Secrets of the Universe

Chapter 97: The Third Round

Chapter 97: The Third Round

"Match, End. Joshua Vargas(0). Jaya(6)"

"Cheyenne Aztec(6), freeroll."

The referee announced the current points of the participants.

He took a three minutes break to give the injured participants time to heal, although, it wouldn't be nearly enough.

Dean Forst and Joshua Vargas had already left the med bay and sat with their bandaged body in their seats.

The both of them hoped that they would be the next of the freeroll so, they can have enough time to heal.

After his given time, the referee announced the next match, "Round 3, First match, Cheyenne Aztec vs. Jaya."

"The next match would be between Dean Forst and Joshua Vargas. Jake, freeroll!"

Following their call, Cheyenne and Jaya came up the stage.

Jake was certainly happy that it was his time on a freeroll. That way, he would be able to heal his damaged right arm.

So, while healing, he thought of who would win the match-up.

Ultimately, the favor was in the hands of Cheyenne.

She was more destructive than any other participants, but it could also be argued that Jaya was more deadly.

It all boils down to who can effectively take their chances when they see one.

A battle was not just about the stats provided to the crowd.

"Match, Start."


The match starts with Jaya forcing Cheyenne to block a blade attack with her.

She did that quite easily and proceeds to pierce in her spear.

Midway, Cheyenne sensed an incoming attack and drew back her spear to evade it.

She ducks to sweep her opponent's feet, and yet again, she couldn't find her opponent.

"Up," smiled Cheyenne, despite being pressured.

Strangely bending her body, Jaya's blade missed Cheyenne.

Jaya then jumped away, knowing that Cheyenne wouldn't give her more time to attack.

Switching into one of her stances, she positioned her left blade closer to her chest and her right blade more outward.

She did that just in time for the fast Cheyenne to appear in front of her.

Feinting a slash with her right blade, to which Cheyenne ducked too, she did a downward slash for Cheyenne, but it was caught precariously by fast Cheyenne.

By the time Cheyenne stood up, blood dripped from her cheeks.

She touched it and smiled. She had finally met an opponent that could rival her in close combat.


Pumping up the energy in her body, she threw a kick that would be impossible for most participants to evade, but to her surprise, the kick was left untouched!

Jaya took advantage of the attack and bend to punch Cheyenne in the guts.


Her fist was filled with an insane amount of [Spirit Essence] when it reached Cheyenne's, therefore, Cheyenne spat out blood and instantly jumped away from the scene.

She decided to stop playing and end the game.

"[Sky Mortal]!"

The wind in the sky stopped and descend on Cheyenne. It encased her body from an ethereal armor, which could not be well seen de to the original nature of wind.

Sensing her opponent move, Jaya followed suit.

She ignited her blue flames on her hand and turned it into ice.

She had already practiced her element and even gotten a few tips from Sierra on how to efficiently use an element.

The blue ice changed the temperature around her as the stage began to freeze and the crowd began to shiver. This was how cold her ice was

She summoned all her ice into her sword, to use her technique, "[Moonlight Ray]!"

Like a glitter of moon ray in a beautiful night, Jaya flittered to Cheyenne at a crazy speed, but Cheyenne also dished her technique, "[Wind Spear]!"

Seeing this, Jaya released her technique and sent the [Moonlight Ray] to meet Cheyenne's attack.


The two attacks beautiful the stadium in different lights, while not also hiding their destructiveness.

It caused multiple cuts on the stage!

Without seeing a winner, the two attacks dispersed and left the drained participants.

The match seemed to be looking for a draw, when Cheyenne suddenly pointed her weak hand at Jaya and made a hand sign.

She muttered something and, insanely enough, Jaya was caught by an invisible hand and flew out of the stage.

"Match, End. Cheyenne Aztec - Nine Points(9). Jaya - Six Points(6)!" announced the referee.

He went on, "Next match, Dean Forst vs. Joshua Vargas."

This was another match that was special in the eyes of the crowd.

It did not matter who won, but rather, who could surpress the pains of their recently healed injury.

Being banged up by the same person, they found it hard to move. This could be noticed from Joshua Vargas' fight with Jaya.

He basically gifted Jaya the win due to his slow movements.

However, Jake thought that this match was already determined before the start.

The reason being that the two of them were in a team, with Dean Forst being above Joshua Vargas.

So, it would make sense if Joshua gave the win to Dean. Since he had originally tried to clear the path, and now, he was in Dean's path, Jake was sure he wouldn't be foolish and try to fight a fair match.

It would be detrimental to him and his Noble House.

Still, humans were unpredictable like that.

"Match, start!"

The match slowly kicked off with Joshua running towards Dean. He forced Dean into a game of hand-to-hand combat.

This was a wise decision in Jake's eyes as their injuries wouldn't take it easy on the usage of [Spirit Essence].

It would be the worst thing to do!

The two opponents slowly wrestled each other.

It showed that they were not used to such fights as they were much poorer than Cheyenne's melee fight with Jaya.

Ultimately, Joshua accidentally touched his attack and Dean took advantage of that.

He punched Joshua lightly, but not light enough to not cause a considerable amount of pain to his opponent.

Falling to the uncontrollable pain, Joshua forfeited and the match was concluded.

"Match, End!"

"Dean Forst - Three Points(3). Joshua Vargas - Zero Points(0)"

"Jake, freeroll - Nine Points(9)"

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