She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 393 - Arch Enemy

Chapter 393 – Arch Enemy

Theodore flapped his massive wings and headed towards Lucifer's mansion. And while he flew over Hell, he saw the aftermath of the wave of revenge that he had unintentionally incited.

Several creatures were injured and were lying around the ruins of the buildings and structures. Some were helping those injured get up on their feet, some were cleaning up the ruins and debris, and some were utterly confused as to what had happened to them.

And Theodore thought to himself as he watched them from above, "Uh! I'm sorry everyone. I didn't mean to do this to all of you, but I'm thankful to all of you."

Theodore landed in front of the red and black mansion with a thud. His wings sent a blow of wind inside the mansion and also dust along with the wind.

Cerberus came running outside while happily wagging his tail. He had smelled Theodore. However, his paws came to an abrupt halt when he saw the new look of Theodore. He gave a low growl to Theodore but he was not attacking him yet because he was confused if the devil in front of him was Theodore or not.

"What? Even he can tell that something changed in me?" Theodore thought to himself while holding his breath.

Theodore wanted to call his brother but he was afraid that Cerberus would recognize his voice and would start licking him.

Cerberus slowly inched closer and closer to Theodore. Theodore thought of flying inside the mansion but he didn't want that three-headed dog to think of him as an intruder and jump at his wings. So he kept on holding his breath and staying as still as he could.

Cerberus, on the other hand, was amused by the new set of horns of Theodore. It looked as though volcanos would erupt out of those horns if they were disturbed. He sniffed Theodore's horns, his tattered clothes, and his wings.

"Oh, come on Lucifer!" Theodore was screaming in his mind as the hellhound towered over him, "You know I'm already here. Why don't you just come outside and take your familiar away?"

Cerberus returned back to sniffing the horns again. He contemplated for a while and he ended up licking the horn. The moment he licked Theodore's horn, he heard a sizzling noise and when he looked at the horns now, the licked part was not glowing. It was as if the glowing parts were really made out of burning lava.

Cerberus' all six eyes twinkled at that newfound discovery. He wagged his tails very rapidly and licked Theodore's horns as if he was licking popsicles. He watched the lava dimming and making a sizzling sound, and then happily watched as the horns lit up again.

Theodore blinked his eyes and was trying to figure out what noise he was hearing above his head. He looked up at Cerberus' mouth to check that was where that noise was coming from.

He saw Cerberus sticking his tongues out and staring at his head in awe. "Hmm… it doesn't look like Cerberus is producing that sound. Are my horns doing that?"

Theodore furrowed his brows and touched his horn, only to flinch and scream, "Aahh! Why is it so hot?"

When he flinched, one of his wings happened to get slammed on the ground. And a huge crack appeared where it had slammed.

Cerberus was now amused by that crack. He stretched out his front legs and gave a play bow before jumping over that crack and digging his claws to make that crack even bigger.

Theodore kept on staring at Cerberus and that crack. And he glanced at his own wings. He noticed that the feathers around the rims of his wings had a little different shine to them.

Theodore folded his wings and tried touching those feathers. And as he had suspected, those feathers were as sharp as his claws. "Whoa! I bet I can slice anyone and anything with these…" Theodore was impressed by his evolved set of wings.

Theodore was so focused on examining himself that he forgot he was standing right next to his arch-enemy.

And when Cerberus was bored with digging the ground, he turned to look at Theodore again. He was already sure that the person was Theodore, so he jumped on Theodore making him fall back to the ground. Then he immediately began licking Theodore all over his face and body.

Theodore was petrified by that wet greeting and as usual, he screamed on top of his voice, "Lucifeeeeeeeeerrrrr!"

Theodore tried to hold off Cerberus' head but there were too many heads for his hands. "Lucifeeer! Get your arse out here!"

Lucifer came outside with half-opened eyes and an angry look on his face. Before he even reached where the two of them were, he took off his shoe and threw it on Theodore's head.

"Aah!" Theodore closed his eyes and massaged his forehead. "Why are you hitting me? Your dog is already abusing me! Don't be like him."

However, Lucifer didn't listen to his brother and walked closer while shouting, "Why are you such a pain in the arse? You wreaked havoc all around and you still have the guts to come here and shout my name? Don't be such a sc–"

Lucifer abruptly stopped scolding Theodore when he saw Theodore's glowing horns. "What the hell?" He narrowed his eyes and crouched down to get a closer look at Theodore's horns. "Why are they glowing? You evolved?"

Theodore gave a death glare to his brother and shouted, "First get this monster off of me! Don't make me use these horns as skewers!"

Lucifer curled his upper lips in disdain and aimed his fist at Theodore as if he was about to hit him on the forehead. But he controlled his anger towards his brother and gestured Cerberus to go inside, "Cer baby, go inside now. Playtime is over."

Cerberus immediately got off from Theodore's body but instead of going inside, he rolled over and lay down beside Theodore while using his wings as his pillow.

Theodore glared at Cerberus and turned to give a 'Am I a joke to him?' look to Lucifer.

Lucifer disregarded the look and asked, "Tell me what happened? How come you triggered the lust for revenge in all the creatures? And how did you even manage to do that? Isn't your ability to create chaos limited only to a certain area? How come you affected the whole realm?"

Theodore had forgotten about his worst day but Lucifer's questions reminded him of those terrible things again.

He took a deep sigh and looked up at the red and burnt atmosphere of Hell. And he softly whispered, "I met father today."

Lucifer's body went numb upon hearing the mention of their father and he sat down on the ground, stunned. "What did you do to provoke him that much?" he asked without caring if he sounded rude.

Theodore took a deep sigh again and answered, "Nothing much. I killed one of the cursed humans. I killed a vampire who was about to kill Adeline."

Theodore chuckled at his own bad luck and said coldly, "And I got a wedding gift from our father dearest. He is going to kill Adeline's father for my doing."

Lucifer covered his mouth with his palm. He could imagine just how painful it was for Theodore. He didn't dare to say a word to console his brother because he was lost for words.

Lucifer simply lay on the empty wing of Theodore and stared at the burnt cloud together with Theodore.

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