Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 158: [Water Serpent]!

Chapter 158: [Water Serpent]!

As soon as Archer dispelled the possession, he tightly wrapped his necklace in his hand, thanking it with all his emotion.

He found himself lucky that he had prepared for a situation like this happening. 

Days ago, he had bought the necklace from one of his friends for a large sum of money. The necklace was made with special holy crystals and was rare. Its effect, as seen, was to ward off any ghost possession that happens to the wearer!

"Haha, I'm free," victoriously laughed Archer.

He looked at his mates and saw sheer dumbfoundness molded on their faces.

"Haha, u're awed by my preparation, aren't you?" bragged Archer.

He was so drunk in his victory that he failed to notice Jake's fight....Yet that was not the problem!

Still seeing the trembling eyes of the others, Archer joked, "Are you still surprised? Come on, did you think i would not prepare?"

The faces on all of them, particularly River was silent, which was saying something.

River was a talkative, someone just like Archer. It was rare for her to quiet and it was even rarer for her to show a shocked expression.

Archer stopped smiling and stared at her frozen eyes, "What is it?"

He was staring to get weirded by their lack of reaction.

"W-What is it?" repeated Archer.

His eyes dilated as he slowly became influenced by them.

Finally, River did something other than just stayong silent. She weakly pointed her hand at him.

"Me?" Archer asked.

He saw River shake her head, telling him that it wasn't him.

"....But, its in my direction?" whispered Archer.

Truly, it could only be him, couldn't it? 

There was only him in that angle. There was only.....

"River, talk to me. Is there something behind me?" panicked Archer.

Tears streamed down his face as he repeated, "River, answer me. Is there--"


He couldn't finish his words as a hand extended out of his chest.

Archer coughed out build from his mouth in response. He tried to turn around.tried to get a good look at his attacker but the black coated hand extending out of his chest prohibited him from doing so.

Everything suddenly entered a standstill for him.

He could feel it..

The hand retreated into his body and warmed his way around his heart.

Despite the pains he was meant to react to, Archer felt nothing. He was already beyond, just waiting for the final push.

Then, it happened..!

The hand coiled around his heart and mercilessly dragged it out!


The action signified the loss of a life..the death of one of the Teglycas!


After the lifeless body of Archer fell to the ground, the figure behind him was revealed.

It was a humanoid silhoutte with no clear feature. However, the strangest thing about it was its position.

The nearly impossible black figure melded with the shadow of the dead Archer. It stayed in there like it was its cage.


The creature screeched at the group. It melted down into the shadow shadow and coursed into the floor.

A moving shadow was then seen speeding at them, trying to join their shadow!

"Sh*t," cursed River.

As a lady, she preferred not to curse, but in scenarios like this, it was the only way for her to express her emotions.

From the moment she saw the creature, she already identified it.

It was a shadow, another variant species of phantom, but was the most unique variant.

A shadow possessed the ability to possess a person's shadow. They could only live there, and couldn't materialize without the possession.

The group had had to watch as the shadow sneaked up on Archer and possessed his shadow. 

They tried to subtly inform him as they didn't want the shadow to take drastic decisions, but Archer didn't take the hint!

Now, he was dead.

After fully expressing her emotions, River said to her leader, "What do we do?"

The four of them were moving at a constant speed. The speed of a shadow was fast. Hence, they could not let it catch up with them.

"We can't kill it, but we can trap. Damn, Archer was our only hope of battling a shadow," exclaimed Eden.

Ironically, Archer also walked on the [Shadow Elemental Path], this meant that he had the [Shadow Element].

He would be able to resist the shadow netheran, but now he was dead. This was possibly why the shadow targeted him first!

Thinking on his feet, Eden analyzed, 'We can't kill it with normal methods. However, it is susceptible to anything light related. Sh*t, its nightime.'

It was good that he had three other people to share the burden. If not, he might have already been killed.

'Hmmm.i can only use them, but i don't have much and they will be needed in future,' thought Eden.

Ultimately, he made his decision, "River, Sea, use your water element to buy me some time. Renee, protect them."

He ejected himself from the chase. From the way the shadow pursued him, it could be seen that it didn't like that. Fortunately, River and Sea were there to stop them.

"I guess we can't afford to care about our location," sighed River.

"Mhmm," nodded Sea, while Renee kept quiet.

The group could easily destroy their current building, but it would not be good for them in the long run.

However, it was a matter of life and death, they couldn't care about the future.

Suddenly, after making up their minds, the three fueled themselves with vibrant energy.

Their strength instantly got to their peak and they went all out!


In the world, there were many theories present, some tested, some not yet proven.

The theory of elements, however, was a proven it.

It detailed that elements belonged to different alignment, yet at the same time they held their own alignment.

It was only based on this statement that Eden could rely on the two sisters to buy him some time.

The sisters possess the [Water Element], which belonged to the light alignment. Their attacks were bound to cause trouble for the shadow, especially when it had not possessed another person shadow!


After charging themselves, the two sister looked at each other.

They already knew themselves inside out so there was no need for words.

Taking the lead, the older sister, Sea made a handsign.

Massive amount of water gathered around her and through her hand she was able to manipulate them. 

She weaved her hand in the air as the shadow rushed at her.

The bountiful water gradually formed shape and when her two hands joined together, she mouthed softly, "[Water Serpent]."

From the depth of the water, a serpent-like creature, far bigger than anything in the room shot out and drowned the shadow!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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