Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Chapter 31: Gnolx, The Goblin Sorcerer

Chapter 31: Gnolx, The Goblin Sorcerer

The rest of the party looked at I Love Skooma with a questioning look, curious to know what he is talking about. Dovakin, I Love Skooma elder brother, couldn't take the suspense anymore and slapped the back of his brother's head.

"Spill it out! What is it that left you so shocked? Wait, you said dirty secret? What do you mean?"

"It is better you look for yourselves." I Love Skooma had collected the item and it is being kept inside the Party Contract' space now, then any member can look at its description by opening their copy of the contract, which show the description of any item that the party store inside its magic space, except if it was made in a way that only the party leader can see its content. The contract can identify all equipment until Gold Rank and other non-rare items. If something more precious and rare dropped, the player will have to use a special identify scroll to know its properties because only the type of item can be known by simple looking at it, as they can have a variety of colors and some times are even made of pyrite, also called as fool's gold, or have false gems decorations that can fool peoples eyes.

When they looked at the item description, silence took over the place and a light red color started to tinge the faces of every party member, except by Mage of Cold Nights, that is used to read about certain... things, and Spell Bound that is almost unable to feel shy after so many experiences in the area. Snow White and Thumbelina, in particular, become like ripe tomatoes and looked at I Love Skooma like they want to kill him for bringing this item to attention. Ye Yan, different from the rest, kept a serious expression and if it was not for the tip of his ears became bright red, no one would know that he was shy.


[Vibra-finger] (Tool)[1]

Description: Its novel design allow localized massages in needed areas. The lack of proper massage can bring many problems and this gum-massager can help you. You will experience a most sensational invigorating and stimulating feeling, which is a wonderful morning bracer. Can be used as often as desired. Do not oil the gum massager, as it is so constructed that oiling is unnecessary. Dentists recommend.

Effect: Can be used to mix liquid potion ingredients.


"It's only a gum massager. What was all that nonsense about? It's good that even the monsters want to have a healthy mouth" Dovakin admonishes his brother. He is the older of the four siblings but his simple mind and nativity result in him being misunderstood several times, in a wide variety of situations. And is this personality of his that inspire Mage of the Cold Night to write a new BL story with him being the passive MC and Spell Bound would be the ML. [2]

"Yeah, right. His rotten teeth are the proof of this". Spell Bound said sarcastically but Dovakin nodded his head agreeing with him. He can't understand when someone is being sarcastic at all.

Ye Yan asked Spell Bound to keep the item in his bag because he is the only one that looked fine with having the item (but not). With the item stored, they end the subject and started to distribute the other drops.

"Conan, you lucked out this time!" Ye Yan said handing the skill book [Whirwind Slash] to him, now he can use the same attack as the last boss, spinning his weapon around, striking everything.

"I wasn't the only one." He said looking back at Ye Yan, that finally could take off the pink headband and equipped the Goblin's Helm, the last piece of the Goblin's armor set.

After Conan learned his new skill, they left the encampment and entered a narrow stone path that leads to the altar at the top of the mountain. To learn a skill, the players should practice the skill moves until they could do it relatively well, then they should be able to use it later.

The area at the top is 200 sm (m) of flat land and the altar is located in the center. When they arrived there, they looked through the thin haze and could see Gnolx, the Goblin Sorcerer, performing a ritual at the stone altar far away. He was sacrificing a goat on the rectangular stone altar, which has blood dripping from it to the floor. It is not the best view for those with a fragile stomach or sensible mind. Gnolx stood in front of it with his long red hooded cloak, a blood-covered knife in his right hand, and a glowing blue sphere floating above his left hand. The cloak covers his face in a way that makes it impossible to see his face even if they were in front of him.


[Gnolx, The Goblin Sorcerer] (Lord)

Description: This powerful goblin is the leader of the goblin clan that invaded the White Birch Mountain Forest. He single-handed defeated all the strong creatures that lived there before their arrival.

Level: 5

HP: 10,000


"Gulp. This is going to be difficult." Conan looked at the boss and broke out in cold sweat. The boss now gave a totally different feeling compared to before. It's like they had confronted a street cat before and now, they have to fight a powerful and ferocious tiger. Just looking at it caused chills to run throughout his body.

In the last dungeon runs, Ye Yan was like a monkey dodging the boss's powerful spells while making the boss keep his focus on him, leaving his friends free to attack. But the boss was too slippered and never stays in the same place for more than 5 seconds. He always ran away or can use the skill [Blink], which enables him to teleport short distances and has a cooldown of 10 seconds. This makes Gnolx be the most time-consuming boss they have ever confronted.

Everyone got ready and Ye Yan got in the boss's aggro range while the others waited next to the entrance. Gnolx perceives someone approaching and turn in Ye Yan's direction, and looked at the others after. He raised his left hand and recited an incantation to seal the area for them to be unable to leave. In some boss battles, when you enter the location the boss stays, some kind of traps would close the access passage, making it impossible for the players to turn back and in other cases, you can try to run and find the best place in the map to fight him, but in this cases are the risk of other monster appearing.

Ye Yan used [Provoke] for the boss to focus on him and tried to get near him but the boss was even smarter them his version in the other difficulty modes. He used a simple Fire Bolt on him and moved away. As a pure magical class, the boss knew that he shouldn't let him approach himself, so he keeps getting away and when finally could get near enough, the boss use [Blink] to teleport 10 meters away from where he was before, annoying Ye Yan to no end. The only way for him is to use [Dizzy Punch] to stop the boss time enough for him to attack and stabilize the boss's aggro on him. Luckily, the boss's movement speed is very slow and he can't cast any spell while walking, giving him the chance to approach the boss and start attacking.

When he got to the boss, he immediately used [Dizzy Punch] to stun him. The control effect has 2 seconds of duration because the boss is a Lord-ranked monster and he is of Tier 0, Apprentice Fighter. The monsters are divided into ranks, rank 0 - Normal, rank 1 - Elite, rank 2 - Champion, rank 3 - Chieftan, rank 4 - Lord/Lady, rank 5 - Highlord/ Highlady, rank 6 - Greatlord/ Greatlady, rank 7 - Gradlord/ Gradlady, rank 8 - King/Queen, rank 9 - Emperor/ Empress, and rank 10 - Divine/ God/ Goddess. Every difference in rank decreases the control effect of skills by 12.5% and some high-ranked monsters can even have passive skills that give high resistance or immunity to control.

These 2 seconds of stun were more than enough to permit Ye Yan to attack using [Bash] dealing 51.2 damage on the boss. Gnolx has a high magical attack and defense but its physical defense are very low, with only 30 points. Ye Yan followed it with [Clive] taking another 28.4 HP from the boss and a normal attack dealing 17 damage.

Gnolx weakness is in the fact that he doesn't have any skill that permits him to attack while receiving damage and a spell that can not have its cast interrupted. In compensation, his spell can kill any players with one spell, except Ye yan because of his passive skill [Iron-blooded Warrior] that grants him good magical defense, but he would survive with only 15 of his 168 healthy points.

Ye Yan signaled to his friends started attacking. They spread across the map in the case the boss use some area spell and started attacking.

After the cooldown of his spell ended, Gnolx used [Blink] again to open some distance and used [Fire Wall] to keep Ye Yan e the others away from him while he moved further and prepared to unleash his spells on them.

Ye Yan bypassed the FireWall to get to the boss while the others positioned themselves to attack. The battle will be tough and they only hoped that all of them could survive until the end.


[1] Vibra-finger was a product for sale in the 1950s, in which the people's dirty minds didn't associate it with other uses (I hope). I used parts of the instruction manual and packaging to create the description.

[2] With my little sister shipping the straight characters I create, I decided to write this one like that in her honor. There are so many BL drawings lately when you looking for animes' pictures that I've become traumatized, never will look at Goku and Vegeta in the same way again.

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