Savage Queen's Secret

Chapter 95 - Caixia Disciples! (Part - 2)

Caixia nodded proudly while looking at his robotic eyes that can differentiate between her and her previous self.

She clapped for him, "Very well, you can perfectly differentiate between fake and real, I am amused by this".

The other three of them stared her while frowning since their hope was broken and now rather then warmly looking at Caixia, they were giving her a hostile stare.

The nasty stare pushed toward Caixia was because they thought that she was trying to copy her master like others even though she was wearing and disguising a little different today.

"Y-you are not our master so who are you and why are you disguising as our master" asked the youngest one hesitantly, his brows narrowed.

Caixia eyebrows twitched with exasperation since she never tried to copy someone else, rather she worked hard to make sure that she doesn't look alike the Queen, "As if! I am shouting out loud from the moment we met, that I am not her but you keep blaming me for everything".

The youngest disciple brows creased more as he scowled and glared at her but then the one cosplaying as Aladdin patted on his shoulder to calm him down.

He slapped his hand away which revealed that he was the disciple who has the most temper among the four of them.

"Kade! She is right? We are in wrong here," the Aladdin cosplayer said and grinned looking at Caixia, "but since she isn't the one we are searching for, how about we get rid of her, after all we are assassins and it's our work to kill whoever we want".

His evilness hidden behind his grin was now showing up and Caixia almost felt like puking blood from her mouth.

This rascals, how dare they think of killing me! Was my teaching not good enough for them to turn into a nice piece?

She let a sigh out gave them a murderous stare, "Hah! Your attitude and tone changes more quickly then your expressions but let me tell you, whether I am your master or not, you will never be able to defeat me".

Yeah maybe! Caixia gulped after thinking those words since no matter how much she exercised daily, it was hard to reach her previous level within a week.

They took her word as a challenge and burned with passion to have a fight with Caixia until they saw little Lilian peeking at them while hiding behind Caixia.

A few days ago, he was still a cheerful child but seeing how he hid before Caixia, it seems that he have become mentally disturbed after what happened to him. Not only him but also the other kids were looking down while biting their lips since they felt scared in the presence of the strangers who wanted to kill their benefactor.

"Hmm.. where have I seen this child? I feel familiar looking at him". Kade (the youngest disciple) tried to remember him while staring at the child keenly.

"He is the son of chairman Lee, but what is he doing here?" said the robotic guy, An.

The Aladdin cosplayer guy, squatted after walking closer to Lilian, "Hello, you can call me Nave. I am your uncle friend".

Caixia eyebrows twitched after finding out that they all knew his uncle but more then that, she was curious about something else and that was their funky disguise in which they were looking nothing more then a fool.

Lilian hid behind Caixia leg as Nave tried to approach him but hearing that he was one of his uncle friend he let his guard down a little, "So, where is my uncle now?".

Nave looked back at others and tilted his head, "He told us that he will visit here with us but it seems that he become busy in some urgent work. But, how did you ended up here? Were you kidnapped, too".

Lilian nodded and become less guarded against Nave since he was polite toward Lilian.

Caixia was dumbfounded after seeing his different attitude toward different people and glanced at Rai, who was cosplaying as a Samurai.

She took a deep breath and said while looking at Rai, "Call his uncle, he must be busy searching for him".

At the same time, she glanced at Jully who was standing beside her. Her eyes seriously looking at her as if signaling her something secret.

Another footsteps from the front of the corridor pulled their attention. It was non other then Mr. Lee who was stepping forward with a tensed look and eyes looking everywhere in search of something.

He stopped as his eyes met An and the other three people of the top assassin group and he rushed forward in more speed.

Behind him, the whole corridor which was already filled with sleeping man of Mafia, was now getting more filled with Mr. Lee men, who were guarding him.

"Brother Yuan, you are finally here. I was just about to call you since we found your precious thing here," Kade said with a chuckle and stood up while turning toward him.

Mr. Lee was panting and looked tired and tensed at the same time. His eyebrows were furrowed and lips were dry as if he was scared of something.

He gulped hearing the word 'Precious thing' and prayed that the one he was describing as precious must have to be Lilian.

Lilian ran toward him and hugged him near his abdomen since he could only reach up to there. Mr. Lee was so stressed but he become more worried after seeing the child, who was once a naughty kid have become silent.

Even his fast breath was hearable and eyes that showed a great sign of fear. Mr. Lee remembered that once his eyes always used to smile and lips only used to pout and giggle rather then staying still without making any noise.

Such a big change, how can he let it be, but the main culprit was not the Mafia, neither his step mother but his father who doesn't gave him any of his time and always kept himself busy.

Even when Lilian was found nowhere, he put some of his men to search for him and went back to company to do work.

Lilian buried his face deep in his uncle shirt while holding his breath to find out whether he was seeing a dream or everything was a reality.

Mr. Lee kneeled down while grabbing his arms from both side and looking at his face. The moment he stared at his face with his affectionate gaze, Lilian tears started flowing with the surge of his emotions.

The four disciple or more like four idiots were sobbing while looking at their sad reunion.

Caixia could understand that the child was scared but something become more important once she returned Lilian to his uncle.

She grabbed Jully hand and whispered near her ear, "Take both the Mafia bosses away sneakily before someone become a hurdle in our path and make sure to be safe since the real deal would try to kill them before they can open their mouth".

She patted on Jully left shoulder with a sense of responsibility since it could be dangerous for Jully to take them alone.

Jully nodded and glanced at James who was already awake. While Sen was just a local man who luckily ended up becoming a Mafia, James have a big history behind. Neither Caixia nor Jully can afford James death right now since he can unfolds many mysteries behind the illegal market plus Wu Aili's death.

Jully took a deep breath and took two men of Fatty who would be coming with her to keep an eye on James and Sen.

She nodded while looking at Caixia which was a goodbye to her and turned back while giving orders to those men.

Suddenly Kade blocked her path with his arms spread fully, "Where do you think you are going?".

"From where I came," Jully answered bluntly while folding her arms and staring at him with a frown.

Caixia clicked her tongue while making a distraught face out of stress build around her.

She shook her head while keeping her palm near her forehead, "What does it has to do with you? Where we are going or running is our business, none of yours".

Kade chuckled and rolled his eyes, "You are not my master, I won't hear to you and where you go is none of my damn business but you can't take this two away. Leave without them and we will spare you and your people".

A threat thrown upon the Queen! He must be kidding her. Caixia laughed mockingly and in a second changed her expression to fierce one, glaring them like a predator.

"Ahh!" Kade shuddered as he felt goosebumps crawling under his skin.

Caixia felt peculiar looking at his weird expression which was more like shied back rather then stepping back due to scare.

"It's been a few months since I felt this similar scary yet satisfying vibe.. It really is satisfying," Kade's body waved like a paper as he dozed off in his pleasure.

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