Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 43: Shivani

Chapter 43: Shivani

Jake sat in the massive carriage with the other nineteen teenagers and Uncle Todd.

It has been five minutes since they have been in the carriage, and throughout they have been silent. Not that Jake wanted to complain; the silence suited him.

He quickly got into his "zen" mode, closing his eyes as he practiced the ultimate art of sleeping.

"Master Todd, have you ever attended the celebration before?" asked Nico in an attempt to cancel the silence.

He looked cool in a red suit, his red hair and charming face made the colorful dress work.

"Yes, I believe it was three years ago. It was the first time in a while that I showed my face to the public."

"Ohh, tell us more," gawked Nico, as he sensed a story.

Uncle Todd looked at the teens. Their vibrant eyes beamed with intensity as they looked at him. Wasn't he also like that?

His gaze drifted away, as he remembered his wild days, 'What a reckless time it was.'

Uncle Todd brought back his attention. He laughed, "Hohoho, while others may think that the celebration is too formal, but would you believe it if I told you it has its barbaric moments."

Gavin smiled deeply. He knew what Uncle Todd was about to say, he had told Gavin many times.

"We are listening," commented Andrew, as he focused on the story.

He wore a brown suit with box patterns and he quite liked it as it made him look more manly.

Noticing he had gained their attention, Uncle Todd began his story, "Ok, there was a time--I think five years ago. The young master of a particular noble house was dared by his friends into a drinking challenge."

"Did he accept?" asked Nico, as his eyes sparkled.

"What did you expect? He did what most people would do. Under the pressure, he accepted the challenge!

However, he didn't know that the challenge was rigged from the start. The opponent's bottles were normal alcohol, while his was of a higher quality. Being foolish and at the moment, he didn't notice."

"So what happened?"

"Five minutes into the challenge, at the center of the hall, he ran around naked spilling inside secrets of his friends. Hahahaha, it was very funny. His friends that set him up didn't think he would spill their secrets. They had planned for him to embarrass himself, however, the plan ricocheted back to them." Uncle Todd's eyes became moist as he laughed out loud.

He continued, "I remember, one of the friends' secrets was that he had five pimples. Another friend had a pregnant lover. One was in love with his aunt. One was double dating, hahaha, after his secret was spilled, he got his ass kicked by both girlfriends. By the time they were done, he had a broken body, plus his family didn't interfere."

The whole crowd burst into laughter as they advanced closer to the Capital Hall.

"So, what happened to the boy?"

"Well as he was naked and drunk, it took a while for him to sober up. However, that time was enough for him to add his family's secret to the collection of secrets spilled. It turns out his father had been cheating on his mother with an outsider, and his mother, cheating on him with his uncle. Hahaha, that night was truly wild."

"Is such a thing possible?" asked Nico as he heard the story.

"Believe me, it is. It happened many times. Nobles get betrayed for fame. Hahaha, that's why I warned you to be always closely guarded," reminded Uncle Todd.

He continued, "Still, the celebration has also had a lot of good moments. Some nobles find their future partners there. Friendship blossoms there. It is said that the previous King and Queen met each other there."

"Wow, it sounds like the celebration has a lot of history," marveled Lola.

"Yes, it does. Every Aztec King celebrates their birthday in that way. It has become a tradition that everyone looks forward to."


Uncle Todd smiled, "Yes, King Castol met the Queen, then Lady Vera of the Hayden Noble Family. At first sight, he became smitten with her, and she with him. Many years went by, and the two played the romantic game of chase, until they confessed their feelings to each other, and after that, they married."

"Wow, how romantic," swooned the crowd.

Being that they were teens, they still had dreams of fiery passions, of meeting their loved ones in romantic places. They still had hopes of having the perfect story.

Uncle Todd continued telling them stories. It was a form of reminiscence to him, and the teenagers loved these types of stories..


Jake was also listening to Todd--Uncle Todd. Sometimes, he forgets to address Uncle Todd with respect. It wasn't his fault. Jake views everyone the same, they were all equal in his eyes. Well, only a few people could bypass his perspective.

Back to the topic, Jake was listening to Uncle Todd. It didn't hurt to listen to the stories. Plus, he could get more info from it.

For example, he now knew the names of the previous Kings and Queens.

He also knew what to expect from the nobles he would see there.

Jake's mind became bored as he listened to the story. He realized that he wasn't interested anymore in the debauchery tales of nobles. Debauchery existed everywhere. It made perfect sense that nobles would have it too.

'That reminds me, the Sword Drawing technique!' Jake thought.

Since he was currently free, he could use the time to review the technique.

The first thing Jake did when he got the technique was to read it, and with his photographic memory, an ability he got from the Akashic Eye, the details concerning the technique forever stayed in his mind.

The Sword Drawing Technique was exactly like its name. It involved one drawing out his sword from its sheath. One had to draw it out in a very fast motion.

However, what made it so special was that it was adapted to the strength of cultivators. It helped them unleash a speed so fast that their opponents couldn't see it

When reading, Jake noticed that the book was like a journal. It contained many swordsmen's opinions on the technique. Each owner of the technique, after mastering it, would add their details to the technique. So that the next owner would find it easier to understand.

By the time it got to Jake, the book was almost filled to the brim.

It was practically a legacy!

The technique was so special that it disregarded cultivation bases. It was more concerned with one's mentality, resourcefulness, adaptability, control, and perception.

Jake also had a theory that the book was extremely old, he could infer that from the writings in the book. Some of the words were written in another language, which he could somehow decipher.

Each owner of the journal would write their name in the book, accompanied by their accounts of the techniques.

The most notable of them was a woman called Shivani. She gave an extremely well-detailed explanation of the technique that made Jake rethink the potential of the technique.

She explained that at the peak of the technique, one would be able to move his/her body like the sword, breaking into unimaginable speed. Each of his attacks would be like a sword coming out of its sheath. The key to achieving this is imagination.

One needed to unlink himself from his mental cuffs. One needed his mind to be flexible and versatile.

Now, this is extremely hard as the technique is originally rigid. However, the woman, Shiv, was proof that such a feat was possible; it was most likely she had achieved it.

Though, Jake was far from achieving such a stage.

Jake also read that the technique was grouped into four stages, which corresponded to the four stages of technique comprehension.

The four stages of technique comprehension, were the dividing line when mastering any technique. The first stage was the Elementary stage, which could release the 25% strength of the technique

The second stage, called Small Succes, could release 75% strength.

The third stage, Perfect Stage, could unleash 100%

The fourth stage, a theorized stage, could unleash 300% and above.

Shivani recorded that she had achieved the fourth stage, and was unmatchable with the technique!

She wasn't the only one that achieved the fourth stage. Four others got to the stage; Hala, Lefu, Monk, and Gallenn.

They both recorded similar experiences after achieving the technique, but it was too soon for Jake to focus on them, so he didn't bother with it.

Jake went straight to the accounts on the first stage.

It was said achieving the first stage would allow one to draw ten slashes in one breath.

Jake's mind focused on the information as he tried to imagine drawing ten slashes in one breath.

He remembered one of the previous owners' word;

[ Knight: I spent five months at this stage. I swore to achieve this stage. I stayed up awake every night, practicing the technique. I forgot how many night candles I burnt.

Alas, tis was for naught.

One night, I took a break. Tis was then I achieved my breakthrough! It came smooth and unnoticed. I entered the lovely smell of epiphany!

I realized I made a lot of mistakes. The technique didn't require a lot of thinking. It was a reflex. A smooth technique, where it can only be executed when all the conditions are met!

I didn't need to think, just had to go with the flow!]

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