely as possible and lowered his eyelids after nothing happened. Caixia glanced at the ground which was getting wet by his tears and sighed.

Ughh! This cute child, he really don't want to run again!

Her ears perked up as she heard some footsteps from behind and become attentive. Eyes sharp and looking back by sideways..

she turned back while hiding the child behind even though she didn't wanted to. A fat man facing her who was leaning forward while supporting his body by putting his hand on his knees. He panted and outstretched his left arm after wiping his sweats off from his forehead.

Behind him were three men who looked quite healthy and were standing manly while folding their arms.

"G-Give it.. back.. pant. pant" the fat man with golden hair which looked more like a wig, said.

Caixia properly examined them before making a move. The one in the front with a huge belly looks like the owner while the other four looks like his guard in different colors of clothes but similar design.

It must be their boss fetish to make others wear different color and he himself is wearing a shirt which is mostly seen in Hawaii with all the colors painted in one.

Since the fat man is chasing this child himself then there must be something important with this child.

The child hid more obscurely behind Caixia as he heard the fat man asking for something to give back.

Caixia glanced back at the child who looked at her with a sad expression, "I don't really have anything to do with this, so return back if you have stolen something or taken without permission".

The boy agitatedly shouted, "No! It belongs to my mother! They are the one who bought it from a thief, so they are the thief".

Since it was the black market, valuable things often got sold there after being stolen and it was something usual for there.

I knew it, I just can't escape from this trouble after being reborn, so let's just get it solved as smoothly as possible and further more I just can't make my heart to leave this child here alone.

"Tell me the price for the thing this kid have taken, I will pay you in whole," she said aloofly.

The fat man stood properly after panting to his heart content and frowned, "Buy? Humph! That thing is not for selling purpose".

"Then are you going to use it? But he said that it belongs to his mother but you are a male… well I guess it can't be helped since you are attracted to female stuffs," Caixia mocked him as her words indirectly meant that he is gay who likes female things.

He gritted his teeth and raised his hand above to signal his men, "Go and get them! Make sure that they won't escape".

Caixia outstretched her palm so as to stop them.

"Look, as said I have nothing to do with this," Caixia made herself clear just in case they think that they both are acquaintance.

They ignored her and stepped forward. The kid panicked and looked behind, his eyes big and hands that carried the precious items, trembling.

Caixia smirked as they approached them with hostility and said, "Since it have come to this, I guess that you won't mind getting kicked a little".

The kid who thought of her as a frail sister felt surprised as he saw her purple eyes shining as if thousand stars are blinking inside. He gasped and moved a little back as Caixia asked him to and stood silently since the fat man people were surrounding them.

"Go and bring this bitch and that child to me, they will do the work for this week," fatty said.

The fact that Caixia was thinking of going easy on them soon faded from her mind and she twisted her neck and fingers as if getting readied to fight them.

"You are thinking of selling me? You must be dreaming! Now, come here and let me teach you what it means to sell because from now on, you will forget about how to even think about doing business," she chuckled as she said.

The fat man grinned and signaled all his man to attack her since he wanted to end it as quickly as possible.

Yeah, and I want to end it quickly, too!

His three bodyguards attacked Caixia together from different directions. Elegantly she hoped up and let them bump into each other and while back flipping she landed safely on the ground.

They looked at her as if staring at some dirt particles and ran toward her with their fist ready to punch her. All she did was to dodge and they got tired by attacking themselves.

They sat down after the 15 minute exercise of catching Caixia whose frail and thin body looked as if it could fly at any moment.

Being enraged by his bodyguard failure, the fat man saw the chance and took his knife out and put it near the boy neck while capturing him from behind while ordering his bodyguards to take out their gun and directly shoot Caixia.

Being pointed by three guns from three sides, Caixia smirked rather then panicking which made other flinch back and they looked at each other since the vibe they were getting from her overall aura was somehow, too, powerful.

They looked at their boss as if saying to stop and run back when there is still some time left but the boss frowned and glared at them.

"The one to shoot her first will get the chance to participate in the upcoming competition held to select the chief of the assassinate group," said the fat man.

He tightened his grip on the knife as Caixia stepped toward him. The kid who was frightened, panicked more, his eyebrows lowered and mouth open wide. His eyes looking at Caixia and he gulped as he felt that the knife was coming closer to his neck.

His body guard looked at each other, their eyes greedily stopped at Caixia as only one thought came in their mind and that was to shoot Caixia by any means.

 Caixia was held back as she saw the child life in danger and she looked down as she bit her lips.

Well, it's not like I didn't knew that they would need to elect a new chief for the group but why are they inviting outsiders to participate rather then selecting from inside? What are they thinking of doing?

She jumped back as she heard the fast sound of bullet approaching her from her right side. While in air as she jumped back, she flipped back and glanced right.

Her long hair fluttered and gave her a fiery look. She looked like a sun backed up by the dark sky as her purple hair dazzled and scared others.

She gave them a glare, an intimidating one and took out her gun from near her left shoe and shot them one by one. The gun dropped together with their jaws as they realized that the person they were messing up was, too, freighting for them.

No one was injured since, Caixia only shot at their guns and not at them and that was enough for all his three bodyguards to kneel down and bow to beg for their life.

The fat boss hands started to tremble as he was left in daze.

The kid helped his jaw up while looking up at him and walked out of his grip as the knife already fall down.

"It would be good if you kneel down, too!" the child said.

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