Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Chapter 57: The captain's death

Chapter 57: The captain's death

When Captain Antonio's health points reached 50%, he started to throw small firebombs at the male players of the party. The explosions weren't big and could only damage an area of 20 cm radius. 

The problem is that the accuracy of the boss is very high and he throws the small firebombs like a baseball player throwing curveballs. 

The target of the boss is always the players' asses, maybe because of some ass fetish, and when it hit, it deals fire damage and burned their ass. Sometimes, the armor catch fire and the players need to roll on the ground to extinguish it. 

Hello Kitty and Mage of the Cold Nights have water spells to help them but it isn't enough. Hello Kitty started to cast water balls and threw them on her teammates that are in need. In this way, the water balls only put out the fire and do not damage them. Hello Kitty is throwing a water ball every time the cooldown of the skill end.

The situation is not good for the players suffering from ass burning, but Hello Kitty keeps a malicious smile on her face. She is having so much fun throwing water balls on their bottom that she wished the boss continues burning them for a long time.

While Hello Kitty is enjoying herself, Mage of the Cold Nights is having a hard time. If she was using a female character, she wouldn't have problems but she chose to be a cross-gender.

In the character creation, a player can choose to play using his birth gender or cross-gender, if he or she wants to play with a character of the opposite sex. 

When the information about genders was released when they started to promote Second Life, there were many discussions about gender. In the beginning, the developers want the player to have a free choice between male and female, without having to select an alternative, but many people started complaining about it because they wouldn't have a way to know the player's real gender.

If Second Life is like the old games, they wouldn't mind but it isn't. A player can have more intimate contact with others and some can't accept it if they, one day, fall in love with someone and later discover that the man or woman, in truth, is of the same gender as him or her.

In this way, people can't complain about being misled into believing they were with a woman but later discovering that the said woman has a third leg, like some football players after being caught with transvestites. Thus, to avoid possible future lawsuits, the company decided to create a new option.

Some saw it as a new form of prejudice but others thought of it as a conquest achieved after a lot of struggle because even at the end of the 21st century, most countries have yet to eliminate the prejudiced thoughts on people's minds.

Mage of the Cold Night chose to be a cross-gender in Second Life, not only to support her brother but because she was really tired of being looked down on by male players when they discover she is female.

She always becomes mad when people think she can't be an outstanding player for being a woman and she decided to try a new approach, because even if she got on the games' leaderboards, male players thought it was by luck, or using someone else help, or even that she had lied about her gender.

Sadly, even after so many years of fighting against prejudice, it still exists. And when it looks to be getting better, there is always someone or something that led others in having prejudiced thoughts. 

People want to reach real freedom, but it is not really possible while such thoughts are present in people's minds.

Mage of the Cold Nights is suffering in this boss battle more than others, not only because she is an ice elemental that has a weakness to fire damage but because she is a male cross-gender. 

If she was a [span]female-cross gender[/span], the boss would fell in love with her as well, but in her case, it will only make the boss feel jealous and envious, trying to hit her more times than the others with his firebombs, that is an attack in which the boss throw the bombs on multiple players and can't be stopped by using provoke.

Ya Yan and Ashardalon are trying to help the other players by deflecting the bomb's trajectory or protecting them with a shield, but when the boss uses this attack, he throws too many firebombs for them to stop before it reaches their teammates.

Ye Yan is using his hands to deflect the trajectory of the firebombs, making a circular movement with his arms to turn the firebomb in the boss's direction. It deals a good amount of damage on the boss, even more, if he had used his skill [Breath of Rum] just before throwing the firebombs.

Although they were having a hard time fighting this boss, they were dealing a good amount of damage to him and lowering his health points fast. Their only complaint is the fact they feel this boss is harder than the last boss of White Birch Mountain Forest.

Captain Antonio is indeed harder to defeat them the goblin sorcerer because a human NPC is smarter than one from the goblin race, plus the area they have to fight is very small. From the beginning of the battle, they keep fighting the boss inside the captain's cabin.

However, the fact this dungeon is harder than the other, means that the reward would be better in quality. 

After five minutes of fighting the boss, Captain Antonio finally died, falling on the floor of the ship in a very strange position. It wouldn't be so strange if the boss had changed clothes before the battle, but he kept fighting with his knee-length pink dress full of frills. And when he threw the firebombs he simply put his on his back to take the firebombs from who knew where.

When he died, he had to fall in a way that looked like he would do a gynecological examination. And for the relief of all players, he was using underwear. However, he wasn't using male underwear but pink panties.

"This is what we can call inglorious death!" Conan said while looking at the way the boss's body fell on the ground.

They are used to seeing the monster bodies in strange positions when they died in games before, but seen it on the screen is very different from witnessing it happening before their own eyes.

Now that the boss died, they started to plunder his body, looking for something valuable they can take.

In the end, they could only get three items from the boos, his Dao, the pink dress, and his pirate's hat, which he didn't took off even after put the pink dress on. A captain can lose his pride, but can never his hat.


[Dao] (Silver, One-handed weapon: saber)

Description: One of the four traditional weapons of the Yan Empire. A single-edge traditional Chinese sword commonly used by pirates. It is primarily used for slashing and chopping. Its blade is made of silver but doesn't give additional damage against werewolves.

ATK + 40

AGI + 2

STR + 1

Level Requirement: 5

Class Requirement: Unrestricted

Durability: 50/50

Weight: 5 kg


[Pink Dress] (Bronze, Armor: Body armor)

Description: A knee-length pink dress used to make the wearer look cute but sex, showing the wearer's leg. This dress with bronze details didn't provide much defense against attacks but can dazzle the eyes.

Especial effect: Lower the attack power of male enemies by 2%.

Def + 5

Level Requirement: 5

Class Requirement: Unrestricted

Durability: 40/40

Weight: 2 kg


[Pirate's Hat] (Silver, Armor: Headgear)

Description: A impressive leather hat with silver details that represents the power of the captain.

Especial effect: Lower the physical and magical attack of all pirates in a 20 meters radius.

DEF + 5

STR + 5

CHA + 5

Level Requirement: 5

Class Requirement: Unrestricted

Durability: 50/50

Weight: 1 kg


The loot makes all party members drolls over it. The items are too good for a normal dungeon. What they don't know is that as this dungeon has a high degree of difficulty, the reward for finishing it on the first try while on the level range of the dungeon, increased by one tier.

They discussed who would get the items and decide to keep the saber for Mad Dog, because this sword despite being unrestricted, is more suited for swordsmen. My Girl for the Pink Dress and Conan got the Pirate's hat from the random decision of the Party Contract.

As Mad Dog isn't doing the dungeon with them, I Love Skooma kept the saber in his bag to hand it to his brother later.

Now, with the new item, they will have an advantage while fighting the pirates in the last part of the dungeon. it will be very useful in harder modes when the monsters are stronger.

After looting the boss, they looked around to see if there is anything in the boss cabin they can use.

After turning the whole cabin over, they finally find a bunch of keys in one of the dresser drawers. Looking at the keys, they soon thought about the wooden chests in the storage area full of cockroaches.

They finally thought that maybe the dungeon isn't playing temptation with them.

[ol][li data-annotation-id="791cb28f-c400-38ee-77c6-1ecb0bf1b71d"]A character can choose to look like the opposite sex but retain his or her reproductive organ.[/ol]

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