Saving The Abandoned Empress

Chapter 88

88 Chapter 88 ~ “Annulment”

The girl disappeared instantly from Eleanora’s view but it made her tremble in fear.

‘I was right... even if he loves me, even if i try hard to change the past... i can’t stop her from appearing and take away my everything...’

At that moment, the music stopped and a thundering applause was heard.

But Eleanora couldn’t take a step forward from the spot and kept looking down.

Cathain, who was staring at her, also did not intend to move.

Eleanora’s mouth was becoming dry. People’s whispering was getting farther away.

Cathain took his eyes off of Eleanora after a long time and let go of her hand as he smiled casually like nothing had happened.

“Thank you for dancing with me first at my coming-of-age ceremony.”

“It was an honor for me...”


Eleanora replied, barely calming down her trembling body but Cathain suddenly reached out to grab her wrist without any politeness.

Almost dragged by him, Eleanora was headed to the platform where the emperor was seated.

After bowing to the emperor, Eleanora was about to go to the second floor when Cathain stopped her agaon and walked to the platform.

‘What the heck is he doing?’

Although she looked up at him in surprise, they was already on the podium.

Only then did Cathain look back at Eleanora and gestured at her to sit down.

There were two chairs placed side by side just below the emperor’s.

Eleanora’s heart sank and she looked around hesitantly, but suddenly he put his hand on her shoulder and pressed it hard.

When she came to her senses, she was already sitting next to Cathain.

Eleanora grew more and more nervous as she thought about Jennifer’s appearance.

The messengers from each country lined up to offer him gifts and congratulations, and Eleanora just watched the emperor expressing gratitude to them silently.

Even Dominic was here but she didn’t saw Liana beside him. Where was she?

Eleanora felt confused with mixed feelings of fear and tension.


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

When Eleanora responded in surprise to his sudden call, Cathain frowned.

‘Do you have to be so surprise when Cathain calls you by your nickname? You was always so relaxed and happy with Ain...’

Cathain put his lips to her ears and spoke as if he was whispering to his lover.

“Are you nervous because you have to answer my father today... about our marriage?”

“How come you....?”

“Did you think I didn’t knew it?”


“Although there is little possibility, you have the right to succeed the throne, and that you can’t give it up because it was given by God’s prophecy.

For the emperor and some nobles, your right is like a thorn... so they want to tie you down with me in case you become a threat one day.”

Hearing his words, Eleanora kept silent for a moment and then finally spoke.

“What are you going to do to me, Your Highness?”

If Cathain wanted to have a different woman, he could take her as the next empress, but the imperial family would not let Eleanora go as long as she had the God-given right to the throne.

If that’s the case, Eleanora thought she had better draw as little of his attention as possible until she found the way to deal with her succession right.

Eleanora have been struggling to find a way to get rid of her entanglement with the imperial family and free her from the fetters of the past for the past few years, but time was running out.

‘Will i die and our duchy collapse again?’

Eleanora was freaking out.

After she knew Cathain was Ain and attended his coming-of-age ceremony, she thought she wouldn’t care whatever happened to her.

But when she was faced with the situation now, specially Jennifer’s appearance, she was scared.

No matter how hard Eleanora tried to escape, she felt like she was devoured by the deep swamp that she could never escape.

But then Cathain’s voice draw her attention again.

“If you ask the Crown Prince, he should take you as his empress right way. Either by force or power.”

Hearing his reply, Eleanora’s heart sank. Then why didn’t the past Cathain did so?

“But if you ask the Cathain, who loves you... I will give you time to prove yourself, show your talents and then marry you when you are finally an adult.”

Eleanora raised her head to look at Cathain, who didn’t seem like to be joking at all.

Then she seem to conclude something.

If the past Cathain didn’t sent her to the battlefield instead of learning empress duties, would she ever be a knight?

If it wasn’t for his support and fight with the other nobles to acknowledge her talent, could she ever become the first female knight commander in the history of the empire?

If what the current Cathain said was truth, then the past Cathain should have married her right away instead of making her more powerful.

In her previous life, she didn’t got the direct prophecy like this time... but she was regarded as the lady of the prophecy.

So her existence was still a threat to the crown prince’s succession and the reason as to why they was engaged at the first place.

He only married her after she was an adult and successfully become the knight commander.

So, Did the past Cathain, loved the past Eleanora?

At that moment, there was fanfare, which made her come to her senses.

‘No, that’s not possible. He wouldn’t kill me or make another women pregnant if he loved me.’

After the foreign messengers were done offering gifts, it was time for the nobles in the empire to offer congratulations to the emperor and the crown prince.

“Next is Duke and the Young Duke of Richardo!”

The cheif attendant spoke and flaming red hair came to Eleanora’s view.

“I’m honored to see Your Excellency, the Sun of the empire. Congratulations on your coming of age, Crown Prince.”

“Thank you, Duke.”

The south was always in odds with the imperial family. They was neutral and never mingled in any official works.

So, after a brief greeting, Duke and his son Alberto Dion Richardo walked out.

On the left and right sides of them showing due manners, there were other nobles standing in line according to their ranks.

There are four duke families in the whole empire, but there was hierarchy even among them.

The first in the hierarchy of the duke families was Duke Dalton, Duke Heartz, Duke Richardo and the fourth was...

“The family of Duke Raven is here to greet His Excellency.”

“Greetings to the Sun of the empire, His Majesty and the Little Sun, the Crown Prince. I would like to congratulate the crown prince on his coming of age.”

“Thank you.”

Technically, Duke Dalton would be the first and then Duke Heartz to greet but as they was absent for the border relief, they had to skip them and proceed with the others.

Eleanora fixed her trembling eyes on the floor.

Seeing Duke Raven and how he might have a hand in killing her and the collapse of the Dalton Duchy, She couldn’t help but be afraid.

“What are you doing now? Pull yourself together!”

Cathain spoke in a sharp voice. Because to him, she was avoiding her gaze shyly at the sight of Cedrick.

Eleanora exhaled a heavy breathe and looked up as her eyes met Duke Raven’s, who was the fourth in rank.

The old man who looked very stubborn was staring at her sharply.

As Eleanora turned away from his sharp gaze, she suddenly heard some noise.

Eleanora’s heart was beating fast as she heard his footsteps coming closer at regular intervals.

Her eyes widened in surprise and expectations as her blood that became cold in despair because of the crown prince sitting next to her began to circulate quickly.


Soon, A shiny silver armour with a long blue cape flying in the air as the person walked came to everyone’s view.

After a long wait, Eleanora could finally see his silver hair scattered under the light and hear his voice which she missed so much.

“I’m honored to see Your Majesty, the Sun of the empire, and the Little Sun, the Crown Prince. I sincerely congratulate the crown prince on his coming of age.

Please punish me for being late.”

Alexander spoke as he kneeled down infront of the podium to pay respect to the emperor and crown prince.

“Duke Dalton, you’re finally back. Do you know how worried I was when I was told they lost track of you?”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty. I couldn’t keep in touch with them timely since I was in a hurry to arrive here in time for the crown prince’s coming-of-age ceremony. Please punish me.”

“Oh, don’t say that. How can I punish the sword of the empire unless I go crazy? Thanks for coming all the way. Let me hear more later.”

“Yes, Your Majesty. I’d like to congratulate you, Crown Prince...”

Before Alexander could finish his words, Eleanora had already run into his embrace and he wrapped her in his arms warmly.

“How are you doing, Ele? I think you grew up a lot more while I was away.”


Infront of the emperor and everyone, Eleanora broke into tears suddenly at his warm and familiar touch.

She didn’t cared about anything else except him.

“You’re a grown-up lady, so don’t cry. Others might blame you for that.”

Alexander reached out and wiped her wet cheeks with tears.

Tears kept coming out when Eleanora saw his affection for her reflected in his blue eyes.

The tension that had been seizing her until now melted.

“I don’t feel good since you are crying. It’s been a long time I have seen you, honey. Can you stop crying and smile at me?”

Alexander, who kept wiping her tears for a while, whispered.

Eleanora tried to smile brightly as he looked sad, but she couldn’t because of the tears that kept flowing.

“Duke, your daughter is still young.”

Eleanora looked back when somebody spoke with a small laugh. She saw the emperor laughing pleasantly and Cathain frowning a bit.

Alexander, who put his hand lightly on Eleanora’s shoulder, answered in a calm tone.

“As you said, my daughter is still young, Your Majesty.”


“Too young for her to serve the crown prince who has come of age.”

“So, what would you do?”

Tilting his head, the emperor asked and Eleanora suddenly saw fear in Cathain’s widened red eyes.

“Well, I’m going to decide on the successor of my family sooner or later.”

“Really? Are you going to marry again?”

“Oh, no, Your Majesty. I already have one for that.”

“Huh, are you serious? Are you sure you’re going to do it?”

There was a faint smile on Alexander’s mouth, while the emperor showed surprise.

But Cathain’s reaction was more surprising. He was clenching his fist tightly as Eleanora realized him being very angry.

Cathain, who was listening to their conversation murmured with a frowning expression.

‘So... this is how he is gonna separate her from me? Heh... that would happen only in his dream!’

Eleanora looked at Alexander with surprise. Didn’t he said it was impossible for her to not become the next empress?

(A/N: Just another misunderstanding between father and daughter, Alexander never meant that and Eleanora misunderstood his words -_-)

“Well, for now, i will train her to become the next duchess of Dalton and annul....”

Alexander couldn’t finish his words as Cathain had stopped him in his words.

“Duke... I think you better find another successor for your duchy or it would be best to wait for our child to be your successor.

No matter what others say, she is my partner as given by God, isn’t she? But you are talking about snatching her away from me all of a sudden. Do you perhaps don’t believe in the prophecy?”

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