Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 11

Episode 11. Find the orb (3)

Paba Baba Bak.

The sun ran across the forest.

Leaves and twigs brushed roughly against the body of the sun.

‘It’s hot.’

It was because the pain control device was not functioning.

Of course, I couldn’t stop running.

Hey hey profit!

Because the giant serpent, Aksharon, was chasing him.

It is a reward for radiating mana in the realm of the top predator.

Being both a snake and a monster, Aksharon did not forgive any creature that dared to challenge him.


The sun jumped up quickly at the feeling of a tickling sensation on the back.


Aksharon’s head bombarded the spot where the sun used to be.

Scattering soil and leaves hit the back of the sun.

The minimum baseline achievement to follow the movement of Aksharon is 15.

20 to hit properly.

It was literally a miracle that the sun is now successfully escaping.

Had it not been for the reflexes and improvisation trained as the King of Fists, he would have died long ago.

“Is it still far?”

– Almost there!

The sun was retracing the way it had come.

Of course, it was to sprinkle this huge poop, or snake, on other players.

-Is this okay?

– Won’t everyone run away?

– Will it be? I’ve seen this phrase a lot on other TV shows as well.

– But it is. Isn’t this too early?

-It’s been quite a while since it’s the beginning.

At this point, there was a player who found the orb.

There was no choice but to be.

The number of orbs was small, and the difficulty of obtaining them was not high.

Some of the players would have saved one or two orbs rolling around in the forest while running with their bodies.

And you probably also discovered that getting an orb enhances your abilities.

At this point, what if you take Aksharon, a creature that looks powerful even at a glance?

Aksharon = Powerful = Orb.

should i catch it?

Modern people would have avoided it first, but it was clear that NPCs who were familiar with hunting monster monsters (especially in the fantasy world) would attract Aksharon’s aggro.

In the dimension of Eden, the monster was both a natural disaster and a treasure trove.

It was obvious that fantasy NPCs who were confident in their abilities would cling to them.

This was not the sun’s prediction.

It was data that other users verified through hundreds of plays.

Soon the players appeared.

The sun ran over them.

“What did you find? Why are you running like that?”

“Are you in a hurry? Who will come after me?”

“You are half a beggar. It’s like being buried in the dirt.”


And they found Aksharon chasing the sun.


“It’s a monster!”

Some NPCs left their seats as they were.

Also, some NPCs hid moderately and flashed their eyes.

Those who flashed their eyes were, of course, fantasy-type NPCs who were familiar with witchcraft.

they explored each other.

‘Should I catch it?’

blind greed.

Their thoughts were quickly shared as a group.


“We eat!”

“Don’t you look too strong?”

“Anyway, it’s a stupid giant snake!”

According to the data of the sun, it ran towards Aksharon.

Hey hey profit!

“Catch and kill!”

“Be careful not to get bitten! There may be poison!”

“know! Catch a witch beast once or twice!”

Players chasing and even wielding knives.

Their swords were not lethal, but they were enough to displease Aksharon.

In the end, Aksharon stopped chasing the sun and turned his head at the players.

“Huh, as planned.”

The sun laughed evilly at the sight.

– You mastered the strategy properly.

-For monsters, fantasy-type NPCs, and for interpersonal combat, martial-type NPCs.

– Then what do users do?

-hmm. suck honey?

From the beginning, Taeyang planned to lure Aksharon out of the den of snakes while eliminating the players following him.

Now that the plan had succeeded, Taeyang killed his presence and went back the way he had come, as if he hadn’t run away in a hurry.

Aksharon had a habit of biting his challengers to death and displaying their corpses proudly throughout his snake den.

And after searching the corpse, an orb came out.

All the monsters who challenged the forest ruler, Aksharon, were strong creatures in their own way.

In other words, the snake den without Aksharon was no different from an orb box.

“If only I had a little more luck… … .”

-You can also eat artifact-level items.


The sun opened the jaws of the stiff saber-toothed tiger.

“Good. One more.”

[The strengthening effect of the orb is applied.]

-He eats 13 orbs with his butt.

-There is no bonanza because there are no other users.

-Solo play gag;

– Fact) Everything was sorted out from the physical or the entrance ceremony line of Yoon Tae-yang level.

-Fact) Before sucking honey like this, I had a 7-to-1 battle with the NPCs.

– That’s right.

The orbs found by the sun were actually rewards that could only be obtained by hunting Aksharon.

Aksharon is a monster that is no different from the final content in the Orb Search stage.

It’s disappointing if the reward isn’t so generous.

Clear 3 orbs.

Achievements are 3, 5 and 7 respectively.

There are 18 orbs required to clear all orb-related achievements.

In other words, if Taeyang collected 5 more orbs, he could obtain all orb-related achievements and clear them at the same time.

-Clear each crab caught.

– If you have 4 achievements to find the orb, it is Hyeja.

– It’s a confirmed 4 achievement, and you can get more if you add a lot of things.

The sun snapped his neck.

There are currently 22 achievements applied to the body of the sun.

Stats are awesome.

It became so strong in such a short time that it was difficult to adapt.

The senses were greatly expanded, and even though I stepped lightly on the ground, the floor was hollow.

“Then let’s go in.”

The sun was in the depths of Aksharon’s serpent lair.

The remaining length of the oyster is at most 100m.

If there is no artifact class item in this, there is none.


Hyeon-hye prayed earnestly.

If I could get the item I was looking for right now, it was an item that couldn’t be more reliable than this in the beginning.

The sun strode in.

The deepest part of Aksharon Snake Den. to the deepest of them all.



the sun screamed

There was Aksharon’s skin.

Aksharon’s fault.

It just looks like a big skin, but even if you tear it off properly and wear it around your body, it maintains more than half of Aksharon’s natural magic resistance effect, so it is the best performance among magic armor that can be obtained in the early stages.

The skin retained more than half of Aksharon’s natural magic resistance.

In addition to that, if properly processed at the forge of a high-rise shelter, it could function as a magical armor that exhibits compliant performance even on high-rise floors.

A filial item that reliably takes on the most difficult magic defense to deal with.


The sun ripped off the skin.

To the extent that it can be wrapped around the body at will.

The skin’s magic defense was strong, but its physical defense was not, so there was no problem tearing it off.

-Yoon Taeyang wins!

-Here’s the faults too.

– This edition is very lucky.

-I don’t wear it even if you give it to me.

-me too. Because the texture is like… … .

-Really. It’s greasy and smells bad.

-? If you add it to your clothes, you won’t feel the texture.




-And there was such a way;

After tearing off its skin, the sun quickly escaped the snake’s den.

The players did pull aggro, but that was only for a moment.

‘Because it’s a monster of a crazy weight class that requires about 15 achievements in the first place to become a basic great distance.’

It was prudent to get out of the seat as soon as all the goals were achieved.

After leaving the snake’s lair, the sun moved rapidly eastward.

“The south-central west area is the realm of the giant serpent, Aksharon. To the north is the territory of Gozostan. And the east is said to be the realm of the green sand scorpion.”

– Yes, I remember it well.

“Heh. It’s because I didn’t study. He is a smart man.”


“Is it real?”

-Yes, repair level 4~.

“If you didn’t study and got 4th grade, didn’t you do well?”

– Ha ha ha ha ha 4 Taeyang Yoon.

-Hey, but if you didn’t study and got 4th grade, you did well; I’m still level 5.

-;; Are you kidding?

– You’re really stupid.

– Hey hey Deal meter blows. do it in moderation

-By the way, why catch the green sand scorpion?

-I thought you were aiming for the achievements of Aksharon and the monster?

-There are 18 orb achievements, so if you want to aim for more, that’s the only one.

-It’s a solo play, but it’s a boss raid…?

The sun stopped moving while the chatting window came up.

“Here. Area of the green sand scorpion.”

Green sand scorpion.

A monster that occupied the eastern forest with the power of a group rather than one.

He was the second strongest demon in the demon forest.

It’s as big as the palm of your hand, and of course you have to be careful about the poison needle.

The stinger of the green sand scorpion contains a powerful neurotoxin that instantly paralyzes all parts of the body, even the viscera, as soon as it is stung.

This neurotoxin was able to work on Aksharon as well.

‘Use the venom of the green sand scorpion and Stan’s feathers to hunt the giant serpent, Aksharon.’

Gozo Stan’s feather wasn’t a particularly powerful weapon, but it was worth seeing for its penetrating power.

If you apply the green sand scorpion’s venom, you can use it as an excellent dagger to pierce Aksharon’s scales.


the sun held its breath

The green sand scorpion was just as sensitive to encroachment on its territory as Aksharon.

If I noticed that an animal as large as the sun had invaded my territory, I was sure to attack like a deer.



Fortunately, the scorpions passed the sun unnoticed.

Taeyang, who was sweating, moved again only after thoroughly checking the surroundings.

-It’s really too small.

-What do you see?

– But once you get stung, you’re gone.

– I’m really getting neurosis.

What the sun was looking for was the Grass Flower, a flower that grows only in the eastern forest and is a snack for the green sand scorpion.

As the name suggests, it was difficult to tell whether it was a grass or a flower, but the green sand scorpion would eat the roots of grass flowers.

If you don’t consume grass flowers for a long time, the green sand scorpion turns yellow, contrary to its name.


Fortunately, I found a grass flower in a remote area.

If you can’t find it in the outlying area, you just have to take the risk and run with your body, so it was very welcome for Taeyang.

The sun immediately plucked the grass flower.

As the name suggests, the weed grass grew up with tremendous roots.

The sun, carrying a grass flower and moving outside the realm of the green sand scorpion, roughly gathered twigs and fallen leaves.

-Then it’s fire.

Grassflower roots, when chewed, cause paralysis and hallucinations.

As it is, it is not very strong, but when the root extract is heated, its efficacy is greatly increased.

Even green sand scorpions that snack on grass flowers faint.

The sun rubbed the wood and made a fire.

Originally, it would have been a seriously difficult task because of the juicy branches and leaves, but the 22 achievement level abilities made the difficult task simple.

After tearing off part of his cloth, Taeyang tore off half of the root of a grass flower and wrapped it around it.

And Quaang! Quaang! I ignorantly knocked down the cloth.

The fabric got wet in an instant.


The sun weaved the clothes into branches and put them on the bonfire.

– It’s not even grilling duck.

– Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha It seems like they are making smoked duck.

The juice turned into powder when heated.

The sun intended to sprinkle the powder on the roots of the other half of the grass flower.


While heating, the sun did not let down its vigilance.

The smell spreading from the heating of the grass flower sap might attract green sand scorpions.

“Okay. Once this is completed, it is no different than collecting the venom of the green sand scorpion.”

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