She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 391 - Evolved

Chapter 391 – Evolved

"All of my followers are from Hell and they might look somewhat intimidating."

All the guards were stunned to hear that the Palace would be surrounded by the creatures from Hell. They didn't know whether that would be counterproductive or helpful. But still, no matter how shocking it sounded, they all tried their best to keep a straight face.

However, their fear still outpoured from the façade plastered over their faces.

To make them feel less scared and more secure, Theodore further stated, "I will only send those who aren't a danger to humans. Also, they are great warriors and will be a great match to those vampires if they dare to attack again."

"And I will ask them not to show themselves out in the open. But I don't want the guards to fight them just in case someone sees them. So pass around the message to the others as well." Theodore could tell that the guards looked a little reassured.

After that, Theodore returned the witches and brought back some of his followers like the chimera, dire wolf, faeries, and the likes.

He also untied Arion who was restless for all this while after hearing about the attack on Adeline. Arion had stayed put only because he could feel that Theodore was there in the vicinity. After comforting Arion for a while, it was finally time for Theodore to comfort himself.

He looked around the Palace one last time before disappearing into the darkness.

Theodore teleported himself to a deserted corner of Hell. He then fell down on his knees in an instant. All this while, he had been feeling as though an unbearable burden was pushing him down – the burden of being the cause of Dragomir's imminent death.

Adeline had said not to think too much about the things that happened and about the things that she said. However, overthinking was inevitable.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt like a useless son and a useless man for his woman.

And it triggered him to transform into his Devil form again. He spread out his black wings and roared while facing the sky. A small tremor was sent throughout Hell and his roars kept on echoing and scaring the heart out of all the demons in Hell.

He dug his claws on the ground and threw the dirt towards the sky as though he was hitting his father, "Why father, why? Why is it that you value those filthy creatures so much?"

He gave an angry glare towards the non-existent sky and debated as if he was talking to his father, "They don't even deserve to live on Earth! They all should be brought down to Hell for being so nasty."

Theodore screamed again and flew for a while. He came across a big boulder which he picked up and threw towards the sky, imagining his father at the receiving end. And he began screaming again.

"They murder, rape, and eat those precious superior creations of yours daily! Why is it that when they do it, it is acceptable to you? But when I kill just one of them to protect your fragile creation, I'm the villain in your eyes!"

"Why do they get the privileges that I cannot even dream about? Just what is wrong with your head, father? Why are you so clouded by your ego that you cannot even let me have a glimmer of happiness and love in my life?"

"Why are you so unfair to your own son? What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?" Theodore got so infuriated while recalling back to his past that he wanted to somehow get back at his father.

For a split second, the thought of killing each and every species on Earth also crossed his mind. He thought of sending the Earth to the ruins and killing himself afterward, just to take revenge on his father.

But that would essentially mean killing Adeline and his future with her as well, and he hit himself on the head for even thinking that.

Theodore's desire for taking revenge on his father became so extensive that his desire began to encompass everyone in Hell. Everyone's hidden and suppressed desire for revenge began to come bursting out of them.

All the monsters and demons of Hell started roaming around to exact their revenge. Chaos ensued everywhere in Hell. They turned against each other for the trivial of things like breathing noisily or blinking twice in a row.

Theodore kept on venting out his anger to the rocks, mud, sand, and boulders. He was bashing at his father for being a hypocrite and was smashing the boulders imagining them to be his father.

He pretended a rock to be Reginald and clawed out a piece of that rock imagining it to be that vampire's heart. He wished that he had pulled out his heart rather than that of Rebekah.

Theodore was so consumed by his anger that he didn't even realize that he was absorbing the aura of revenge from each and every creature residing in Hell, even Lucifer, and Lilith. He was acting like a living magnet that attracted those sweet aurae.

Suddenly, Theodore stopped everything that he was doing and stood very still as though something was happening to him deep down.

Theodore had absorbed too much aurae at once. The powers flowing inside of him became too much for him to handle.

He grimaced in pain and pressed his palm over his chest. And the next thing he knew, he convulsed and collapsed on the ground. He felt as though he was being suffocated from the inside. He wanted to tear off all of his clothes because he felt like they were constricting him.

However, all he could do was scream in pain and squirm around on the ground and in the air.

In order to keep up with the increased power, Theodore's body began to evolve to contain it.

He floated in the air as though he was being possessed. His horns began to crack and that cracked areas were filled with glowing lava-like substances. His muscles bulked up more than before. And the feathers at the rims of his wings became razor-sharp, though they still looked soft and shiny black like before.

Theodore's pain stopped after quite a while. He stood on his two feet while spreading his wings and filling his lungs by taking deep breaths. He inspected his claws and his feet.

He couldn't see any changes in him but he felt… invincible.

And there was one way to test his theory.. "Lucifer… let's see how true that is."

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