She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 429 - I Need To Tell

In the afternoon, the Royals of Wyverndale were busy bidding goodbyes to the guests from other Kingdoms.

Nigel went to the guest quarter where his alpha was staying at. And he truthfully asked King Conall to let him stay back in Wyverndale for a month more. The alpha couldn't deny after knowing the truth. So he let Nigel and Rhea stay back.

"Fenris has a lot to catch up on. I had thought that he would be able to learn the ropes faster if you and Rhea were to train him… He gets easily scared when he trains with me." King Conall expressed his wish to Nigel but he wasn't sure if it would be right to ask Nigel to train Fenris when he was going through the emotional storm.

Nigel read between the lines and could decipher what the King had wanted to say to him. It was written all over his face. So he offered, "Then why don't you leave Fenris with us? We will return back to Aberdeen along with him."

"Wouldn't I be asking too much?" the alpha looked at Nigel with sorrowful eyes. He could guess how Nigel was feeling by that sudden news about King Dragomir's life that was about to end. And Conall was afraid that deep down, Nigel also blamed him for having separated him from his family.

Nigel put a smile on his face and shook his head. "I think it would be better to have Fenris with me. I would rather put my mind in the training than let it wander aimlessly. Also… I might need someone to restrain me when that day finally arrives. I don't know if I can… suppress the wolf side."

King Conall gripped Nigel's shoulders. He was not that good at expressing emotions other than harshness and anger. But this time, he allowed himself to hold his nephew in his arms. "I'm sorry you are going through a difficult time. Stay strong."

Nigel let himself loosen up his stiff back and let his uncle hold him.

After a while, they pulled away from the hug before it got awkward. And King Conall said as he stood up to put on his shoes, "I will leave Fenris to your care then."

The alpha turned his head to look at Nigel and said with a soft smile, "And while you are here, feel free to demonstrate to the humans what to expect from the werewolves. We might be fighting on the same battlefield. They should not fear us and we should learn to fight alongside them."

Nigel raised his brows and asked, "And what about the el–"

"Don't worry about the elders. I am the alpha. And I am making the decision on behalf of the pack." King Conall flashed a smile while his eyes glowed red for a fraction of seconds.

Nigel was happy to hear the alpha's willingness to change. He pressed his fist against his heart and knelt before his alpha, "Thank you, alpha, for taking the initiative to change our pack's ways. I am really grateful."

The alpha chuckled and replied satirically, "Someone gave me an earful this morning. That made me question our rigid norms. So, let's see, how this decision of mine goes."

Finally, the guests from Aberdeen were the last ones to leave from Wyverndale. Fenris also stayed back with Nigel as was agreed.


All of the Royals of Wyverndale went back to their normal routine after the hangover of the wedding was finally over.

Nigel briefed Adeline on what his alpha had told him, about allowing him to show their werewolf form to the humans. Adeline was beyond grateful towards King Conall for keeping his side of the promise so soon.

"That would make my job so much easier," Adeline smiled with a sigh of relief. "If the soldiers get to see you and your powers then their morale will increase again. You will be their beacon of hope… hope to win the war."

Nigel smiled at that enthusiasm of his sister and ruffled her silver hair that had grown a lot. "First we have to make sure that we don't scare them. We will see if the werewolves will be their beacon of hope or beacon of fear."

"Nevermind that." Nigel sighed and asked, "Tell me, when will the training begin from? I will separate a few hours for Fenris' training and after that, the wolves will also join the training with the humans."

Adeline looked at her brother's eyes. She knew he was trying very hard to hide the fact that he was sad. So she didn't try to impose the burden of training on him right away. "Why don't you take a breather for a few more days?"

But then Adeline saw the burning fire in her brother's eyes. He looked at her with determination, "No, I'm already itching to train my muscles. I have already taken enough rest after arriving at Wyverndale."

Adeline could understand her brother because she was also itching to go to the training ground and sharpen her rusted muscles. She hadn't got the time to train for the past few weeks and she was already missing the feeling of the dirt on her sweaty face and that rush that she would only get while fighting an opponent.

She smiled and nodded, "Okay, then. The training will start from tomorrow in the training ground for the soldiers. We will begin at 8 in the morning. Feel free to join us when your wolf training will be over."

"Sure," Nigel lovingly patted Adeline's head.

He trailed his eyes around as if he was considering something. And he said to Adeline, "I think I will tell our father about my wolf side. I don't want to keep him in the dark in his last days."

He glanced at Adeline to see any hints of possible retaliation but there was none. "Do you think he can digest the news?" he asked to indirectly get her approval.

Adeline softly chuckled to say, "He digested the fact that his son-in-law is the Devil, even after seeing Theodore in his Devil form. So I am sure he won't be that shocked to know that his son is also quite marvelous. I bet he will be happy."

"I sure hope so," Nigel mumbled to himself. To be honest, Nigel was sitting on the fence regarding that matter. He was unable to think if telling his father that he was a werewolf would be a good thing to do.

He was afraid thinking that his father would end up hating him. He was afraid he would end up hurting his father's feelings for hiding his true nature until now.

But after getting that gentle nudge from Adeline, his confidence about showing his beast side to his father increased. "Where is he right now? I don't want to delay it anymore."

Adeline stared at the wall and tried to recall his schedule. But suddenly she remembered something, "I think I saw him heading towards Queen Claricia's quarter. You might find him there."

"Okay, right where he needs to be," Nigel thought to himself.

He was about to run out of the room but Adeline held his sleeve and asked, "Don't tell him about the war. I don't want his last days to be full of worries."

"I won't." Nigel nodded and thanked Adeline before running to see his father.

When he reached his mother's quarter, he paused right outside the door to his mother's chamber. He smiled while listening to their laughter and happy voices that the walls had failed to conceal from his sharp ears.

"They seem to be having fun." He took a deep breath in and thought, "I hate to be the interruption but I don't have much time left with father. I have to let out everything that I have hidden from him.. Now."

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