She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 412 - Unification Of Souls

Adeline and Theodore now stood on the altar facing each other. They exchanged an excited smile as they were about to commence their new relationship. They didn't speak a word, there was no need to. Their wet yet eager eyes were telling each other how happy they both were.

Those hundreds of distinguished guests who were there to observe the union of two souls sat back down in their respective seats that were painted in white.

Azriel and the Goddess were sitting on one side of the aisle. Both of them were beaming with happiness and they weren't able to take their eyes off of the most beautiful couple. Theodore and Azriel's followers were all sitting behind the celestial ones. Needless to say, they were the most excited of the bunch.

On the other side of the aisle, King Dragomir, his Queens, and the Kings and Queens of the three neighboring Kingdoms had occupied the first row. The Royal Family was sitting behind them and the other guests had occupied the remaining seats on both sides of the aisle.

The Priest then resumed the ceremony, "We all are gathered here in the presence of the Deity of Wyverndale," he bowed to Azriel and continued, "and in the presence of all these witnesses to join together Prince Theodore and Princess Adeline in the holy matrimony…"

The Priest continued to speak but to Adeline, everything seemed to disappear. All that she could see was the Devil she fell in love with.

And it was the same for Theodore. Adeline's long lashes that held deep mysteries, the natural blush on her cheeks that competed with the artificial blush, her expectant lips that awaited the kiss, everything about her was so bewitching that Theodore was hopelessly lost.

"I love you," Theodore couldn't help but say in an undertone.

Adeline gave an enchanting smile and she also mouthed, "I love you."

Adeline was suddenly pulled out of her enchanted world when she heard the priest saying, "…let them speak now, or else forever hold their peace."

The priest raised his head from the book he was holding and glanced at the guests and an empty aisle.

Adeline also looked to her side, fearing that Reginald would somehow come to stop her wedding. Theodore could hear her escalating heartbeat and understandably so.

After waiting for about 30 seconds, the Priest kept the book aside and passed the ceremonial dagger to the Princess. He then held the Goblet of Union in his hand and announced, "The bride and the groom may seal your marriage."

Adeline let out a huge sigh of relief and smiled at Theodore before pricking her finger and letting a drop of her blood fall in the Goblet.

She then passed the dagger to Theodore and he also repeated what Adeline did.

The moment Theodore's blood dropped in the Goblet, everyone got to see the unexpected yet magical scene.

Some unseen force lifted both Adeline and Theodore in the air. And while the blue magic potion began to swirl in the Goblet, the two of them began to swirl around each other.

To the witnesses, it looked as though they were two of the most beautiful angels who were elegantly performing a dance midair. Their clothes and hair that were floating around slowly added perfection to the 'magical dance'.

"Whoa! What is happening?" Azriel looked a bit concerned thinking it was Theodore's doing. "Is he that excited that he forgot so many people are watching? Just what is he thinking dancing like that and revealing his powers? The humans are going to know!" he thought to himself and immediately got up on his feet to save the skin of his brother.

He then pretended to wave his hand as though he was the one who made them hover in the air. When he looked behind at the guests, he could see a few pairs of questioning eyes.

He gave a dismissive smile to them and to make it seem less suspicious, he ended up adding his own flair to the event. He made the pink and white rose petals to shower down out of nowhere. The petals fell on the bride and the groom as well as on everyone else present in the ceremony.

Both Adeline and Theodore were confused by what was happening at first. But when their eyes fell on Azriel, they thought that it was his way of showing his love towards them. And they held each other's hand and happily laughed while twirling.

"He sure knows how to be dramatic and steal the show," Theodore whispered to Adeline while chuckling and pulling her close.

Adeline also giggled and agreed, "He is not dramatic, he is the drama."

The guests were all awe-struck because no one had ever witnessed such a spectacular wedding ceremony ever before. Everyone began cheering for the couple as well as the Deity.

"I guess this is what it feels like to have the Deity on your side. You are always showered with his blessings," one of the guests whispered to her husband.

The husband nodded and said while happily clapping, "I'm glad that we came to attend the ceremony even with such short notice. We are also being blessed by the Deity himself."

While everyone was captivated by the show that Azriel had put on, the Goddess had a mysterious smile on her serene face because only she knew what was actually happening.

The Goblet of Union was supposed to unify the two souls into one. And that was exactly what was happening. Theodore had the soul of a demon while Adeline had the soul of a human. And in the unification process, Theodore's demonic soul won over Adeline's human soul.

When the Goblet's content fully turned red, Adeline and Theodore descended back to their own position but refused to let go of each other's hands.

Both of them had no idea that something in Adeline had already changed.

The Priest raised his palms and then blessed the unified couple, "With God's blessing, you may together have life everlasting. And may love flourish forever. I now pronounce you husband and wife."

He then glanced at Theodore and finally said, "You may kiss the bride."

Theodore gently tugged Adeline's palms and pulled her close to him. He gazed at her already inviting lips and leaned down to seal their marriage. Both of them closed their eyes and gave each other the most memorable kiss to date. They gladly accepted each other as their life partners, to have and to hold.

After everything that the two of them went through, the little human finally belonged to the Devil.

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