Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 210: The World of Dreams

Chapter 210: The World of Dreams

Five hours later, Jake released a hot breath of air from his mouth.

He closed his eyes and imagined the creation of five blue arrays that were positioned parallel to one another.

True to his thoughts, the five blue arrays actualized in a quick manner.

On the surfaces of the first array were streaks of electricity that crackled around the array.

The sparks of electricity then moved to the second array and became a lot larger.

It moved again o the third array and released sounds that threatened to destroy the room.

However, it did not.

Jake had perfect control of it.

Instead, the transferring process repeated itself as it moved to the fourth array.

The electricity got massively boosted in terms of destructive potential. Its blue light intensified brightly, almost becoming the main source of light in the room.

After a lot of accumulation, the streaks of electricity got transported to the final array. It swam around for a while before it shockingly got sent out by the array in a blast attack.

Sadly, before the huge ball of electricity could actually destroy something. Jake controlled it to his hand and dispersed it.

He smiled as he could feel some of the remaining sparks of electricity stinging his hand.

The five arrays were proof of his attainments in the path of arrays.

Those five arrays were in fact all basic arrays. Yet, when combined, they became part of something much larger than themselves.

They became a complex array, which Jake dubbed as a [Lightning Blast Array].

Each array performed an important function as it should be.

The first array was a basic array, the [Electricity Gathering Array]. Just like its name, it gathered the lightning energy in the surrounding.

The gathered lightning energy in the form of electricity is then absorbed by the second array, the [Lightning Conduction Array], which had an amplifying function.

The third array was a variation of the [Lightning Conduction Array]. This one focused less on conducting and more on amplifying. 

This was why the electricity became bigger and more destructive.

When it moved to the fourth array, a variation of the [Ligtning Conduction Array], it got to its maximum potential.

Finally, it relocated to its final array, a [Lightning Release Array]. The array was as it said, its sole function was to finetune the electricity and released it in the form of a blast. 

After his displaying of genius, Jake's fatigue caught up to him and he left his chair to take a rest. Under the perfect atmosphere of the room, he was submerged in a deep sleep.a sleep where there were no dreams. 

The day proceeded with any activity from the duo. The blakets of moonlight soon covered the planet and the world was silent once again.

Different people closed their eyes and laid on their bed, forgetting about the possible horrors that might claim them when they open their eyes.

In the world of dreams, they were no worries about the future. Here, everyone got t.o be a kid, floating on the clouds and becoming a hero.

However, time was not on their side!

As soon as the first ray of sunlight banished the moonlight, the world of dreams disappeared and everyone was once again forced to face another terrific day!


As people began their daily activities. Some still laid on their bed

For the rogue duo, they didn't have any work or job to do so they continued sleeping.

After all, it had been a long time since they had been in somewhere this comfortable.

Two hours later, the duo was woken up by the sound of someone knocking on their room door.

Jake grudgingly stood up from his bed and sighed, "Who is it?"

He checked the door hole and opened the door without waiting for a reply from the other side.

The door opened widely which allowed two women to drag in a wide tray on a cart.

They wore uniforms indicating that they were part of the hotel's staff.

"Morning, Sir," greeted the both of them.

They went on to explain they were the team responsible for serving breakfast to the duo.

"Oh, you have my thanks. You can go now," said Jake.

The female attendants smiled and bowed before they left the room.

Afterward, Jake checked the large meal on the cart.

As soon as he opened the cover of the dish, a tempting aroma assaulted his nose.

He had to admit that the chef of the hotel was probably top tier. Even the presentation of the meal was superb.

Jake was tempted to dig in, but he had to take his bath first.

He took a large apple from the fruits baskets and dragged himself to the bathroom.

Twenty minutes, he came out afresh and a new man.

Putting on a simple shirt and a pant, he walked to the cart and picked his plate, but before he could take his plate, he spotted Kaleyx sitting on his chair as she munched on her meal.

She stared back at him as he reveled in her meal. Her eyes said, "what?"

Jake just brushed her off and proceeded to sit on his bed.

As a young lady, he found it strange that she would bother about eating before taking care of her body.

All the women he had met really worried about their bodies.

As if reading his thoughts, Kaleyx voiced out as she munched, "You know, at this realm, a cultivator doesn't need to worry much about his body. The need to eat is lessened. The need to sleep is almost nonexistent. The body doesn't produce as much dirt as a regular person's body does."

Jake knew she was right, but it had become a habit for him to worry about his body. Plus, just because there wasn't much dirt produced doesn't mean there isn't any.

He ignored Kaleyx and focused on his meal.

As he was eating, he heard Kaleyx ask him, "Hey, who is this Cheyenne?"

Her words went right through him as he sharply turned to Kaleyx!

"Huh?" asked Jake.

He saw Kaleyx holding something like a newsletter, probably the one the breakfast team brought with them. 

Kaley read what the newsletter had about her, "It says, "Girl Wonder. ...Young Girl from Aztec dominates the younger generation... Princess Cheyenne is possibly the strongest student the academy has had in two to five hundred years.....Girl Wonder took only a few months to reach the upper echelon of the sect.....Is there anything that can stop her?"."

Her mouth twitched as couldn't bear it anymore, "I reckon with this type of praise she's probably a god already or something."

She looked at the facial drawing on the newsletter page and couldn't help being drawn to it.

It was like she knew who the face belonged to.

"Tell me, who exactly is she," asked a very interested Kaleyx.

"Why would I know?"

"She comes from Aztec. Same as you" answered Kaleyx.

The more Jake acted strangely, the more she felt an interesting story behind it.

"Hmmmm," Jake hummed.

He laid his head on his bed and scenes of his encounter with the princess began to play out in his head, "Princess Cheyenne Aztec is a monster. Normally, one would expect a royal child to at least be talented but Cheyenne takes an extra mile from that. She is too talented, boasting of a mature mind comparable to old cultivators. However, she is a bit unique. Cheyenne Aztec doesn't really show off her power often. In fact, before the first time she showed her real strength, she was merely known as the notorious princess."

His words flowed like honey as he had a lot of things to say about her. After all, he had witnessed her true strength first hand.

Listening to him, Kaleyx smiled, "...sounds like she's wonderful. Also, I'm sensing a history between you two. I have never heard you say so much about one person."

"Hmmm. You could say so. I have fought her twice," informed Jake.

Kaleyx eyed him instantly, "ehh, did you win?"

She knew Jake's strength. It was not fair to group him with the others.

However, she was surprised when she heard his reply, "No, I lost both times. The second time was probably when I got to see her true strength."

She had to ask, "...and? "

"It was not something one could take care of easily. She is like you. In fact, she is almost exactly like you," smiled Jake

"Don't make jokes, Jakes. What exactly do you mean?" Kaleyx shot back.

She could feel a certain trepidation in her bones. Her blood boiled like she already knew the answer. Nevertheless, she wanted confirmation.

"I speak no lies. At first, I was the clear winner of the battle. I thought it was over, but suddenly, on the brink of death, she erupted with a reveling power that totally dominated my mind and body. In less than three seconds, I was fully defeated," sighed Jake.

"What power was that?"

"I think you know it."

"Tell me!"

"It was a bloodline power, except the bloodline was otherworldly. The power of a Celestial!" 

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