Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 73: Different parts of himself

Chapter 73: Different parts of himself

'Hmmm.,' a sound came out from Jake's mouth.

His unclear double-colored eyes became more focused as he came out of his spontaneous meditation state.

'It has been five hours,' recounted Jake.

Five hours ago, he took the medicine he found in the masked men's spatial ring, and waited for it to take effect. Now, five hours later, Jake could feel the drug had done the best it could so.

He stood up, and despite still limping, it was enough for him. Walking in a circle, he tried to get the feel of walking again.

Seeing success, Jake smiled, 'That should be all.'

He picked up the corpses of the masked men and kept them in the spatial, along with another other thing that wasn't supposed to be here.

This was done to prevent anyone from finding out what had occured down here.

Now, the only problem he had was his clothes. They were all bloody and torn.

He would have liked to change it, but his other clothes were in his room, and that was the exact problem.

He would have to walk out of the tunnel and pass multiple rooms to get to his room, evidently someone would notice.

His only comfort was that, judging by his body clock, it was the first hour of the day, and most people would be sleeping by now and wouldn't notice me.

He took a look back as he walked to the start of the tunnel.

He ruminated, 'Why is there a tunnel here? What purpose did it serve?'

The existence of a tunnel beneath his feet was extremely interesting and fun for someone like Jake, who was chaotic and curious.

However, it was at times like this his brain decides what's best.

For minutes, Jake thought about the implications of dark spider looming over the witching hours of the Capital.

No matter how he tried to deny it, their actions which are most likely to be harmful will effect him, one way or the other.

If this group cannot stay in the light, then they have a reason to avoid it, and it must mean their search is not generally or legally acceptable!

Which might also mean it is not at the best interest of the people!

Yet, some nobles are involved with this movement.

With a sigh, Jake laid down everything and decided, 'I will not investigate. If their footmen could cause me so much trouble, then what about their higher echelon. However, i will investigate the existence of the tunnel when i visit the library tomorrow.'

After giving his last look, he climbed the ladder leading to the ground floor.

Giving his current status, it wasn't easy an some of his healed muscles tore again, but he made it to the top rung of the ladder.

He placed his palm on the floor board that was used to cover the hole, trying to feel any vibration.

Not finding any, he smiled as the coast was clear and pushed aside the cover board.

He used his strength to climb out of the tunnel and instantly sniffed the fresh air of ground level.

Jake walked out of the room, paying attention to his surrounding.

He noticed a figure moving closer to his direction, by the time they were within a close proximity, he could identify the figure.

It was one of the teens.

The teenager looked at him skeptically. He noticed the blood on Jake's clothes and wanted to ask, but stopped as he was intimidated by Jake's cold eyes.

Among the teenagers, Jake had become an outcast of his own doing. He had distanced himself from everyone and they could all feel it. Yet, he wasn't the only one, there were also a few who followed in his footsteps.

This didn't cause any trouble as there are always people like that. People who didn't mix along well.

However, Jake was the most noticeable among this group. Part of it was due to his strength with was evident from his qualification for the final competiton stage.

Another part of it was due to his unique looks and cold bearing, the perfect makeup of a handsome young male.

The teenager could not stand Jake's stare. He felt like they were judging him, marking him as useless and irrelevant to the natural order of life.

He looked sideways and ignored Jake as he increased his pace and left.

Jake smiled noticing this occurrence.

Contrary to what the teenager might have believed, Jake wasn't deliberately intimidating him.

It was a unique quality he had since he was born. During his childhood, he thought things too rational, he became a very tight person.

But as he grew older, he learnt to cover this quality and just have fun; maybe blow up a few buildings, or kill a person that bested him in an online game.

However, hidden behind his chaotic self was his neutral self. One that he was very scared off.

Under this persona, he didn't make any unnecessary kill or partake in any fun. He became like an emotionless machine who view everything as what it was; MEANINGLESS.

After his change of mindset, he still carried on some of his previous ideals to keep himself in check. Like the rule of equivalent exchange!

Jake smiled as he recounted his previous self. He realised that he had come a long way.

In his deep recollection, he failed to notice a boy who rushed out of a room in his path naked.

"Jake?" the boy softly uttered.

His voice managed to draw Jake's attention.

Jake looked at him, and the two of them engaged in a long deep stare that lasted for seconds..until Jake smiled.

Looking at the young teenager, who was older than him, he realised why the boy-man was flustered.

'His hair is ruffled. He wore his clothes wrong. He is wearing no shoes, plus they is a dark layer of sweat on his skin. Hahahaha,' thought Jake, however, he didn't voice out his thoughts.

The boy had clearly engaged in a certain vigorous activity. The guess was certified the moment Jake looked at the room he came out from. On the door of the room was a "Do not disturb" sign with a daintly aroma sprinkled on it. It clearly belonged to a female.

It wasn't something strange.

The people of Aztec were free and often engaged in all kinds of sexual acts as long as they were not married.

One didn't need to be a virgin to marry. That was the out-dated mindset of the past.

More than 70% of the population of Aztec had s*x during their teenage years. Youths are always the ones with the strongest libido.

In Pinesun City, most of Jake's next-door roommate were pretty wild. Some of them had orgy parties. Some of them were kind enough to invite him, to which he accepted, of course....

The teenager in front of Jake dashed past him in embarrassment. It was obvious that he was not used to things like this and might have just lost his virginity.

Possibly, he might be in love with the young lady behind the door.

It was quite cute to Jake.

He thought no more of it and found his room. Using his keys, he opened it, closed it and lied on the bed.

Despite resting in the dungeon, he still fellt weak and tired.

The Battle had tottallly worn him out, physically and mentally.

He shifted on the bed, trying to get the perfect cool spot for him.

After finding it, he faced his body towards the ceiling and thought deeply.

Not an ounce of clue could be seen from his expression as he suddenly stood up and undressed himself.

Due to his high metabolic rates, his injuries were healing but not to his satisfaction.

He grabbed a few bandages he had kept in his room and dressed his wound.

Particularly, the one that burnt away his skin and went deep to his bone.

He took out the medicines from the spatial ring and applied a salve on his burns, which stinged a lot.

He also applied the salve on the cuts on his face. His face was his selling point and he would like for it to be perfect and undamaged.

Once again, he looked at his reflection in the mirror and was impressed, 'Perfect. Injuries do bring out the best in me.'

If his reflection was a female, he probably would have chased her. It was such a shame nobody was worthy of him doing that.

Noticing his bent legs, Jake sat down, firmed his mind as he puushed the bent bone back to shape.


The sound of the straightening seemed to increase the pain as Jake found himself intensely biting his lips, trying not to let out any noise.

After the whole procedures of straightening out a few more bones, Jake wore another set of dress and fell back on the bed.

He had a thought all the while, 'Perhaps, i can do that today...'

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