Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 106

Episode 106. Dragonic lab (6)

A control room connected to the head of PX-4889 at the back of the horsepower measurement session lab.

In a space barely fit for three adult men, the two Yongin sat and stared at the screen.

He was the chief researcher in Yongin, who was in charge of building the code under the control of the laboratory director and PX-4889.

“Third refueling. Energy loss rate 0.4%. 2% damage to the ejection organ. After injection, after 3 seconds of rotation to the right at an angle of 45 degrees, the biological response tracking process is inserted.”

“You have to get it right this time. You haven’t forgotten that the monarch is watching you, have you? If there are no casualties three times in a row, you will consider this project a failure.”

“It doesn’t matter. PX-4889 is the legacy of the Senior Lab Director. question. The reason why the research director is obsessed with this project.”


The third breath ejection sign appears.

Full bloom of snow flowers.

Call: Ice Field.


The lab froze.

PX-4889’s head only fired breaths.

In other words, they didn’t respond as well as in the strength testing session.

Rossi and Ran used it to put ice in the lab.

PX-4889’s mouth creaked open and the sun screamed.

“It’s the front!”

Compressed, but still a huge range of black rays split the laboratory in exactly half.

The breath emitted by the Red Dragon has the attribute of fire, and the breath emitted by the White Dragon has the attribute of ice.

And the magic dragon’s breath had the property of occupying space.

The beam of light remained like an afterimage for a certain period of time, destroying everything it touched.

Taeyang’s party escaped the breath and split in half.

Ran and Salomon. And Rossi left.

Then the brown-skinned warrior Malik and the sun to the right.

The sun calculated instinctively.

‘Two on this side, three on that side. OK, I’ll make it easy this time… … shit!’

Wooded deuddeuk.

A massive amount of frost clung to PX-4889’s neck and fell like an avalanche, changing the path of her breath.


It was in the direction of the sun and Malik.

Ran shouted triumphantly.

“Am I right? Doesn’t it come if you go to the other side of the sun?”


“That’s why you should have scratched the inside of the head of the lab. I knew it would be like this.”

A breath drawn at 45 degrees cut the lab in half into quarters.

Above Malik, the sun parted once again below.

The sun simulated the movement of the remaining space and breath.

‘How can it be so efficient that it has only been trained twice? Can I avoid it?’

Although the dragon’s breath occupied space, it also had a duration.

Assuming that if you calmly create a movement, you will gradually divide the space and enter, the breath that has been narrowly drawn in the center is likely to oxidize.

If Breath aims for the sun, it can be avoided.

But there was a condition.

‘It’s a one-time thing. I can pass this one time, but I won’t be able to do it next time.’

This is impossible if Chimera PX-4889 observes and learns the movement of the sun and corrects its movement.

And considering the learning ability of PX-4889 seen through development, it was clear that the line would definitely be modified.

It was then.



Rossi’s voice, which had always been calm, rose rarely.

“I am fine. It’s just a moment of embarrassment!”

Two breaths have already swept through the laboratory, and another breath is about to strike.

In other words, the current situation on the floor of the laboratory was terrible, as if it had been swept away by tactical bombing.

Malik, a D-class player, failed to consider the floor situation and was only focused on avoiding the breath, causing his ankle to turn.


Malik’s voice of despair echoed through the lab.

He said he was fine, but things didn’t seem to be the case.

Making matters worse.

Breath, which had been following the sun until now, changed its aim sarcastically.

“Malik! It’s on your side!”


Malik, who grabbed his leg, desperately tried to escape, but his speed was not good.

I could see Malik desperately running away, clutching his legs through the grayish-silk wall.

Malik’s run, which had lost his mobility, was on the verge of being overtaken by Breath at any moment.

The sun stepped on the advance.


Starburst High Kick – Canon Form.

A small galaxy formed at the feet of the sun.

Normally, the surrounding mana would have been sucked up by the gravitational pull of the small galaxy and would have hovered at the feet of the sun like star dust, but such a phenomenon was not seen.

It was because the two breaths had already sucked up all the mana in the laboratory.

‘Not enough.’


The sun awakened two dragon hearts.

A huge amount of mana flowed through the sun’s mana circuit.

Kwack Kwadeuk.

The swirling vortex at the sun’s feet grew in size.

Normally, he would have stumbled because it was burdensome to control the naturally gathered mana, but this time the situation was different.

‘Not enough.’

Even if it wasn’t enough to stop that ink-colored breath, it wasn’t enough.

For the first time since Taeyang developed ‘Starburst High Kick – Cannon Form’, he did his best to collect mana.

Card Deok.

Card Deok.

The small galaxy started idling ferociously.

The concentration of the sun peaked.

Enormous mana supplied to the hearts of the two Jackie Chan.

Starburst High Kick – Cannon Form’s unique mana suction power.

And a space infinitely close to the vacuum of mana.

The four elements interlocked to form a temporary ‘mana black hole’.


The small galaxy that became a black hole absorbed all the mana around it.

Even the remnants of the dragon’s breath occupying the space.

The sun, immersed to the extreme, raised her feet.


A black wave forms at the tip of Taeyang’s toe and


A black beam stopped Malik from PX-4889’s breath.

“Malik! Get out!”

Malik’s pupils dilated.

Yoon Taeyang’s fingers were visible.

there was a road

In the middle of the cursed black wall, there was a space exactly enough for one person to enter and exit.


Malik sprinted along the road with an unusual sound from his twisted ankle.



The head of the lab hit the narrow tabletop.

“Fail again!”

“I was astonished at the player Taeyang Yoon’s mana interference. Starburst High Kick – Cannon Form. Presumed to have absorbed mana from the afterimage of the demonic dragon’s breath. research needed. Step 3 Section Change Request. It is not a test of PX-4889, but an observation of Yoon Taeyang’s skill study.”

“No, this is not the time to do that.”

The research director tapped the keyboard in front of the chief researcher.

“Starting from the 4th breath, increase the amount of energy injection.”

“The tests in the horsepower measurement section are entirely my responsibility. The current research director’s actions are clearly overstepping his authority. Recommend withdrawal of action with quick apology. Otherwise, I will file a complaint with the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee can notify the monarch of the research director’s excesses within three days.”

“double. no it won’t be enough It goes threefold.”

“Three servings of energy. The destructive power that can be raised is only 1.25 times. inefficient. Notice once again. The current research director’s actions clearly exceeded his authority. A quick apology… … .”

The research director screamed.

“Shut up and do what you say! And file a complaint with the Steering Committee!”

The head researcher jumped up from his seat.

It wasn’t obvious from the seat, but the head researcher who stood up was as tall as the head of the lab.

The senior researcher’s vertical pupil looked directly at the head of the laboratory.

“I am the chief researcher of the weapon development dimensional labyrinth branch. Any further disregard has a negative impact on the reciprocal relationship. Factors that positively affect relationships. truth honesty. and finite expressions.”

“Can you please stop with that damn tone?”

The current tone of the Yongin researchers in the Weapons Development Department was entirely the fault of the chief researcher.

The researchers started copying the chief researcher’s tone one by one, and then it spread like a plague throughout the lab.

The head researcher shrugged.

“Comfortable and efficient way of speaking. An idiot when retorting.”


A slightly relaxed atmosphere.

The head researcher took the weight and asked again.

“I won’t tell anyone about it with the honor of the monarch. I wonder why he is trying to kill player Taeyang Yoon while committing such excesses.”

“… … .”

The research director hesitated.

The Balaur’s terrifying obsession with the lives of their kin was mitigated but not corrected.

Right now, he himself was blinded by that obsession and even went beyond his authority knowing how to get into the ears of the monarch, the dragon king, Balak.

However, if the question is being asked in the name of the monarch.

After a short thought, the research director opened his mouth.

“… … Player Yun Taeyang is a dragon slayer.”

“… … !”

“The monarch did not directly order us to kill. I couldn’t help it. As you can see… … .”

“The six demon lords besides Dantalian in the back. I checked.”

“okay. But the monarch leaked that information to me. The hearts of the two Jackie Chans are said to be sleeping in Yun Taeyang’s heart. So I made my own judgment.”

“… … I will do nothing to file a complaint with the Steering Committee.”


The head of the laboratory has completed the setting.


The smoke that spread under the legs of the two dragons faded and soon disappeared.


“How are you?”

“… … It is irreversible.”

Malik looked at his half-crushed body with a sad expression.

Right ankle ligament damage.

It was an injury that could safely be said to have put an end to his life as a player, as well as being out of force on this stage.

There was silence in the laboratory for a while.

It was Ran who broke the curtain.

“are you okay?”

“Oh what am I?”

The sun nodded.

Actually, it wasn’t all that good.

Due to excessive use of mana, the mana circuit in the right leg was numb.

In my personal judgment, it seemed more than the pain I felt when I started the lightsaber excessively.

Breaking through the compressed breath of a high dragon-class demon dragon required a considerable amount of effort.

But I couldn’t help it.

Not just for avoiding the breath right now, but also for the next stage.

One player is sad.

– Still, this doesn’t seem like much.

-I have to make him a half asshole to save him…

-Yes. What would one person do?

– I think it’s good. You have two breaths left. Even if you do a meat shield just once, it’s honey.

-I don’t think it’ll ever end with two rounds lol

-Lㅇㅋ It’s comforting to think that I’ll do it 10 more times when I see a kid who talks to a rattlesnake.

-Rainbow hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha looks like a dog.

Breath injections were made at intervals of at least 5 minutes.

Taking advantage of a short break, Taeyang proposed a change of tactics.

“From this round onwards, let’s go by blocking it before ejection. Have you figured out the Lahn ejection engine?”

Ran shook his head.

“Didn’t I tell you not to? Are you feeling strange?”

It wasn’t difficult to notice the strange smell.

The fact that he had suggested that he pretend not to be the head of the laboratory, who seemed to be full of thoughts of killing the player, was enough to cause suspicion.

But I couldn’t help it.

The sun shook its head.

“As we learn our movements, our breath paths are being refined. I calculated it myself earlier, but I can’t avoid the fourth breath either.”


“Whatever the trap the head of research has hidden is better than being hit directly by the breath. is not it?”

Then Salomon, who was sitting in a corner, approached the sun.



“It’s a jackpot.”

Salomon grinned, sucking deeply on his cigar and then spitting it out.

Woo woo woo!

Thick smoke began to draw three-dimensional design drawings.

Test spaces and holes in the horsepower measurement section.

And from the hole to the PX-4889’s control room.

“It was as you said. I found the control room.”

“It’s a lot closer than you think.”

“okay. There are hundreds of wires running between the control room and PX-4889. It seems to be adjusted by wire.”

The control room is at the base of PX-4889’s neck.

That is, the horsepower measurement session was located below the diagonal by laboratory standards.

“The compression ratio is about 45:1.”

“Is it in direct proportion?”

“Sounds natural.”

– Tobacco skills DDDD.

– The dog is cool.

-and. quit smoking

-Every time I see it, I feel it. Salomon cigarettes smoke really nicely. Haha.

Salomon, coughing lightly, continued.

It was a story about the information he acquired during the third breath ejection process.

At Salomon’s explanation, Sun’s mouth drew an arc.


The head of PX-4889, which Ran and Rossi had frozen, started working again.

The sun picked up a lightsaber.

The enormous amount of mana emitted by the two dragon hearts expanded the milky-white sword of the lightsaber endlessly.


The mana circuit trembled so much that the sun could hear it.

Does not matter.

This much can be tolerated.

Big la la la la la la la la!

A chimera-mecha dragon howling as if it felt threatened.

However, PX-4889 could not be involved in the movement of the sun unless it received a ‘preemption’.

A lightsaber breaks through the walls of the lab.


The sound of trees being ripped reverberated through the auditorium of the Dragonic Lab Stage.

It was the sound of the armrest of Balak’s right chair breaking.

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