She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 363 - Furious King

It was already nightfall by the time George reached the capital of Mihir. But rather than heading straight for the Palace, he headed towards the place of the witch that he knew.

That witch's place wasn't too far away from the Palace, so he thought of visiting there first. "I don't think any disaster will befall the Kingdom if I meet the King 10 minutes late. He doesn't even know that I'm coming anyway. So I should be fine until I keep my mouth shut."

After reaching the witch's place, he went inside without caring to knock on the door.

A beautiful young witch with long dark hair was working on some kind of potion. And she almost dropped the whole pot because of the sudden intrusion. "Lord George! You startled me!" she complained in a soft voice.

"I'm sorry! But I really needed to see you." He hastily turned around to reveal his burnt back. The outer layer of his pale skin had peeled off.

And his back looked so red and gruesome that the witch covered her mouth and gagged.

After gaining her composure, she asked, "Oh dear lord! What happened to you, Milord?"

George tore off the remaining part of his shirt and threw it aside. And replied, "I was already used to taking the potion that lasted for a whole day. And I forgot that I was carrying the ones that only covered around three hours of sunlight. I was running back and got burnt in the way."

He sat down in front of the witch and added, "Thankfully, I was carrying the vials in my pocket. I searched for a shade and took a vile. I almost burned alive!"

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Milord. I will heal you right away." The witch then pointed her palms at George's back and began to chant the healing incantation.

A white light came out of her palms and slowly and gradually, the skin on George's back began to heal. The color of the skin also turned from red to porcelain-like texture like before. After his skin was healed, she took the liberty to give a gentle massage to George.

George didn't deny it because the stiffness and soreness from his back were disappearing.

As he had predicted, the healing process was completed within 10 minutes. George got up and turned around to face the witch.

The witch was resisting her urge to take a peek of George's bare chest.

"Thank you, Gina. I will come and pay you after I complete my work in the Palace." George said with an enchanting smile on his face.

Gina smiled back and nodded her head.

George clicked his tongue and asked, "You don't happen to have a man's cloth, do you?"

Gina gave a nervous chuckle and shook her head. "I'm sorry. But I have a shawl that you can use to cover up your body. Shall I lend it to you?"

George didn't have the luxury to pick and choose so he smiled and agreed, "Sure. That will do."

He wrapped around the shawl on his upper body and then zoomed out like a gust of wind.

George reached the Palace in no time. He went straight to the throne hall and bowed to the King who was scribbling something on the paper. "Your Majesty, I have a…" he took a deep breath in and continued, "I have bad news."

Reginald's gaze shifted from the paper to George. He couldn't help but notice the weird choice of George's cloth. He would have teased George if he wasn't wearing a concerned expression on his face. "What is it? What made you return back so soon?"

George looked down and then blurted out, "King Dragomir is sending out the invitation letters. Princess Adeline's marriage has been fixed with a−"

Reginald jumped out of his throne and stood right in front of George before he could even finish his sentence. "What did you just say?" Without wasting any time, he grabbed George's neck.

But before the King could choke him, George finished his sentence, "…fake Prince. I don't think they know that the Prince is a fake one."

Reginald narrowed his eyes and tilted his head. He glared at George for a few seconds and ordered, "Explain!" He was still holding George's neck, ready to snap it if he spoke one wrong word.

Without flinching, George explained everything to the King, about how there was no Second Prince in Romania but King Dragomir had been fooled by someone saying that he was the Second Prince.

He also theorized that the marriage was being held so fast so that the fake Prince would get to marry the Princess before King Dragomir would get the chance to discover the lie.

"My King, if you give this news to the King then I am sure that things will work out in your favor," George also gave the idea to the King so that he wouldn't be punished simply for delivering bad news.

Reginald finally left George and then gave his suggestion serious consideration.

Even if George hadn't hinted the King to talk with King Dragomir, and even if the Prince wasn't a fake one, Reginald would still have tried to sabotage the wedding. He would even have resorted to kidnaping the bride from the altar. And when it was clear that the Prince was fake, there wasn't much thinking to do.

"That's it! I'm going to Wyverndale tomor− tomorrow?" Reginald stopped and spat on the ground in order to correct himself, "Today! Now! I'm going to Wyverndale right now."

Lord Horace didn't even dare to speak because he could see the fire in the King's eyes. He knew that he would die the moment he would try to oppose the King.

"Guards!" Reginald shouted at the top of his lungs, almost bursting the eardrums of vampires in the vicinity.

His Royal Guards immediately appeared in front of him and bowed.

"Prepare the finest carriages and horses right away. We are heading for Wyverndale right now."

The guards didn't dare to ask why they needed the carriage and the horses. They simply bowed to the furious King and whooshed away.

Reginald then glanced at Lord Horace and ordered him, "Please prepare the finest vials of potions and other items that I might need in this trip. And also prepare expensive gifts that I can offer to the Princess."

Suddenly, Princess Rebekah appeared in the throne hall out of nowhere. She wasn't hiding her excitement when she asked, "You're going to Wyverndale in the carriage? Can I come with you? Please, please, please!"

Reginald glared at Rebekah as if he wanted to give a flying kick to her.

But Rebekah kept on insisting, "You didn't even take me to Wyverndale the last time you went there. And I haven't had a chance to ride a carriage in a long time. I promise that I will behave. So, will you let me join you? Please!"

Rebekah pressed her palms together and gave a puppy-eyed look to Reginald.

"Ugh! Stop staring at me like a ghost!" Reginald pushed Rebekah's head away in disgust and shouted, "Go and pack your things before I change my mind."

Rebekah jumped and hugged her brother in excitement. "Thank you so much, Reggie!" She then zoomed out while shouting, "Don't leave without me!"

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