SCP Gacha System In A Cultivation World

Tang Wuying

Tang Wuying

A handsome youth with attractive deep red hair was slashing away inside a large room. Every swipe and cut with his blade was accurate and oozed of viciousness. For the average cultivator, just by watching him practice they would feel the verya air around them being turned against them. As if his blade transformed into the air around them and was threatening to slice them at any moment. It wouldnt just stop there though, the way the aggressive youth slashed through the air resembled a raging tempest. All it took was one slash to get him going into an unstoppable typhoon of steel.

The youth flicked their blade and sheathed it on their back. He was now finished with his sword training for today and would spend the rest of it cultivating back inside his room. Although the red-headed youth had other martial arts he could also practice, he chose to focus on what he could before the duel. If he wasted time practicing the new martial arts his master gave him, he wouldnt be prepared in the slightest for his duel in the coming days. While they are high in rank, with the time he has left it would be crazy to believe hell be able to progress fast enough to try and contend with Gong Jun with them.

So, Tang chose to focus on his Tempest Fang sword martial art and his Azure Burning Dragon cultivation skill. Only with superior strength and power will he be able to defeat Gong Jun. His other skills will only be supplementary in his duel with Gong Jun.

Tang started walking out of the training room. As he opened the door to leave, a servant was there waiting for him.

Master Tang, Master Mo has called for you. You are to receive him in the main stairwell. The servant finished with a bow.

Tang Wuying didnt respond but acknowledged the servant with his eyes before wiping his sweaty body with a towel and heading towards the stairwell. Master Mo had all of his disciples reside in the same house. It was quite large and Tang frequently found himself lost through the many long hallways and similarly looking intricate furniture. Even though hes spent two months in this place, he dares not say that he has fully learned every part of it. But large and complex homes are nothing new to someone like him. He has gotten lost in his own home more times than he cares to admit. Hell eventually find his way to the main stairwell.

His Second Senior and Third Senior are quite the loud bunch when paired together. They are like a dragon and tiger, cat and dog, man and demon. Can never get along and are rarely seen agreeing with one another. His Second Seniors shouting should reach his ears soon enough and then all he has to do is head towards that direction.


And there it is. Tang Wuying headed towards his Second Seniors shout and within minutes found himself at the main stairwell. His master was standing powerfully at the bottom of the stairwell with all of his Senior apprentice brothers waiting in front of him. It seems he was the last to arrive again. How infuriating...

Aha there he is! Our favorite Junior Brother late again! Did you get lost again Junior? His Third Senior teased with an annoying smile.

He didnt bother replying and ignored Third Senior before also arriving in front of Master Mo. His Second Senior looked at him with a strange gaze. Tang didnt know what to make of his Second Senior as of yet. They rarely talked so far but he hasnt treated him negatively. All of their past interactions were simple greetings. His Eldest Senior was the most mysterious of all his Senior Brothers. He rarely speaks and spends most of his time training or going on dangerous tasks for the sect to gain contribution points. Even just standing near him made Tang Wuying feel inadequate, as if he was standing next to an immeasurable mystical mountain. Not even his master made him feel that way! Tang Wuying was confident in passing his master in strength in the future but with Zihan, his Eldest Senior, it feels like no matter how hard he trains it would be impossible to surpass him.

That pissed him off. He, Tang Wuying, feeling inferior to another? He should feel ashamed of ever calling himself a treasured son of a heavens if so! No matter what it takes, he will find a way to catch up to his Eldest Senior. Even if he has to take alternative ways to gaining strength, he will find a way to match him.

If you need help finding your way around the manor, I wouldnt mind spending some time to come look for you Junior Brother. Gong Juns look towards him was very similar to Third Seniors. That bastard was looking down on him again!

He may be a whole rank higher than me but Ill show him! Ill wipe that filthy smirk right off your mouth with my blade in good time.

I dont need any help. Mind your own business and stay out of mine. Tang Wuying barked.

Gong Jun teasingly smiled as if Tang was nothing more than an unruly child rebelling against his parent.

He could barely control himself from lunging at his Fourth Senior and slicing him in half.

Uh oh First Junior, it looks like you made little Tang upset. Hes gone bright red in the face. I think hes about to start crying. Chao, Third Senior, stated with false concern.

Oh, dear Little Tang. Please please forgive me for my harsh words. I did not mean to hurt your feelings so! Gong Jun added with his own mocking voice.

ILL KILL YOU BASTARDS! DONT MAKE FUN OF ME! Tang Wuying slashed out with indignation.

His blade roared towards the two older disciples with a horizontal swipe. Chao casually leaned his head back and dodged the furious steel while Gong Jun blocked with his qi. Seeing how easily his attack was handled by the two only served to fuel Tang Wuyings anger even more. He slashed towards the two with no further reservations to wipe those mocking smiles off.

Third Junior! Master Mo has yet to tell us why he has gathered here. Show some respect and wait till hes told us what he needs to before acting so unruly. Jian, his Second Senior, ordered.

Tang Wuyings body was frozen by the glare of his Second Senior. His sword aiming for the throat of Chao was stopped. Like he planned on simply threatening his Third Senior instead of chopping his silly head off. The power of his Second Seniors stare was unbelievable. Is he truly the weakest out of all his fellow disciples? A sudden realization rained over Tang Wuying. He reigned in his anger and sheathed his blade before bowing towards Master Mo.

I apologize for my actions Master.

A grin appeared on Elder Mos face.

Thats alright you little brat. Just remember not to do it again. Elder Mo said.

Tang Wuying nodded and soon Elder Mo began telling the five of them his purpose for gathering them.

Alright brats, as you know the sects Treasured Plains are being opened up in a few months' time, He began. Looks of interest appeared on everyones faces but Zihan. Get as many benefits as you can during this time because after the opening of the Plains, the sects Grand Tournament will be coming soon. Work together to maximize the gains. I wont accept any fighting between you brats in the Plains. The stronger you become in the following months before the Tournament, the better your rewards will be in the Tournament. Having a good ranking within the Tournament will allow you brats to progress much faster. Normally the top 10 disciples are rewarded by the end of the battles with the top 3 being allowed into the top floor of the library to choose a sky-ranked martial art along with some other great rewards.

What kind of treasures are in the Treasured Plains Master? Gong Jun asked.

Almost anything you can think of. Spirit weapons, spirit ores, rare spiritual plants and herbs, the blood, skin, organs, and bones of strong spirit beasts, and naturally forming treasures. If you want it, youll find it in the Treasured Plains. Well thats if you have the strength to take it and keep it until the end.

Why do we need to have a good ranking in the Grand Tournament? Tang Wuying asked.

Our Sect will have our competition with the Nine Swords sect and Blossoming Water Palace sect that takes place every 5 years. We cant have our disciples make us look too bad so thats why were fattening you up with the tournament and the Plains.

Master. Will Elder Rus, Elder Changes, and Sect Masters disciples be going against us? Jian asked.

Yes. If you can try and kill them without leaving any evidence in the Treasured Plains. If you cant, beat them till their spirits are crushed. Do not cripple them under any circumstance, youll bring trouble my way and wont be able to escape punishment from their masters.

Very well. Ill do some careful planning. Is there anyone we should focus on taking out?

Sect Masters disciples have the most potential. Focus on eliminating them out of everyone else. Anyone else is just cherry on the top.

Understood. Jian said with an evil smile on his face.

Also keep an eye on Elder Zhongs newest disciple, that old fool usually stays away from taking in disciples but when he does, they are unusually talented. Besides that. You all are to get as strong as you can in these following months. If you need anything just ask me. Youre all dismissed.

Yes Master! Four out of the five disciples shouted while Zihan simply nodded with his eyes open.

The five soon dispersed and Tang Wuying had one of the servants escort him back to one of the training rooms. After taking note of his strength compared to his Senior Brothers, he will have to train even harder than he already has. Tang Wuying refused to be inferior to anyone. His pride, blood, and talent couldnt allow him to stay as complacent as he was before he joined the sect. Back in Yellow Jade City, he was the top prodigy around. None was his equal in terms of age and even some above were below him in talent. But ever since joining the sect, hes been constantly forced to accept that he wasnt as great as he thought and there were more people just as amazing as him or even better. He was nothing but a toad in a well before. But not anymore! He will take his proper place as a treasured son of heaven and show everyone else just how superior he truly is.

The sun has completely set. The darkness floating around the sect would allow any scheming individual to sneak around as they wish. There were no signs of anyone patrolling around to apprehend or warn such individuals from staying out in such darkness. Why would no one be patrolling around the sect? The answer to such a question may be Why would anyone even dare try and trespass into the Golden Serpent Sect?' Surely, they must be asking for death by doing such a thing. The Golden Serpent Sect is not one to take lightly. They are known for their ruthlessness. One such individual was standing above the classy manor. This individual was wearing a shabby wooden mask painted white. The mask only revealed the silhouette's violet eyes while their figure was masculine. They wore a simple black robe that did little to hide the strength hidden beneath them.

The mysterious man suddenly appeared on the balcony. He walked towards the closed drapes with nary a sound in his footsteps. He gently opened the drapes and walked inside the black room. Those dark orchid colored pupils locked on to the crimson haired youth peacefully resting in his bed. The sound of liquid flowing could be heard from the masked mans body. At his feet, water began to flow from underneath his robes and slowly shape itself into chair. Once it fully formed, the man took a seat before bringing his palms together with a sharp slap.

Tang Wuying jumped from his bed with his eyes burning in rage, thinking that this was another prank by his Third Senior. Hes surely going to tear his clothes to pieces if he cant cause him to bleed to death. Tang Wuying reached for his blade next to his bed before meeting eyes with the masked figure.

Who are you...? He asked with his guard up.

I have a proposal for you Tang Wuying. The seductive voice floating around Tangs ears.

Tang Wuyings hand gripped his blades handle.

What could I of all people need? Tang asked curiously. If this stranger says some nonsense, he plans on decapitating them immediately.

Your upcoming duel. You and I both know you are not strong enough to best Gong Jun.

Tang Wuying angrily furrowed his brows. His sword was slowly slipping from its sheath and revealing its glimmering exterior.

You, a mid-staged 7th rank Qi Gatherer, while hes a peak 8th rank Qi Gatherer. Theres no chance of you besting him...

Enough of your tongue! Ill defeat him regardless of rank! Im a genius! Youve now said your last words intruder, die! Tang Wuying leapt towards the defenseless man and aimed to separate his head from his neck with his sword.


What the!?

Tang Wuyings blade was stopped by water. The masked man hasnt even moved a finger to defend himself and it seems he didnt have to. Water from his chair stretched out to defend him from Tang Wuyings attack and effortless stopped the vicious sword.

Unless.... I help you. He interlocked his fingers together.

The masked individual smiled as confusion found itself on Tang Wuyings face.

Help me?! How could you possibly help me!? Do you even know who my master is? Hes one of the head elders of Golden Serpent Sect. Are you saying you possess more resources than even someone of his standing?

Yes, I do and oh so much more. The things I can show you are far beyond your current understanding. Not even your master can compare to the wares I hold.

Tang Wuying couldnt respond. Staring into those devilish eyes, made him feel irritated yet tempted. What if the nonsense this guy was spouting wasnt just empty words? What if he could truly help him gain the power he needs? He cant sense anything from this guy. Not his realm, strength, nor background.

Give me something thatll make me the strongest disciple within the sect.

GAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! The masked man busted out with unrestrained laughter.

Tang Wuyings eyebrows immediately furrowed and his grip on his sword tightened.

I apologize Tang for that rude outburst but you see I just couldnt help myself. But anyway, no I cannot make you the strongest disciple within the sect...

Then what use are you!? He spat.

I might not be able to make you the strongest disciple however... I can make you one of the strongest disciples in the sect. He grinned.

I dont believe you. Tang bluntly responded.

Well how about I show you one of my wares? Im sure youll change your mind in no time my dear boy. The masked man flicked his wrist and suddenly the appearance of a large boomerang thumped on the floor.

Tang looked for any signs of a storage ring on the masked mans fingers and couldnt find one. So how did he just... No more importantly, just what kind of weapon is that? Just what is that strange energy surrounding it? It isnt fire qi, water qi, lightning qi, nor any other type of elemental qi hes felt before. Tang Wuying felt an indescribable connection with the weapon that appeared from thin air. It was calling to him. It wanted him. It felt like it belonged to him and only him. That it was meant for him and no one else in the whole world.

Grab it. The masked individual commanded with a deeper tone of voice.

Tang Wuying disliked the tone the man had with him but felt compelled to listen to him. Not because of his mysterious nature or strength but because of the weapon itself wanting him to. He placed his hand on the weapon and soon felt a rush of qi surging within him. Yellow arrow-like markings began racing up his skin and all over his body. This power... This qi... These memories!


With the Apostle's weapon, there is nothing that could stop him from becoming an immortal. Without it, he is nothing. He is less than nothing. If he continues the same path he was heading without the boomerang, then at best he would only reach the Qi Transformation stage. How could one of the treasured sons of heaven be content with a measly Qi Transformation stage? NO! Tang Wuying refused to be satisfied with such a thing! Hes going to rise past the heavens and show everyone that hes the greatest genius that has ever lived! And the first step... Is getting the First Apostles weapon into his hands.

Yoink! The masked merchant caused the Tiger Boomerang to vanish and looked at Tang with a jolly look in his eyes.

Well young master Tang? He asked despite fully knowing that hes already succeeding in getting Tang Wuying in his palms.

What is your price for that weapon? He asked with much more civility.

All I ask of you... is for... your partnership.

Partnership? What could I have that could possibly catch your eye?

Dont question me boy, He answered with force behind his voice. So what do you say? Yes or no? He asked with his voice returning back to the whimsical tone it had before.

I accept... Tang responded while not making eye contact.

The masked man snapped his finger and the giant human-sized tiger painted boomerang appeared once more. Tang couldnt stop himself from immediately connecting with the divine weapon. He felt his connection with Tyanir increasing along with the blessing transforming his body into a more suitable one as a follower of Tyanir, the Lord of Acceleration. The markings crawled all over his body and soon settled there, permanently etching into his skin along with the special energy of Tyanir devouring and replacing his old qi element.

During this transformation, he didnt even notice the mysterious merchant exiting from which he came while crazily laughing to himself.

With this blessing, taking out Gong wont even be an issue! Of course, I'll have to faithfully practice with the Apostles weapon and get used to it. Such a rare and ancient weapon is bound to take time to master. Hopefully itll be enough to at least contest with Gong equally. He muttered to himself.

Hehehehe.... First Senior... You are no longer just a dream but now a goal....

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