She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 376 - Verbal War

Reginald was struggling not to show his fangs that were already itching to bite the human King for assuming that he could set him up with any of his daughters.

Reginald wanted Adeline, and Adeline only.

And as Dragomir was going on and on without even caring to pause and let Reginald express if he was interested to see any of his other daughters or not, Reginald finally lost his cool.

Reginald dug his nails in his palm and thought, "Why is this old fool trying to convince me to marry his other daughters rather than convincing Princess Adeline to marry me? Isn't marrying me more beneficial than marrying some nameless and title-less man who is clearly after the throne?"

And since both father and daughter seemed to be spellbound by that nameless man, he assumed that the nameless man had asked some dark sorcerer to perform some kind of spell on them.

Reginald wanted to know who the Princess' fiancé was so that he could get rid of that spell that was affecting the woman he had his eyes on.

However, his mind was clogged with the fury that was rising like a storm inside him. And he couldn't pretend to be the 'nice man' anymore.

He glared at Dragomir and Adeline and he roared as he would always do in his Palace, "Who is that fraud that did some kind of dark magic on all of you weak humans?

"Who the hell is he?" Reginald's eyes looked even redder when he snarled those words out of his mouth.

"He is the Hell," Dragomir slammed his fist indignantly on the armrest of his sofa and roared back at Reginald like a furious dragon. A small crack appeared on the armrest after that. Dragomir was that angry at Reginald when he referred to him as a weak human.

And Dragomir further shouted at that spoiled brat, "You've been testing my patience ever since you came here, young man. Do you think that you can come to my Kingdom, spy on us, raise your voice against me and my daughter, and simply get away with it? Who do you think you are? The last I checked, your authority doesn't work here!"

Reginald was even more riled up when some human shouted back at him. He sprung up on his feet and then growled again, "I was asking you nicely, you old man."

"Oh, dear," both Adeline and Rebekah were looking at their respective family and were panicking inside.

Rebekah didn't want her brother to lose his control and end up massacring everyone in the Palace while Adeline didn't want her father to lose his control and end up provoking that psychopath vampire.

Dragomir also got up on his feet and chuckled mockingly, "Oh that was you asking nicely? Then we sure have a huge cultural gap between our Kingdoms."

"Yes, we from Mihir tend to lean a bit towards violence." Reginald cackled furiously and threatened Dragomir even more, "So don't make me shake that information out of you. Tell me who he is so that I can get rid of that nameless man for you. I know you never wanted some random commoner to marry your daughter."

At this point, Reginald wasn't even thinking before speaking. He was spouting anything and everything that came into his constipated mind.

Theodore pinched his lips with his fingers so that his laugh wouldn't slip out. "It's good to know that I'm a random commoner," he thought to himself while trying hard to hold in.

Adeline scoffed and was ready to give a mouthful of reply to that bloody vampire but Dragomir instantly defended Theodore.

"What makes you think that I want to get rid of my gem of a son-in-law?" Dragomir sneered in disdain and tried to crush that arrogant King's ego, "If I had a hundred chances to choose between you and him, then I would choose him as my daughter's husband every… single… time."

Theodore placed his palm over his chest and admiringly glanced at his father-in-law for taking his side. "He would choose me every time? Gem?" Amidst all that shouting and cursing happening in front of him, he was smiling like a baby.

Reginald sighed and fisted one hand on his waist, and with his other hand, he adjusted his red hair. And he gave a demeaning look to Dragomir, "You wouldn't have said that if you knew just how dangerous I am and how powerful."

Rebekah could tell that her brother was about to expose himself to those foreigners. And she instantly got up and grabbed her brother by his arm. "Reggie, there's no need to be this angry. Please take your seat."

But Reginald grabbed Rebekah's wrist and threw her hand away. And he scolded his sister for interfering, "Shut up and let the men do the talking, Rebekah. Don't make me regret bringing you here."

Adeline clenched her fist and shouted internally, "Let the men do the talking? Seriously? And he wanted me to think that he would let me run this Kingdom if I were to marry him!"

Rebekah was not going to back down. She was already used to her brother's threats so she took a step forward and urged both of the Kings to calm their heads, "Why don't you both sit down and talk calmly? I'm sure we can reach some kind of agreement here."

Dragomir softened his look a bit after hearing the apologetic voice of Rebekah. And he tried to speak a bit softly, "If it were you who had done the talking from the beginning then maybe we would have something left to talk about, but now I've had enough."

"Father…" Adeline, who was also equally angry as her father, also got up from her seat and tugged her father's sleeve. "The Princess is right. Nothing good will come out of this meeting if both of you start to fight like this. So why don't we all sit down and talk?"

Reginald rolled his eyes at the King and thought, "At least the Princess looks more sensible than this old man."

Adeline would have loved to send those vampires away as soon as possible but the pit of her stomach was starting to churn thinking that the rejection from her might provoke that Vampire King to attack Wyverndale sooner than he had planned with Lillian.

So, she at least wanted to send them away without angering them.

However, Dragomir promptly rejected it, "I'm sorry, Princesses. I don't think there is any more talking left to do." He glanced at Rebekah and hinted at her to drag her brother away, "I would be glad if you would show yourselves out."

"Your daughter is clearly interested in talking so why are you being an eyesore?" Reginald couldn't help but demean Dragomir.

Rebekah wanted to facepalm herself. "Oh, the ego of his!" she thought. And she tried to prevent the hell from getting loose by suggesting, "Why don't we take a break and resume this meeting again?"

"Or Princess Adeline and I could have a separate meeting. I can see that the two of us are at least willing to talk unlike someone here," Reginald gave a glare to Dragomir as if he wanted to snap Dragomir's neck then and there.

If he wasn't Adeline's father and someone else, then he would have probably done that by now.

Dragomir was no less than Reginald. He had already realized that Reginald wasn't after peace but after Adeline.

And he said with finality, "Neither am I giving any of my daughters to you and nor are you staying a second longer in my Palace." And he furiously shouted, "Now gather your guards and get the hell out of my Kingdom before I push you out myself."

Reginald mockingly sat down on his seat and crossed his legs. And the fanatic King openly challenged Dragomir, "I'm not going anywhere until I get what I want. Let's see how you will push me out of here."

Dragomir chuckled in frustration and shook his head. This brat was constantly testing him, so much so that he felt like drawing his sword and cutting off his tongue.

And he spoke in a slow yet piercingly cold voice, "I thought you would be different than your father, but you are even worse than him. At least he had the common sense not to come to my Kingdom unarmed and verbally attack me."

"You think I can only attack you verbally… and that I'm unarmed? Let me prove you wrong.." Reginald thought to himself and smirked.

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