Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Chapter 50: Underwater Tunel Dungeon

Chapter 50: Underwater Tunel Dungeon

"I think I'm in love." When they were talking about some guild issues, Qian Zhong blurted it out.

"What?" Tang Yunfan almost spiled the soy milk he was drinking. That came out of nowhere. He wasn't prepared for it.

"Puppy love. How cute!" Hu Ling couldn't help but tease his friend, knowing that he hates when people refer to him as cute.

Ye Yan kept silent. He knew his friend would admit he likes the girl sooner or later but he didn't think it would be so soon. He only hopes his friend remembers to buy food next time. Qian Zhong is in love but the food is more important than it.

Ye Yan understands nothing about relationships, so he can't know what his friend is thinking et al. He used his logic to conclude Qian Zhong like the girl.

"You are not sure?" Ye Yan asked. After forgetting to buy food for them, he says he is not sure? Qian Zhong was always the first to remember things when the topic was food, but now, he forgot about it. His mother said before that people acted in an abnormal way when they love someone. This is the only logical explanation for the way Qian Zhong is acting. Why he is doubting that?

"I don't know. How someone can know if they are in love?" Qian Zhong asked Hu Ling that is the one with experience with relationships.

"I think he a guy see his girlfriend with shit in her forehead and don't run away, it must be love[1]." Tang Yunfan said with a serious face.

"What?" Tang Yunfan said after seeing the expression on his friend's face.

"Only you can say something like that." Hu Ling shook his head.

"Who asks for your opinion?" Qiao Zhong said rolling his eyes. "Little Ling, what you think?"

"I have no idea. As you yourself called me before, I am a player. There is no such a thing as feelings involved and the girls I go out with know it too." Hu Ling said sincerely.

Qian Zhong signed. If Hu Ling can't help him figure it out, so no one else can. Tang Yunfan knows nothing about it because up until now, he never dated. He imagined that when he gets a girl in the future will be after hitting her on the head and dragging her by her hair, like in the cartoons about cavemen.

And there is no way he would ask Ye Yan because if he answers, he might say something worse than Tang Yunfan.

Qian Zhong decided to forget about it. Sooner or later he will found out.

The four of them became silent all of a sudden until Hu Ling remembered something and asked Tang Yunfan.

"You don't have work today?" Hu Ling remembered that Tang Yunfan would work for two more days before starting to focus only on the guild. They discussed it before and Hu ling would pay a salary to the main team of the guild until they started to make a good amount of money in the game.

"I am not going back there. I am too embarrassed to do so." Tang Yunfan said with a tinge of red on his face.

"What happened?" Hu Ling and Qian Zhong said at the same time. No matter what happened, it must be something funny to cause Tang Yunfan to blush.

Tang Yunfan sighed, resigned to tell everything. The others wouldn't leave him in peace until he does so. "The guys there were commented about a piece of strange music. I don't think that can be really considered music but never mind. They asked me if I had seen the video of this 'music'.When I said no, the guy working in the audiovisual room took me there and played it for me to see. The music only has one phrase... that is also the music's name. The phrase is.. well... Fuck yourself on your own... You know. And if having to listen to it wasn't bad enough, the volume was found enough to be heard in the reception room. The boss answered the phone call in the reception room with the sound of this music as background. We discovered it later because the one the called her told us about him. He laughed so much telling us. I really don't have the face to go there again [2]."

Tang Yunfan said everything without pause. After he finished, Hu Ling and Qian Zhong couldn't hold it anymore and started to laugh the ass off. Even Ye Yan couldn't hold it in and laughed together with them but in a moderate way.

After Tang Yunfan told them what happened, they laughed at him all day long until they entered the game again.

They agreed to meet in front of the Adventurers' Guild in the east part of the city, the one nearer the sea.

The members that hadn't learn the passive skill [Swim] logged in the game early than them to do so. Now, they can start the dungeon without problems.

They entered the Adventurers' Guild together and went to get the quest.

The Adventurers' Guild discovered that some pirates, lackeys of Zheng Yi Sao [3], the most powerful pirate in History, have smuggled dangerous alchemic potions to Yan Empire. The guild found the hiding place of these pirates but they are without the manpower to stop them. That's why the guild is recruiting brave adventures to defeat those pirates and get the dangerous potions for them before it is too late and they use the potions to hurt the citizens of Tientsin City.

Ye Yan and his team accepted the quest and went to the place indicated in the map given by the guild. There is a soldier camp there.

Ye Yan spoke with the captain of the soldiers. They told him they were sent by the Adventurers' Guild to help them defeat the pirates. The captain show relief on his face after hearing it.

When they were speaking with the captain, another party arrived to start the dungeon. But different from the party they meet outside of the White Birch Mountain Forest, they looked friendly. The all-male party is there to do the dungeon as them, but they are not preparing to challenge the Hell Mode.

"Hello!" The team leader of the other party said to them. "It's the first time you guys are running this dungeon?"

"Yes. We just arrived." Qian Zhong said to them with a friendly smile.

"I wish you guys good luck. You will need it." The team leader said while looking at the girls in the team, which gave Ye Yan's party a bad feeling.

"Thanks for the warning." Qian Zhong said politely.

As Their party arrived first, they were led away by one of the soldiers before the other party.

The soldier took them to a wooden rowing boat that fits around ten or eleven people. There are exactly ten oars on the boat in every one of them is sitting next to one. It's obvious that they will be responsible for row the boat.

They looked at the boat floor and saw that another party had cleared the Torment Mode of the Dungeon. They didn't recognize the players' names but the symbol next to the name is the same one that was on the players from the party they just met. The symbol of the guild is a surfboard and the name is Beach Boys.

It looks like the other party is not only playing around. They are their competitors.

They hope that soon, their names will also be on the boat.

The soldier started to give orders for them to rowing in this or that way until they get to the exact location where is the entrance of the dungeon.

While rowing the boat, My Girl started to sing to relieve his boredom, and soon, the others join him.


"Row row row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream

Row row row your boat

Gently down the stream

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

Life is but a dream"


The soldier didn't join them but was smiling while they sing.

After forty minutes rowing the boat and hearing My Girl sing, they were almost put a dirty sock on his mouth. After some time listening to the same thing, again and again, even a saint would want to kill the singer.

Luckily they arrived or they would have to enter the dungeon with only nine members because Harpy almost threw her husband on the sea.

At least the boat will be here waiting for them and they don't need to rowing here again if they want to do the dungeon again. only if they went back to the city, they would have to do the same process again.

The entrance of the dungeon is an underwater cave and they will have to look for it after they dive into the seawater.

The water is clean and they can see things a good distance away. Soon they found the entrance of the cave.

When the party started to enter the cave, they heard a system notification.

System: please select the dungeon difficult: Easy, Normal, Hard, Torment, Nightmare, or hell.

As this will be their first time in this dungeon, they had decided on the Normal Mode.

System: you have entered 'Underwater Tunel Dungeon' on Normal Mode.


[1] This part is not fiction! It happened in real life with someone close to me. How it happened, even the person with shit in her forehead doesn't know.

[2] Sadly, it is also not fiction. This happened with this author more than 10 years ago.

[3] Zheng Yi Sao, also known as Ching Shih, was a female Chinese pirate leader from the 19th century. She was a former prostitute, a fearsome pirate, and later, a gambling house owner. She has been called the most successful pirate in history. She was the unofficial commander of the Guangdong Pirate Confederation, which was composed of 400 junks and between 40,000 to 60,000 pirates in 1805.

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