Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Chapter 35: Wonder Potion Recipe

Chapter 35: Wonder Potion Recipe

The city of Ji only has one hospital to serve the entire NPCs and players population. When someone, NPC or player, becomes sick or hurt and doesn't have anyone to heal them, they need to go to the hospital to get treatment. In places far from cities and towns, there are many monsters that inhabited those regions which can infect people with all kinds of diseases. Players would have to look for treatment in the hospitals when these powerful diseases can't be cured by their doctors or other types of healers. The NPCs are in the same situation, looking for help in the hospitals when there is no other option available. That's why the hospitals are always filled with people. Luckily, it is big enough to accommodate so many people, having who knows how many underground floors.

CyberTech and the government of most countries signed a partnership when immersive virtual reality technology was created. The government would help the company getting the necessary data of all kinds of things, from diseases and treatment until the explosion power of bombs, to make the simulations more accurate. They too help in find volunteers for the company to obtain data about the sensations brought by different things and stimuli, like the food flavors, touch, pain, dizziness and even tickle. In return, they could use the simulations for a reduced price and have exclusive simulations for the military forces, etc. Now that this technology has advanced, the partnership changed, permitting the government to add in the game anything that could help their countries and its people. This includes facilities in the game for military training, medical training, and the migration of real schools and companies to the game. These companies would have to pay a kind of rent to the government and 60% of the money would go to CyberTech. And is because of this integration between the real-life and the virtual world that the game is called Second Life. It is not a simple game but the continuation of life but in the virtual world.

The place where the medical training occurs in the game is mainly in the hospitals. There the medical students and recent college graduates can learn and train their skills. These people have to register in the Prefecture of the region where they live, then when they enter Second Life, the hospitals will be ready for their arrival and put them to work as trainees. The professional responsible for teaching them are professors from many universities across the globe that signed a contract with the government of their countries. The universities pay them a reduced value for using the game to simulate a multitude of health problems. In this way, their learning becomes more thorough. In return, the medical knowledge in the game advance through the experience of the players with their patients, human and NPCs.

These players that enter the game to learn or work in the hospital could job change to a doctor right away, only in the case of the professors, they would get advanced to the tier respective to their real-life experience at a maximum of tier 2. And they would gain experience to level up by working but a doctor with a high level in the hospital didn't mean they can join a party to kill monsters because they would lack the spells and miracles to do so.

The hospital in the City of Ji has many underground floors and a special wing exclusive to traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. If a player wants to be seen faster at the hospital, they need to pay for the medical treatment, and if they didn't mind waiting a bit, they can receive treatment for free while helping the medical students and residents gain experiences in a win-win situation.

The City's Hospital looks like a palace, it's a wide two-story building surrounded by a 2 meters high (~6.56 feet) wall and with a large garden between the wall and the building. When Demon Fox and the others arrived at the hospital, they saw a great flow of people, players and NPCs, coming and going from it. As Snow White and Thumbelina had been there before because of their job change quest, they knew where they need to go to apply for quests. Snow White led them to a reception on the west wing of the building that has a spacious area inside, with many chairs evenly spaced, a Quest Board on the left side, a balcony to turn in the quest on the right side, and a large balcony at the back of the room where players and NPCs can apply for the quests.

They went to the Quest Board first. There are many quests available with requirements ranging from level 0 to 80. The higher level quests needed special requirements and should be taken directly from the manager.

They decided to apply to some level 5 and 6 collecting missions with high rewards. The level 6 quests are of A difficulty and the level 5, S difficulty but the latter is of a lower level, so the difficulty of the quest would lesser. They waited for Conan to join them, then they could leave for the place where they can find the items and monsters from the missions. After everything was ready, they stopped at the Bank to store their items and went to the river in the west of the city.

While they were applying for quests, Ye Yan was looking at the Wonder Potion Recipe that is a part of his quest [A Eunuch's Regreat]. The first step of the quest was to kill the Goblin Chieftan and get the recipe. Now, he needs to collect the ingredients of the potion but it will not be easy because the difficulty of the quests is S level.


[Wonder Potion] (Recipe)

Ingredients: 50g Witch's powder, 50g Stardust, 3 Deer's antlers, 3 Tunicate, 2 Starfish, 1 Salamander, 1 liter of alcohol, 1 tablespoon of Vinegar, and 1 flask of Potion of Rejuvenation Potion.

Method of Preparation: ...


Just by looking at the ingredients, Ye Yan knew how hard it should be to gather everything. The item stardust, for example, if it is something even a little similar to the real world, he's fucked. Stardust is particles remaining from a supernova explosion at the end of its life, in other words, it is the remains of an extremely massive star that run out of nuclear fuel and collapses under its own gravity and bum. He knew that many years ago was possible to see a supernova with their naked eyes but it and get the stardust are two different things altogether[1]. Now, where he would find such a thing? He is praying that stardust is something like the dust in possession of someone called Star.

And the item Witch's powder? He didn't think that he will have to kill a witch, put her body to dry, and grind it into powder after. As there is no information on the recipe about where he should get these things, his only choice is to go to the library to look for them. Qian Zhong had asked for this kind of information in the Adventurer's Guild before and almost got the Dumb label because the people that know all this didn't have time to speak with mere apprentices. They shoo him away saying that he should learn to search on his own.

Ye Yan went to the library. The magnificent building gives a feeling of omnipotence like there is nothing out of its reach. No one knows if it is because of the powerful mages that almost live there or the powerful books and magical tools stored there.

The library is a 300 meter wide (328 yards), four-story building with a red roof and dragon statues placed along the roof ridges. The entrance gate is guarded by two soldiers, one with a broadsword held on his waist and the other with a longsword on his back, and one mage holding a wooden staff.

Before Ye Yan got to enter the library, he was stopped by the guards.

"Who are you and what you want to do in the library?" The soldier with the broadsword asked with a serious face.

"My name is Jun Xie and I am looking for information about some items." Ye Yan answered them with an equally serious face. Anyone looking at them would think they were discussing some serious problem and not about the qualification to enter a library.

"It looks that you are registered in the Adventurers' Guild, then you can pass but you are restricted to the first floor." The soldier said with regret showing all over his face, which puzzled Ye Yan.

When he passed through the entrance gate, he listened to the soldiers talking.

"Tsk. I thought I could scare him away like the last one. He ruined my fun." The soldier that spoke with him early said.

"It is because they know you are all bark and no bite." The other soldier makes fun of him.

"You two should stop behaving like children and go back to work." The mage lectures them.

Ye Yan shook his head and keep walking inside. ......

[1] According to researchers from Calvin College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, a binary star system will likely merge and explode in 2022. This will be the first naked-eye nova in decades.

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