Second Life: Welcome to Gaia

Chapter 74: Colon Rectum

Chapter 74: Colon Rectum

Ye Yan had to dodge one round of light balls after another. He almost had no time to breathe. 

He kept dodging the light balls, running from one side to the other of the chamber. A least, the light balls provide enough light for him to see the entire room, thus he has more space to use in the battle.

The chamber is a wide square room whose walls are decorated with murals describing the emperor's life. On a wall, there are ancient Chinese aristocrats on horseback, hunting deer. On the other, show the emperor on his throne with his empress by his side and many officials bowing to him. And the other walls look to have soldiers painted on it

The chamber has a deteriorated marble floor and four columns inside to support the ceiling. In the past,  the columns should have vibrant red colors, but now, the color has faded over time, losing its magnificence.

It's a shame that Ye Yan couldn't appreciate the beauty of the place, but he was too busy dodging the light ball and looking for a way to approach the boss without being hit by its magic attacks, to have time to look at it.

After one minute just evading the light balls, Ye Yan finally got close to the boss. He stood in front of it, opened his folding fan, and slashed the boss, just to discover that its carapace was so hard that he had done almost no damage to it.

Seeing that slashing attacks were almost ineffective, Ye Yan closed his fan and started to hit the boss like if he was using a club.

Ye Yan used the gold guards of his fan to smash the golden beetle's head with it. It didn't deal much damage but was much better than using slashing attacks.

-60... -30... -30... -60...

The only drawback is that using his fan closed, his attack speed is slower than using the open fan, taking almost one second more in each attack.

But, as he is also using his left hand to punch the boss, he can deal more damage than if he was only using his open fan, even if the attack power of his upgraded glove is half of the fan.

While Ye Yan is attacking the boss, it isn't idle. The Colon Rectum is moving its wings, producing a loud buzzing sound and a strong wind, trying to make Ye Yan lose his balance.

Because of the boss attack, Ye Yan is having a hard time hitting the boss because of the wind force. Not only it is difficult for him to keep the stand in front of the boss, but his attack speed also decreased.

Ye Yan has to keep close to the boss to attack and avoided the light balls while trying to not be so close, because sometimes, the boss tries to use his own weight to press Ye Yan on the floor.

The boss looks heavy and slower but in truth, it is very fast and can take Ye Yan by surprise at any time if he is not careful enough.

Ye Yan tried to attack the golden beetle legs because they look frail compared with the rest of its body. He opened his fan and tried to slash it, so the beetle could have a hard time moving later, but it was ineffective because the fur on the boss legs is hard like steel.

He closed his fan and tried to smash the boss legs after seeing it can't be slashed, but it also proved ineffective because the countless steel-hard fur also cushions the attacks, not allowing the impact of the attack to damage its leg.

As there is no other way, Ye Yan kept in a position in front of the boss and almost under its head.

The problem with this position is that the boss's head seen from below is ugly and disgusting. While fighting, Ye Yan could see a secretion coming out of the mouth of the beetle that looked like saliva and stinks a lot.

This battle is hurting all his senses. Even his sense of touch is suffering in this fight because every time he bumps into the boss's legs, he feels a strange sensation as if many ants were crawling over the part of his skin that touched the boss.

[It's so easy in the books! Why reality is so different from fiction?] Ye Yan thought to himself. 

Every battle against monsters in novels shows how heroic the main leads are while defeating the most grotesque creatures in the world. It never mentions that they had to stand so many disgusting and stink situations. Probably, all the heroes have a strong stomach to withstand so much without even wanting to throw up.

Or the monsters from novels are strong but cute in appearance. Maybe not cute because it would make people pity them. it should be more like cows, not cute but also not ugly.

Every novel monster definitely should be like hell cows, evil creatures that do not disgust and you will not feel too bad about killing them.

Ye Yan tried to disable his sense of smell and continue to fight the golden beetle, giving his all in the fight. He stopped testing the boss and started to use his strong skills to deal damage to the boss.

Ye Yan kept fighting using his fan as a club while using his left hand to punch the boss, sometimes inflicting stun on it after using the skill [Dizzy Punch]. 

The funny thing is that, as the folding fan is not very long, Ye Yan looks like his mother when hit him with her slipper, or as if he was trying to kill a giant cockroach with a slipper. Maybe it should change to a beetle because Ye Yan would never for the life of him, use such a short-range weapon to kill a cockroach.

When the Colon Rectum's health points reached 10% of the total,  it started to spit its poisoned saliva in Ye Yan's direction, creating an even more disgusting scene.

At this time, Ye Yan started to speed things up. He activated [Lucky Hit] and started to use [Bash] as much as possible. 

After a few more seconds, the Colon Rectum's body fell to the ground with a thud. 

As the golden beetle didn't have an increase in defense as happening with the monsters inside dungeons, he could kill it alone, even it being level 10 and he, level 8.

The only downside of killing the boss is that now there are no light balls to illuminate the room, so he can't see the walls clearly now.

When he was fighting the boss, he saw some interesting pictures on the wall. If he is not mistaken, the walls show that there is an egg in the mausoleum and it looks very precious. He will have to look more carefully to find a clue about its location.

Ye Yan crouched next to the boss's body and started to get the intact items left by the boss. 

Items that show as trash can't be used as material for upgrading or are wanting by NPCs, so players never try to store them in their bags. Some players with compulsive hoarding could do it but as the names say, it is trash. And contrary to what happens in real life, they can't be recycled or reused.

The items Ye Yan got from the Colon Rectum were his legs, antennae, pieces of golden carapace, an acid gland, and a big crystal of magic source.

After gathering everything, Ye Yan went in the direction of the wall he remembers having the information about an egg.

He stood in front of the wall and raised the bottle with the firefly to better light the mural with the painting of the egg and soldiers near it.

The mural shows a story about soldiers defeating a powerful monster that was oppressing a black dragon and in thanks for being rescued, it gave the soldiers a green egg.

Ye Yan followed the mural to know the rest of the story. In another part of the mural, the leader of the soldiers appears giving the egg to the emperor in a very respectful and reverent posture, while the other soldiers are bowing to him.

He touched the green egg painted on the wall and unexpectedly it has a different texture from the rest of the mural. He looked more carefully and saw that the egg was a green stone stuck in the wall.

Ye Yan used some strength and the greenstone moved, enabling him to remove it from the wall.

Ye Yan looked at the stone, turning it to see if there is any kind of mark on a symbol on it, but as he found nothing special, he stored it in his bag. 

Maybe the greenstone can be useful later in the dungeon, so he intends to take it out in another chamber to see if it has a reaction. If not, he can at least use it to upgrade some equipment later.

As there is nothing more for him to do in this room, Ye Yan entered in the only other passage in the chamber except by the one he got there. But this time, he will move with even more caution than the last time because he knows that it should have more booby traps waiting for him there.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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