She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 425 - Reconciling

"Yes, I married a Devil."

That confession from Adeline elicited a variety of reactions.

Wulfric, who was trying to claw away Fenris' chokehold, abruptly let his hands hang loose. And he looked up again to see Theodore. This time, he realized why his brother was trying to hold him off. He could see the terrifying dark aura that was looming around Theodore.

The Queen Mother was ready to take out a little cross sign that she always carried in her small purse. She was going to slap that cross across that 'evil' Devil's face and send him back to Hell.

Thankfully, Queen Claricia noticed her mother touching that cross and grabbed her mother's hand. She shook her head and gave that 'don't' do anything stupid' look to her mother.

Queen Tasha was still waiting for Adeline to laugh and say that she was messing with all of them.

While the alpha now knew why he had felt that paralyzing sense of danger running along his spine. It was a feeling which he had not felt in a long time. And when Adeline revealed that Theodore was a Devil Prince, that feeling of danger made sense to him.

Conall knew Adeline was not lying because he had already seen that domineering look in Theodore's red eyes, that told him Theodore was not a person to be messed with.

While everyone was busy processing that secret that Adeline just revealed, Theodore's rage subsided and he sat back down.

Adeline also breathed out her frustration and spoke in a softer voice than before, "And no, I didn't just know him for 15-20 days, Your Majesty. I have known my husband for my whole life. So I know very well he is not how our world portrays him to be. Neither is he a secret-seller nor is he an evil being."

King Conall looked down at his plate after getting that 'personal attack' from Adeline.

Adeline further clarified, "And just to make it clear, Theodore was the first one to find out about Nigel being a werewolf. In fact, he found it out before Nigel himself. And Theodore broke the news to Nigel and me before Nigel even knew about the strict laws of your clan."

This time, Nigel also chimed in to support his brother-in-law, "And honestly, uncle, Theodore was the one to take care of the confused and newly turned me."

Nigel gave a thankful glance to Theodore and said, "He was the one who explained to me about the creatures called werewolves, the werewolf curse, and how the curse ran in some blood."

"When in reality, it should have been the duty of the Siccaldi clan to explain all that to me, and not after I turned but before!" Nigel decided to voice his dissatisfaction with the rigid ways of the Siccaldi clan.

And he continued putting forth his grievances, "Shouldn't the potential turners be made aware beforehand that their body might go through some changes someday? What's with all the secrets among members of the clan? Shouldn't this information be known to everyone in the clan?"

King Conall sighed and repeated the same standard script that every elder of the clan would have said, "You already know why, Nigel. We did what we did because we had to protect ourselves from others. The fewer people know of this curse, the better."

But Nigel was not going to hide his resentment towards that rigid law of the clan anymore. He tightened his fists and raised his voice up a notch, "What if the curse-bearers are far away from the Enchanted Valley like me when they turn for the first time? There is a high chance of them turning into Ravagers."

He clenched his teeth while recalling how he found himself in Adeline's room that night. "I was lucky that Theodore helped me revert back to my human form in time. Else I don't know whom and how many people I would have hurt… the Palace was full of people that day."

King Conall had no words to say to Nigel. Everything that he said was true. And the hall was once again filled with silence.

After a while of that uncomfortable silence, Theodore took the initiative to speak again and tried to lighten up the mood. "King Conall, there is no secret on Earth that I don't know. And same is true with Heaven and Hell. So there is no point in arguing over that matter now."

"Also," he looked around at everyone in the hall and added, "All of you now know my secret as well. So why don't we call it even and discuss the matter that is actually important."

King Conall felt so small and insignificant in front of Theodore that he didn't even know if he deserved to sit at the same table as him after insulting him earlier.

He stood up and bowed low in front of Theodore, surprising almost everyone present there. And he asked, "Prince Theodore, please forgive me for my anger outburst earlier. I said a lot of things that I shouldn't have."

And he put forth his apology to Adeline as well, "I am sorry that I jumped to the conclusion, Princess Adeline." He dared to raise his head and look back at her and said, "I should have been more careful with the selection of my words. I'm sorry I accused both of you for things that you never did."

Adeline smiled. Finally, it looked like the King was going to listen to her request. "But I am glad that you outright said everything in front of my face. I got the chance to clear your doubts. So, I guess it's a win for both of us now that everything is out in the open."

Wulfric also got up from his seat and bowed to Theodore, "Prince Theodore, please forgive me for trying to beat you earlier."

Theodore smirked and passed a snide remark, "Don't worry, little pup. You wouldn't even have been able to touch a single strand of my hair even if you had tried to."

Fenris and Nigel burst into laughter, imagining Wulfric trying to go against the Devil. And the others also followed them soon after. The hall was now merry once again.

After the laughter subsided, Adeline took the chance to put forth her plea for help again, this time with all sincerity, "King Conall, like I was saying earlier, the war is coming to Wyverndale. We humans alone won't be able to go toe-to-toe with those vampires. So, it would be a great relief to us if we get support from the werewolves to fight those vampires."

Before any sign of hesitance would appear on King Conall's face, Adeline emphasized, "I know doing so will make everyone aware of the existence of the werewolves. But we need to protect our Kingdoms and lives before protecting our secrets."

Adeline knew almost everything about the Siccaldi clan so she stroked the final chord hoping that would get to King Conall.

"And I don't think you need to be worried about humans looking at werewolves as their enemies.. I think they will look at you as the glimmer of hope if they were to know that the werewolves can fight as well as defeat those vampires."

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