Saving The Abandoned Empress

Chapter 91

91 “Feel The Pain To Remember”

Under the darkness and faint moonlight, Alberto Dion Richardo’s flaming red hair and pitch black eyes came to view slowly.

Both Cathain and Eleanora was shocked to find Young Duke Richardo there.

“Young Duke Richardo?”

Cathain asked in a cold tone, his hands still grabbing Eleanora tightly.

“Greetings, Crown prince and princess... I was looking for Duke Dalton, didn’t expected to meet you here.”

“He is fine, right?”

Eleanora asked in worry. Her father must be tensed when he didn’t find her.

“Duke is okay... It’s just, the emperor-”

“What happened to my father?!”


Cathain asked in an anxious tone and it was the first time that Eleanora heard him calling the emperor father.

So she was a little surprised.

“I can’t tell, My father just sent me to help the duke and emperor.”

“Take me there!!”

Cathain spoke as he proceed to get up with Eleanora’s help but he couldn’t stand up.

‘What? Why can’t i walk?’

“Let me help you, You are still weak.”

Seeing him like this, Eleanora felt guilty. She placed her one hand under his shoulder blade to help him walk but he still couldn’t.

In the end, Dion couldn’t watch their romance like some old couple who was saying- ‘I got you, my love. I will help you to walk and you help me to see.’

He stood infront of Cathain and in a swift motion he carried Cathain on his back.

“H-Hey!! What are you doing?”

“Taking you to the emperor.”

“Put me down!!! You don’t have to carry me like this!!”

“Keep quite and stop struggling, Crown prince. Am just helping myself to reach them earlier.”

In the end, Cathain had no other choice then putting his hands on Dion’s shoulder awkwardly.

He didn’t wanted to show his humble and weak actions infront of Eleanora.


Where, Eleanora felt like the scene infront of her was inappropriate for her to watch as a not grown up yet.

Cathain had his full face turned red because of embarrassment. Dion was physically really strong so carrying Cathain was nothing to him.

As they was walking, Dion stopped and turned to Eleanora, ignoring the Cathain who was glaring at him to maintain distance from her.

“Oh! I forgot something!”

“Your brain?”

Cathain smriked as he spoke and Dion felt the urge to drop Cathain from his back.

“Crown Princess, grab the blue thing... hanging on my waist.”


“Why should my fiancee have to grab your waist?!”


“Crown prince... I told her to grab the sword not my waist!!”

“It’s the same!”


Cathain and Dion kept on bickering with each other where Eleanora had already took the sword from him.

The sword was wrapped in a blue cloth, but it gave Eleanora a familiar feeling.

“Did my father gave it to you, Young Duke?”

Finally, Dion and Cathain stopped bickering and turned their attention to the sword in Eleanora’s hand.

“Yes... Your father gave it to me to give you.”

“Thank you.”

Eleanora’s eyes got wet as she unwrapped the cloth and finally the shiny silver blue coloured beautiful sword came to her view, with a little note inside of it’s.

‘Happy 13th Birthday, My princess.’

It’s handle was decorated with blue and silver jewels beautifully but it was so sharp that it could cut of flesh in an instant.

It was the same sword from her previous life that accompanied her to countless battles to win.

Which was also used to execute her...

The little feelings and sympathy Eleanora felt for Cathain turned sour in an instant as she recalled the past as a cold smrik was seen on her face.

‘Am really pathetic... i just confessed to the guy who killed me instead of taking revenge on him, saying they are not the same.’

Eleanora felt emotionless again as she grabbed the sword tightly and stared at it coldly.

Right then, they heard some approching footsteps.

The three of them become silent as they tried to guess how many people were coming at them.

‘There are more then ten mens.’

Dion felt a little nervous as Cathain couldn’t fight and he had to protect Eleanora too.

At the same time, Cathain got down from Dion’s back and tried to walk again. This time, he was able to stand on his feet only.

Then suddenly Eleanora turned to Cathain and seeing her emotionless cold eyes again, he felt fear in his heart.

“Give me your hand, Crown prince...”

‘Crown Prince...’

Cathain repeated in his mind as he extended his hands towards her. After taking his hands, Eleanora briefly touched them and a faint golden light shone brightly.

Cathain could feel his strength return a little but not his magic powers.

“Young Duke Richardo, take the crown prince away and sent reinforcement as soon as possible...”

“N-No away!! How can i leave you here?!”

“Have you gone mad, Ele? How can i leave you behind? What if you get hurt?”

Eleanora just coldly stared at them as looked at Dion with a straight face.

“I will block them while you take the crown prince away. If three of us fleed together, it will be hard to fight against. So while i steal the time, You go and find my dad.”

“No, we will go together, Crown princess!”

“This is an order from the Saintess of this empire!”

To their surprise, Dion unwillingly kneeled down on the ground as he bowed down his head.

Words that he didn’t wanted to speak came out from his mouth.

“I understand, Your holiness!”

Eleanora felt an unknown emotion... Was she pleased or scared that she could make people obey like this?

She felt weird with her newly awakened powers which make her body feel more lighter as she moved.

Her both mana have finally been mixed together, so her mana is at the highest-level now. She clenched the sword in her hands.

‘I don’t know what disaster this powers will bring me... but i don’t have time to think now.’

Seeing Dion, who was forced to obey Eleanora, Cathain was dumbstruck and looked at her with his widened surprised eyes.


“Don’t look at me like that... Am used to left behind and get hurt. Your safety is our priority now, Crown Prince.”

Cathain couldn’t say anything else as no words left his mouth. Every time she called him with his title, he felt like the distance between them kept growing.


‘Can i really never erase the distance between us as well the pain from your heart?’

They was getting separated by an invisible wall, which Eleanora kept making it higher and higher for him to break.

Dion proceed to take away Cathain with him but he started to struggle despite not having much strength.

“I won’t go!! I won’t go without you!!”

In danger, this are the words that could melt down any person.

But Eleanora felt nothing. She felt empty inside as her death scene kept repeating in her mind to warn her from falling into the trap again.

The footsteps was getting more closer as time passed and suddenly Eleanora pulled Cathain toward her by grabbing her neck.

Her face was so close to Cathain that her every breath fall on his face as she spoke.

“Crown Prince... Don’t be stubborn. You will only hold me back if you stay in this condition.”

Before Cathain could react, Eleanora had already hit him on his neck lightly to make him unconscious for some time.

‘Ele... How can i let you fight alone and go away... Just how can i make you believe me?’

Cathain felt his eyelids become heavier and his mind went back. Everything looled blurry to him.

“Take him away!!”

“Yes, Your holiness.”

Despite his rejections to leave Eleanora behind, Dion couldn’t control his body which acted as she wanted and took the unconscious Cathain away.

‘Please be safe, Crown Princess!’

As Dion and Cathain’s figure disappeared in the darkness, Eleanora lifted her sword up again with a heavy heart as she exhaled heavily.


Their was total twelve people whom she had to deal with now. She could tell they are not weak at all.

Eleanora closed her eyes as she tried to manifesting her mana with her sword.

Her mana was no longer blue in colour, it was now golden light mixed with it; making her mana look more beautiful and eye catching.


As the assassin finally approached, they saw no one. But they could feel someone with higher mana present there, which someone panicked them.

‘How’s this possible?’

‘Why can’t i feel but not see any presence?’

As they was lost in thoughts for a moment, their mens sudden yelling caught them in surprise.


Instantly, three of the assassin was kneeling on the ground unconscious. They wasn’t dead but they looked like some dead person.

‘What happened?’

‘Who is it?’

Just then, Another three men fall on the ground and they finally managed to see the person.

‘A-A girl?’

Eleanora’s silver hair flew as she moved under the moonlight with her sword, her blue eyes as cold as ice, with a terrifying presence.

Like she was born to use sword and dominate the war field. Someone who was born to rule, make people admire and bow to her.

But that wasn’t the time to dwell on her and the remaining five assassin made their move.

They confronted Eleanora head to head but there wasn’t a single hint of panick in het face.

It remained straight and emotionless.

Where in reality, Eleanora was lost in her past once again. Feeling the past and cutting her heart, which finally started to heal again.

Feel the pain, Remember the betrayal...

Then suddenly, Eleanora missed a chance to strike and the assassin’s sword was about to hurt her when a cold voice rang as the sword which was about to strike her flew away.

“How dare you to attack my daughter?!”

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