She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 395 - Huge Crow

"Oh, we're sorry, Your Highness," the guards recognized Theodore because the change in his looks was not that drastic to make him unrecognizable. They immediately ran back outside so as not to make the matter even more awkward.

Theodore picked up the table and put it on the bed. Adeline didn't know whether to feel sorry or to laugh at how things turned bizarre and awkward for all of them.

Osanna finally came to her senses and she apologized to Theodore, "I'm so sorry!"

"I thought you were a huge crow and unintentionally threw the food on you. I'm so sorry, Your Highness," Osanna took out a kerchief from her apron pocket and handed it to Theodore while bowing to him in fear.

And she scolded herself silently, "Really? A huge crow? I won't blame him if he turns you into a crow in his anger!"

However, Theodore just chuckled and wiped his face and neck to clean the soup from him. "It's okay. I know that I look pretty scary with these horns and wings."

Before things got any weirder between Theodore and her maids, Adeline asked Osanna, "Osanna, why don't you call someone to help you take Hawisa with you? I think she will catch a cold if she keeps on lying there on the floor."

"Oh, sure!" Osanna had completely forgotten about Hawisa. She tried patting her cheek lightly to wake her at first. But it didn't work. So she went outside to call for some help.

A guard came inside and took Hawisa with him.

Osanna then looked at Theodore who was pulling out the food that was stuck on his feathers and then looked at Adeline.

And she said to Adeline, "I will bring some food again and clean up this mess that I made. Umm…" she cleared her throat and trotted to go near Adeline. And she whispered in her ear, "Shall I prepare a bath for the Prince?"

Adeline was not sure if he would like that so she asked him, "Theo, shall I get the bath prepared? You can take a quick bath while I eat."

Theodore gave a delighted smile and nodded. "That would be lovely."

Adeline then nodded to Osanna and sent her away.

Theodore folded his wings and walked to the bedside. He finally got the chance to properly look at Adeline's face. And he asked while giving a sorry glance to her, "How are you feeling?"

"Health-wise – better than before, mentally – I've been better," Adeline pressed her lips into a thin line and gave a mirthless smile.

Theodore felt a prick in his heart when he heard that. He looked down and sighed. And he slowly and softly whispered, "I'm so sor–"

But before he could say sorry, Adeline stood up on her knees and gave him a soft kiss. She gave a loving smile to him and gently caressed his cheek, leaving Theodore wondering if he even deserved that pure-hearted soul.

She then looked at the glowing horns and asked, "I don't think your horns looked like this before. Why do they look so different now?"

Adeline was about to touch his horns but he abruptly held her wrist and said, "Careful! They are hot."

"They sure are… you look so hot in them," Adeline gazed at his face, his muscular body, and his wings while appreciating their beauty with her eyes.

Theodore smiled while looking at his awe-struck woman and warned her again so that she wouldn't try to touch his horns or wings, "I happened to evolve a while ago. These horns are literally hot and the feathers at the edges of my wings have become as sharp as blades. Be careful and don't touch them."

Adeline questioningly raised her brows and asked, "You evolved? How?"

"I somehow happened to absorb every lingering aurae that were in the underworld. And my previous form couldn't handle it, so I evolved." Theodore tried to answer her question but he was unsure if she would get how evolving worked.

Adeline of course had some more questions. But it was regarding herself. "It is possible to evolve? Then would my body have also evolved if Azriel had not sealed my powers?"

Theodore wrinkled his brows and replied with some hesitance, "I don't think that would have been the case. Evolving happens for us celestial beings. I don't think you would have…"

Adeline immediately gave a smile so as not to make Theodore think that she was sad.

Before Adeline could ask any further questions, Osanna returned to the room with a fresh set of food.

Theodore stacked the pillows and helped Adeline to sit comfortably. He also properly arranged the bed table in a way that would make it easier for her to eat from it.

Osanna was watching Theodore take care of every little thing for Adeline's comfort and was smiling thinking that Adeline was a lucky woman to have found someone like him. She set the bowls and plates on the table and informed Adeline, "I have asked the other maids to prepare the bath. They will be done shortly."

"Okay, thank you!" Adeline gave a grateful nod to Osanna who was already cleaning the spilled food from the floor.

Theodore kept on standing beside Adeline while maintaining a safe distance. He did not want to revert back to his normal form without cleaning his wings first. So he watched Adeline staring at the food as if she was staring at his face and smiled while thinking, "I must say, her food is my greatest rival ever!"

Adeline started by eating a sweet made out of condensed milk. A wide grin appeared on her face as the bitterness from her mouth was replaced with the heavenly sweetness. And then only she began to eat other food.

They all heard a really soft voice from behind the door after a while, "Your Highness, the bath is ready."

And Adeline replied, "Okay, you may take your leave."

Adeline already knew from the guards that Theodore had ordered them not to reveal his true identity to other non-soldiers. So she wanted to respect his decision and make it easier for him to protect his identity by sending the unwanted people away.

Theodore was carefully listening to the footsteps. And when he was sure that the maids had already left, he turned to Adeline and said, "I will be back in a few minutes then."

"Sure, take your time." Adeline gave him the sweetest smile before he teleported himself to the bathhouse.

Osanna immediately came running towards Adeline with an excited look on her face. "You are one lucky woman! How can someone with horns and claws be so gentle and caring? I cannot believe it!"

Adeline chuckled at that remark from Osanna. And she agreed to her, "Yes, I am indeed lucky to have him.. I didn't fall for him for no reason."

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