She Belongs To The Devil

Chapter 446 - Secret Weapon

Even though he was mumbling, the room was too silent so everyone present there heard what Reginald was saying.

"I'm going to make that Devil watch me as I ravish his wife. I'm going to make him hear her screams and cries for help. And when I'm done, I am going to kill her right before his eyes." Reginald covered his mouth with a palm and chuckled like a psychopath.

Those from Mihir were already used to hearing such things from the King. But they felt embarrassed that the King was sounding like a lustful monster in front of their guest.

Lord Horace gave an apologetic smile to Edwin and said, "What he means to say is that we have to win the war. Please don't get offended by his remarks. Princess Adeline is your half-sister after all."

Edwin forced a fake smile and shook his head. "Why would I be offended when I don't even consider her as my relative? She is as good as a stranger to me."

However, deep down, Edwin was imagining holding a stake and stabbing that Vampire King in his heart over and over again.

It was taking all muscles in his body to keep himself from reacting to that King's disgusting remarks on his sister. If he was powerful enough like his mother then he would have already snuffed the cold heart out of him.

Edwin had a hard job maintaining his heartbeat at a normal rate so as not to give away that he was angry. Thankfully, Edwin's heartbeat was overshadowed by that of Horace, who was equally angry as Edwin.

Horace gave a glare to Reginald to make him stop spouting such derogatory remarks again but Reginald glared back at him and shouted, "What? Why are you the one being offended? It's not like I am talking about your daughter."

Horace clenched his teeth and fists. For a split second, he felt like spitting on Reginald's mouth that was spewing rubbish. But he controlled himself and looked away from that cynical King, making it obvious that he was angry.

Edwin let out a silent sigh and looked at the King. He looked so confident when he said all those things that it almost looked like he was sure that he could win against Theodore.

He wondered if it was just his overconfidence or if he actually had some means to subdue the Devil. "Your Majesty, I am a little worried about the Devil though. You have already seen how dangerous he is. And I can guarantee that he will not stay quiet when we attack Wyverndale. He can single-handedly wipe out half of the army in a heartbeat if he desires."

Edwin sensed the fear in everyone's eyes but Reginald's. And he continued asking, "So, how do you plan on defeating the Prince of Hell?"

Reginald folded his arms over his chest and chuckled. He then whispered in a mischievous tone, "I have a secret weapon." He winked at Edwin and didn't say anything more than that.

Before Edwin could ask some more questions about that 'secret weapon', Reginald stood up from his seat followed by others as well.

Reginald was already bored after hearing his Generals explain the war plan for hours. He didn't have any energy left to extend the meeting for a minute more.

Also, he didn't have anything else to say to Edwin at the moment. For now, he just needed to know that Edwin would carry the torch passed on by Lillian. And he had already confirmed that Edwin was on board with them so he was ready to end the meeting.

"I hope we will be working together for the mutual gain and wondrous future." Reginald extended his arm towards Edwin for a handshake while saying, "Let's rule everyone."

"Let's rule everyone," Edwin gave a smile and shook Reginald's hand.

Unexpectedly, Reginald grimaced in pain when Edwin's hand touched his. The mighty King jerked his hand away and groaned as if he was still in pain.

"Your Majesty! Did I do something wrong?" Edwin glanced at Reginald's hand and saw a burnt mark on his palm.

Reginald furrowed his brows and looked angry. But he shook his head and spoke in a controlled tone, "No, nothing's wrong. Lord Horace will see you to your carriage. We will keep in touch."

"Sure. I'm looking forward to fully supporting you." Edwin gave a bow to the King who walked out of the room in a hurry.

Lord Horace then walked closer to Edwin and gestured towards the door, "I will lead you back to your carriage. Please follow me, Your Highness."

Edwin and Lord Horace then walked out of that meeting room and climbed down.

While walking downstairs, Edwin wanted to know whether Reginald's secret weapon against Theodore was just a bluff or if it was real.

Edwin, being the oldest one among all the children, never knew what it felt like to have an elder brother. But after Theodore became a part of the Royal family, Edwin got that feel from Theodore. Theodore was very protective of everyone, including him.

And if there was something out there that could potentially harm Theodore, he needed to know what it was.

"Lord Horace, His Majesty was talking about some sort of weapon against the Devil. Do you know what it is?" Edwin pretended to be scared of Theodore and dramatically added, "I am just asking to be sure that whatever he has planned can defeat that Lord of Hell."

However, Lord Horace sighed and replied, "No one knows what he has planned. He simply asked us to believe in him. I hope that he really has something powerful enough to subdue or end that Devil. I hope that our King won't underestimate the Devil again."

Edwin also sighed and whispered with some disappointment, "I hope so too."

It was now Horace's turn to ask something to clear his doubt. "Prince Edwin, earlier I noticed something for a fraction of a second. You looked angry at King Reginald." He glanced at Edwin and said somewhat vaguely, "I hope that you are fully on our side."

Edwin smiled and nodded, "I am fully on King Reginald's side. It's just that… I was a bit shocked to hear a King talk that way about a woman. I consider Adeline as my enemy but that doesn't mean I can endure hearing such foul intention."

Edwin had seen Lord Horace's face when Reginald had bluntly said he wasn't talking about Horace's daughter. And Edwin knew he could connect to Horace to clear his suspicion. "I also have women at home. And it pains me when men disrespect them."

Lord Horace chuckled with satisfaction from Edwin's answer and agreed with Edwin, "Yes, it's hard to stand our King at times." He took a deep sigh and said while clenching his fist, "But he is the King we've got. And it is my duty to support his dream but..."

The two of them arrived in front of the carriage and Edwin gestured to the coachman to get ready.

"...But his dreams have now started to become too self-centered and spiteful and sickening." Horace laughed nervously and brushed the matter aside, "Forgive me, Your Highness. I don't know why I'm getting a little emotional today."

Edwin smiled and spoke understandingly, "It's okay to show emotions at times." He glanced towards the tower behind him and said, "I hope that he will not stray from the main goal though."

The coachman bowed to Edwin and said, "The carriage is ready, Your Highness."

Horace forced a smile and agreed with Edwin, "I hope so too. Or else, all of our efforts will be for nothing." He then bid farewell to Edwin. "Have a safe journey, Your Highness."

"Thank you!" Edwin gave a slight nod and got back inside the carriage.

The carriage began to run and they were at the outskirts of the capital in no time.

Edwin was staring at his palm and was lightly rubbing his thumb against the thick ring that he was wearing.

Kira suddenly appeared in view and he sighed, "Ah! Finally, I can breathe properly. I had to hold my breath as well as my anger when I was inside that meeting room."

Edwin glanced at Kira and said, "That makes the two of us. Thank you for enduring that stupid King's words though. It must have been hard for you to hear someone denigrate your master."

Kira bare his fangs and agreed. "I was barely hanging there. I wanted to crush his skull."

Kira then pointed at Edwin's ring and asked with a sly smile, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

Edwin smirked and asked, "So you also noticed it huh?"

Kira's smile widened as he flicked his fingers and said, "It would be safe to assume that silver is lethal to those vampires."

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