SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Completing Her First Mission!

Completing Her First Mission!

After leaving the bloodied and massacred carcass of the spirit beast behind, Jing had lingering questions about it.

What is a spirit beast?'

'What makes it so different from a regular animal?'

'Was it that strange red bead inside its stomach that made it different?'

'Just what in the world was that glowing bead in the first place?'

'Would she change too if she ate the bead like Li Li?'

'What was this gem that the system gifted her? Was it just for looks and had no purpose besides its looks? She thought as she traveled the dirt road Li Li was leading her down.

Jing doubted the spirit stone was as simple as a mere gem or ore. The look of pure wanting and the dilation in his eye tubes that Li Li gave it before she placed it inside her inventory made her convinced that it was anything but an ordinary object. But since Li Li couldnt talk and tell her why he wanted it so much, she had to wait until she could find someone who knew what it was or somehow find the use for herself. This was the basically the same answer she had for the other questions she had on her mind.

Except the ones she had about herself. Her state of mind near the end of that encounter made something abundantly clear to Jing. She wasnt sure if she just repressed the feeling before or never had a way of bringing this type of feeling to the light of day but..

She enjoyed making that animal suffer slowly. She enjoyed its cries of pain, its whimpering once it realized it was outmatched, and the death throes the spirit beast as it took its final cry of life that nearly took her off her feet from euphoria. She enjoyed the power that welled up inside her body as she took control of the situation and forced her will, her control, her power! Onto the creature.

She couldve easily sliced off the beasts thin muscular neck after she got used to using her whip but she chose not to. She was lost in the sound and feeling of the creatures suffering.

Now thinking about it again I need to practice some more on using this thing. Jing thought as she started cracking her whip at the stationary trees alongside the dirt path. Sometimes going for a completely split through the middle of objects, sometimes trying to wrap around an object, or even trying to whip a certain amount of distance away from a target.

But as she was practicing her awkward and uncoordinated whip techniques, she continued thinking about how easily she couldve killed the beast. With the power of her refined rock whip, it wouldnt have been a hard task for her to decapitate it. But the fact that she didnt and caused the creature to suffer under the dual attacks of both her and Li Li, made Jing question something

Just who was she? What kind of person would enjoy something so sick, twisted, and depraved? How would they have found out about something like this in the first place? Its unthinkable to believe that an average person could find enjoyment from causing others to suffer.

But Even though Jing was aware of the negative implications of that type of thinking. She didnt reject it. She loved every second of that encounter. Well not every second. But the part where she and Li Li worked together to maim and kill that spirit beast. Rejecting that type of thinking would be the same as rejecting a part of herself. Even though the encounter was brief, it felt as if it lit up an old kindle to Jing that she has forgotten. She felt as if this was something that could connect her to her true self and not this somewhat blank slate that was created by the higher being.

Hmm.. Its still pretty bright out. It feels like it should be dark already Jing said before remembering she had tickets!

Maybe shell get something as useful as her current ability! Jing used her 10 tickets she received from completing the systems mission.

[Host has received fishing rod, coffee mug, 7 Recovery Pills, and a steel sword.]

Well.. more healing pills isnt bad. I dont know about this other stuff though. Ill just keep it in my inventory. I hope I can find a place to sell this other stuff.

[Host is able to sell unwanted Gacha results back to system for system points.]

Oh So you can talk Jing said a bit irritated.

[Only when explaining about the system functions.]

Whatever.. How do I go about selling this stuff?

[Just place it inside the inventory and just think about selling it to the system!]

Jing closed her eyes as she thought about selling the coffee mug, steel sword, and fishing rod back to the system.

[Host has received 12 system points. 1 from the fishing rod, 1 from the coffee mug, and 10 from the steel sword.]

[To enter the systems store please go to the systems menu and select Store.]

Jing thought of the word menu inside her head as she continued to practice her whip skills, leaving behind a mess of broken, toppled, and sliced trees in her wake.






Allies (Locked)

Group (Locked)

Jing chose the store tab and could see everything that was for sale in the system.

[Fishing Rod: 1 system point]

[Coffee Mug: 1 system point]

[Steel Sword: 10 system points]

[SCP-914: 5,000,000 system points]

Jings eyebrows twitched as she saw the insane cost for her ability. But after thinking about it again, it was a really powerful SCP. The original was a machine that would take extensive manpower to try and move and relocate. Not to add all of the restrictions and the unpredictability of the refined objects placed inside it.

But with the system, I can control the refined objects so that they never harm me. Increasing the value of this ability so much more.

Isnt there anything else I can buy? Why is only the things I sold here? She asked.

[System is only capable of selling objects that have been acquired by the host through the wheel or missions.]


[Creator decided that it would be a bit unfun if you knew the possibilities of the world so soon.]

Annoying Jing clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes.

Li Li from time to time spotted some hidden insects or animals in the nearby surroundings and with the aura of a master killer, ruthlessly assassinated all his prey. Even though he was born less than 24 hours ago, his refinement from his mom changed him into an entirely new being essentially. Owlets his age shouldnt even be able to fly, much less, form coherent thought and form opinions. But with his transformed self, everything about him was improved. His instincts were honed to the edge and even further. His feathers were strong, sharp, and as silent as darkness itself.

Li Li could fan one of his wings and a barrage of feathers that would fly from it could penetrate through the skull of most creatures and objects. His beautiful feathers regrew back in an instant. He could control the growth rate of his feathers and even make his feathers grow as much as he wants, provided that he has enough energy to do so. His ear holes buried beneath his feathers could hear sounds further than 100 meters (328 ft) away, easily allowing him to hear any source of food or danger nearby. And the fact that his mothers goal is right up ahead.

Li Li! We made it! Theres people! She said excitedly.


[Mission Completed!


3 Normal Tickets

3,000 Yuan

Title gained! No Longer A Jungle Girl!]

Jings pockets were hefty with the dollar bills and she was excited to see what she could spend it all on. But before that she asked the system what did gaining a title do for her.

[A title can be used to strengthen the host or aid them in a certain way. Go into your inventory and think of using it for yourself. Details about the use of the title will be clear then.]

Jing leaned on a nearby wall as she went to find out about the title.

[No Longer A Jungle Girl makes all interactions in regions besides jungles 1% more positive.]

Whats a measly one percent going to change? But Ill take it since there arent any negatives to it. Jing decided as a young boy suddenly came up to her. She decided to save the tickets for later.

Heya there miss! You look a bit lost. Is this your first time in Yellow Jade City? The boy asked.

Jing looked at the young child. He was a head shorter than her and she was 162 centimeters (54) in height. Pretty average for a girl. He was dressed in shabby clothes but looked as if he got around quite alright. He had plain brown hair, an innocent childish face with chubby cheeks and a certain mischievous feel hidden behind his eyes. But Jing decided to let the boy lead her. She has absolutely 0 knowledge about anything and this boy seems like he knows enough for her to get a head start.

I am a bit lost. Do you mind showing me around? She asked.

No problem miss! Anything for a beauty like yourself! Cool bird by the way! He grinned with a missing front tooth. Li Lis eyes sharpened on the boy.

He had her follow behind him as he started giving her an in-depth tour around the city. He showed her plenty of places while also giving her much needed information she had no idea about. Such as the fact that Yellow Jade City was partnered with the Golden Serpent Sect. She asked what the Golden Serpent Sect was and the boy looked at her as if she was crazy for not knowing. But Jing didnt let this bother her and let the boy form his own thoughts about her as she got her much needed information. The Golden Serpent Sect was one of the strongest sects around. Anyone apart of that sect would be revered and awed within the city because just joining the sect is like leaping over the moon in a single leap. Jing wanted to know more. What was so different about these people that they were looked upon so fondly for? And the boy finally told her.

Cultivators! He revealed. Cultivators are gods amongst men! They can crush mountains with a single attack, split oceans with just a palm, and fly far above the skies without any issues! No one dares to mess with cultivators besides other cultivators and spirit beasts!

Jing then asked what a spirit beast was and why could it match up with cultivators.

Spirit beasts have formed beast cores! Beast cores give a wild beast strength beyond its limits and causes it to change into beasts that can use Qi! It is even rumored that if a spirit beast grows strong enough they can transform into humans and use cultivators techniques!

What is Qi?

Well Im not too sure on what it is but I do know that it is what makes cultivators separate from normal people like us Miss. Cultivators can use Qi and it can make them do all sorts of incredible things. Creating fire, ice, breaking through trees with a single finger, Using a leaf blade to cut through flesh, and even lift stones that weigh over 1000 jin!

Thats incredible. She said.

You have no idea Miss! The Golden Serpent Sect is even recruiting disciples in 2 days! I plan on going when they come back in a few years. Im still a little too young and weak to try and join now. He said mournfully.

The power to crush mountains and split oceans..? Interesting She muttered lowly with a strange smile on her face.

The boy suddenly started shivering once he heard the tone of the older girl. He felt a dangerous and scary aura coming from her after hearing her say that. Maybe this girl wasnt worth the trouble He started slowly backing away with his usual trademark smile he uses on all the suckers he goes around to get tips from while rubbing the back of his head.

Well it was really nice to meet cha miss! But I think my mom is calling me so see ya around!! He tried to dash away but before he could run, a delicate hand grabbed his shoulder.

That hand caused him to shiver in fright even though he felt that he could easily knock her hand away. She wasnt even using much force to hold him. He could just shove it away and dash off before she could do anything. But his instincts as a human was telling him that only death awaited him if he resisted. But it wasnt from the older girl he was feeling this from but the bird on her shoulder Any signs of resisting could end in his death

The bird had him locked in its sights and he felt as if he was being stared down at by a spirit beast of the 7th stage! His body was sweating all over along with his constant shaking. Tears were getting ready to run down his face. A spine-chilling smile appeared on Jings face as she took in the boy fright and terror.

Before you leave boy This older sister has a few more questions for you. She said whispering close to his ear and making a certain part of his rise from the close contact with the creepy older girl.

She hugged him close from behind like an older sister would to a younger brother making his member rise even higher. He felt as if he was being toyed with a giant snake. Captured in between its body as it hissed above his head, capable of swallowing him in one gulp or freeing him. The older girls grip on him wasnt tight or uncomfortable in the slightest, but the terrifying feeling she was giving him was more than enough to make him feel as if his chest was being crushed and the air in his lungs being squeezed empty.

He tried to use his eyes and signal the nearby people for help but to them it looked like a caring older sister caring for her terrified younger brother. They didnt know why he was so scared but the boys sister would definitely be able to handle it. Cause they sure didnt want to.

I need you to tell me where the sect test is and what this little thing is for. She said pulling out the spirit stone from her inventory and waving it in front of the boy.

I-It-Its in the middle of the city..! Next to the Floating Jade Restaurant and the Beast Pavillion And thats The boy took a big gulp of fright once he recognized it. Thats a spirit stone! Only cultivators have a use for those! Thats all I know I swear!

Well what a fruitful experience. Jing smiled.

The boy felt something soft press against his cheek before having complete control over his body again. He quickly dashed away and never looked back at the creepy girl he wanted to scam. Hed had to find another way of paying off the Darkmoon Gang. Maybe theyll let him off if he tells them about her..

Jing grinned at the figure of the terrified boy.

I guess being accepted into that sect is a great way of finding out more about this place and how it works. But just to be safe I should try and get more information.. There will definitely be more people interested in trying the Golden Serpents test who have more knowledge than me about certain things. Jing decided.

But first. Lets do some shopping Li Li. My clothes are gaining me too much attention.. She said after noticing the many stares to her clothing and the fact that no one is wearing anything even remotely similar to her tunic.

Not to mention that Im the only dark-skinned person Ive seen inside this city so far..

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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