She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 357 - The Banter

King Reginald was holding his arms behind his back and pacing back and forth in his throne hall. Lord Horace was watching the young King getting all restless for the matter which was not even in his hand.

Horace tried to make the King sit down on his throne and focus on the most pressing everyday matters instead, "Your Majesty, it has just been a day since you sent the letter to Wyverndale. You should give them some time to think about the message that you sent."

"What is there to think?" Reginald abruptly stopped pacing and turned to face Lord Horace.

And he shouted in an agitated tone, "Wasn't the proposal that I sent a good deal? I mean… talking about peace and stuff sounds lucrative when the two Kingdoms have been in a cold war for decades!"

Horace smiled and tried to make the King understand that the messenger of Wyverndale was not a vampire, "Yes, the things that you wrote were very attractive. But even if the King of Wyverndale had sent a reply as soon as he got your letter, it will still take two days for the letter to reach here."

Reginald rolled his eyes and sighed, "Right! Then I should expect the letter to arrive by tomorrow." He walked towards his throne and sat down lazily.

Ever since he sent the letter, the only thing that he could focus on was getting the reply and going to Wyverndale with the proposal of marriage with Adeline.

He couldn't wait to bring Adeline to Mihir.

Horace wanted to say something to the King but when he noticed that he was already lost in his daydream, he didn't even bother to talk with the King. He knew that Reginald was on edge ever since he sent the letter and he didn't want to get on the bad side of the King by constantly disturbing his dream.

However, Reginald's sweet daydream was interrupted when Rebekah barged into the throne hall while shouting, "Reggie! What nonsense is this? How could you do that to me?"

Reginald narrowed his eyes and furrowed his brows when he heard the shrilling voice of his sister. "What the hell, Rebekah? Can't you talk a bit softly? You will burst my eardrums at this rate!"

"The hell with your eardrums!" Rebekah disregarded what Reginald just said and shouted again, "First tell me, why have I stopped getting my dose of the potion? The good one?"

Reginald rolled his red eyes and then spoke without showing much seriousness in the matter, "It's not just you who has stopped receiving those longer-lasting potions, it's everyone. So just shut your sharp mouth and take it somewhere else. Don't irritate me more than I already am."

But Rebekah stomped her feet and then walked even closer to his throne. And she demanded to know why? "If you don't want me to irritate you then just answer my damn question. It's that simple to get rid of me. Why have we stopped getting the good potion?"

"Argh!" Reginald gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. And he answered in a menacing voice, "We have stopped supplying the good potion because the witch who can brew it has been imprisoned. And until we can find some other witches who can concoct the potion that is similar in quality, we are going to use the old potions and save that good one for future use."

Rebekah drooped her shoulders and asked angrily, "Why was that witch imprisoned? Can't we just break her out and bring her here? Why do we have to abide by the rules and revert back to using the low-quality potion when we can just bend the bars and bring that witch back with us?"

Reginald jumped out of his throne and stood right in front of his sister. He flicked a finger on her forehead and then asked, "Why are you so dumb? Do you even have a brain up here?"

Rebekah slapped back his hand away from her and glared at the King, "Why? Did I say something that was super smart and your dumb brain was unable to pick it?"

The red-headed King chuckled mockingly and said, "Don't try to act as if you are the brightest kid in the town. Do you really think that a metal bar can hold a witch? They can melt it with their magic and get out in one second!"

He then flashed the information that he got from his spy, "According to George, that witch was being confined by using some kind of magic. We won't even be able to touch the barrier without getting shocked, literally."

Reginald sighed and then smiled as if he was bitten by something funny. He circled around his sister and boasted, "Also, why would I break that witch out when my dearest Adeline was the one to put her behind the bars? I don't want to let her labor go into the drain."

Rebekah covered her ears and knitted her brows in tune, "Oh, for god's sake! Just stop saying that name in front of me. The first day that you told me about her, I was really excited. But now, it's getting a little too much, Reggie. You have started to sound like a madman."

The King shrugged his shoulders and defended himself, "What's wrong with taking Adeline's name? She is a great woman and from what I've heard, a great warrior. You should set her as your role model and try to do something meaningful with your life. Don't think that you can leech me forever. I won't even let you visit the Palace once I marry you off."

"Ugh!" Rebekah winced and then grabbed her hair as if she was going to pull them out of her head. "Enough with the praises for Adeline! I cannot stand it anymore. Please! Either bring her here already or just stop talking about her altogether."

"I'm going to bring-"

Suddenly, she wrapped her arm around Reginald's neck in a chokehold and teased him, "And who says that I am going to marry anyone? I'm going to stay right here and take over the throne after you die."

Reginald coughed and then tried to break free from her chokehold. He pulled her hand a little and scolded her in a ragged voice, "Are you trying to kill me right now or what? Let me breathe, you little arsehole."

Rebekah laughed and then let go of her brother. And she taunted him, "If you ever take Adeline's name in front of me before you marry her first, then I am going to choke you until you pass out. Or worse, the moment you take her name, I'm going to put a curse on you saying that Adeline will reject you."

Reginald wrinkled his brows and gently rubbed his throat. "You're not even my step-sister, you're my own sister! How can you be so cruel to your own brother?"

"You wanted me to do something meaningful with my life, right? This is me doing meaningful things." Rebekah showed her tongue to Reginald and whooshed away.

"That damned brat! She cannot stand my happiness!" Reginald glared towards the door.

He shook his head and walked towards his throne so that he could sit down and daydream about Adeline again.

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