Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 219: The Battle of the Minds(1)

Chapter 219: The Battle of the Minds(1)

"Ahh, what did you do to me?"


From the duo's point of view, it sounded like someone was rampaging like a f*cking bastard.

"We have found our guy," smiled Kaleyx.

Though they couldn't see anyone, by tracing the sound, they could find their guy.

*Boom* *Boom* *Boom*

Before they could move further, thunderous shockwaves blew them away without any warning.

They were sent far away from where they previously were.

After everything settled, the duo instantly powered themselves with their mental energy. They already knew they couldn't hide anymore.

Buried in a grassy plain, Jake sighed as he regrouped with Kaleyx, "F*ckery."

"I know, right? He is pissed. I wonder why, " said Kaleyx.

As they conversed, the screams continued and shockwaves erupted continuously.

Jake just shielded himself from the shockwave. 

He turned to his front and could see a silhouette coming into view. 

Quickly, he braced himself and nodded at Kaleyx.

Without any further thought, he activated his [Akashic Eye]. His purple eye coiled around his arms forming a streak of lightning that then turned to a sword.


A beam of light shot to the sky, accompanied by a terrific shout. The emotions contained in that eternal scream were enough to give Jake goosebumps.

"It is you. It is you. What did you do?!! Ahhh!!"

He could see the appearance of the silhouette that approached them.

Sure enough, it was Kieran. He looked savage in his bloodline transformation. His body armour became more rugged than the last time they fought. His eyes became a fully bloody red.

Jake sighed at the sight of the miserable Kieran. He looked warped and disoriented like he had been possessed by a devil.

This was not the composed person he fought against!

'The power of the mind is imagination. Only in the mind can one be truly omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. Gods only existed in the minds of mortals. One can only access this power by connecting deeply with their minds, by understanding themselves,' analyzed Jake.

He looked at Kaleyx who had already undergone a transformation.

Her body became almost as tall as a giant and her skin turned whiter. Her eyes appeared to be wholly silver.

The dark halo on her head changed to her daggers and bones could be seen extending out of her back.

However, they only stopped there. There were no wings, only broken bones. 

This was Kaleyx as a Fallen Celestial. Yet the paleness of her skin and the ashen strands on her hair seemed to be proof of something more than just a celestial.

Looking at her, Jake continued his thoughts, 'Who am I? Who do I think I am? I'm not human. Yet, I've been humane all my life. If I go by Heaven's observations, I'm a hybrid between a Phaent and a Drakoi. What are those? What proof do I have except for the colour of my blood? Who am I? A Son of Chaos? No, I have lost that title? Then, who am I?....or rather, Who am I?'

A series of inarticulate questions flowed through Jake's head.

He needed a personal understanding of himself in order to visualize more power to fight Kieran.

Kaleyx had achieved that easily, but he couldn't. He had always ran away from the matter of his identity.

He always thought it was better to focus on the present.

Yet, here he was needing it now.

As Jake questioned himself, his surrounding didn't pause. This was because he was in another person's mindscape. He was the guest.

Hence, he had limited time to think.

'Who was he? Who am I? What am I?'

The questions rotated in a full circle in Jake's head.

He couldn't figure them out.

It made him realize he was actually scared of facing them all along. The only reason he faced them now was that he needed power from these questions.

However with this discovery in mind, Jake made up his mind to answer them later. But for now, he would give what he thought was the answer, no matter how inaccurate it was.

Who was he?

'I am the seeker of perfection. The bearer of the [Akashic Eye]. The Prodigal Son of Chaos. The wanderer of the ocean. I am Jake Khaos Amethyst!!'

Following his declaration, a clicking sound was heard in his mind.

The string that connected him to his mindscape got firmer and former until it sent a massive boost of energy to Jake.

The purple energy dissolved into a familiar purple mist that surrounded Jake.

The lightning sword in his hand crystallized, becoming more sharper in the process and Jake's purple miasma froze the section of the grassy plain.

Jake never felt more whole in his life. He looked at Kaleyx, signalling her that he was ready.ready to let loose.

Not wasting more time, the two of them dashed at Kieran at an unthinkable speed that could not be replicated by them in the outside world.

At the same time, it appeared that Kieran had moved before them.

Using his foreground advantage, Kieran willed the glasses in the environment to tied the duo down. 

It was then they felt how tough it was to cut the grass.

Jake mercilessly ripped it apart on his second try. He knew a punch was coming for him immediately so he created a shield with his miasma.

As soon as he did that, the punch landed firmly on the shield.

Kaleyx used the opportunity to blast him away with her energy but the latter resisted it with his mere body.

He swatted Kaleyx's energy blast and threw one of his own that rocketed Kaleyx away.

Blue lights pulsed from the lower part of Kieran to his upper part. The climatic movements of the lights alerted Jake, who proceeded to dive but he was too late.

A terrifying breath attack hit him and pierced through his chest, leaving him on his knees.

He glanced at his assailant and sighed, 'Sure enough, it is still is home no matter how disoriented he is.'

The frenzy state of Kieran only proved to help him further.

As Jake was analyzing while dripping with blood, he heard Kaleyx's voice, "Hey, are you done? This is barely a warm-up"

"No," replied Jake.

He stood up and the hole in his body began to rapidly heal, leaving not a single travel left after he was done.

He eyed Kaleyx, "What was the plan all along?"

After the brief fighting, he realized that the duo had the greatest risk.

In fact, Kieran had nothing to lose. They couldn't kill him. He could heal up any injury he took while the duo had a limit to their healing.

The only way to win would be to completely dominate Kieran and destroy the mindscape. Even so, the duo couldn't do that.

Kieran's mind was strong enough, especially now that he was in a frenzy.

"Oh, a plan. it's simple. Destroy or contain him. Hmmmm.judging by his state, it would be hard to do both, but for now, let's try to destroy him and contain him before he could regenerate," replied Kaleyx.

Her carefree voice sounded a bit too annoying to Jake but he decided to ignore that.

She was right. It was either going to be simple or going to be tricky...and Jake liked both.

Hence, he decided to play along.

He followed Kaleyx and rushed back at Kieran, who just noticed them.


The scream that wildly escaped from Kaleyx's mouth marked the elevation of his powers.

Following his shout, once again, came the grasses that tried to bind the duo but this time they were more prepared.

They used their energy to repel the grasses and shot another energy blast a Kieran.

Kaleyx fully concentrated as her daggers became bigger and bigger...and bigger until they covered the sky.

She let the enormous daggers descend on Kieran in a swift motion

The daggers chopped Kieran into two but shortly after, he repeated back.

Unfortunately for him, Jake was already on the offence.

Jake summoned a lightning-ice tornado that swept Kieran into it. He had no idea of how many times Kieran died in the tornado.


A while later, the tornado was dispelled by a large pillar of light, accompanied by Kieran's shouts.

A light flashed by and Kieran appeared beside Jake, delivering a punch that tore apart his shoulder.

He merely waved his hand but a sharp wind blade flew at Kaleyx and compelled her to focus on it, not being able to support Jake.

Kieran grabbed Jake's other hand and slammed him on the ground.

Luckily, Jake healed just in time to smash a kick on Kieran's face but it did nothing.

Jake had expected that.

He pointed his left hand at Kieran and blasted him with multiple energy bullets.

Keeping Kieran occupied, Jake entered into a sword drawing stance with his crystal blade.

Before Kieran could retaliate, a subtle breeze brushed past him. At first, it was ignored.

Yet, in the next second, apocalyptic sounds thundered around. Space broke and Kieran was diced to molecules.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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