Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 208

Episode 208. Straits (9)


Nine beams hit in succession.

The wooden fragments that were once in the shape of a boat are now floating stepping stones on the water.

The elf who was originally on the scout ship has long since become fish food.

‘Of course, not when I’m worrying about you right now.’

Inhale and exhale one breath.


The light rays fall in a cheerful rhythm as if enjoying a festival.

The dragon’s eye read the trajectory, and the strengthened muscles gave it overwhelming speed.



Before I knew it, the sun stood side by side with the mast standing in the air.

It was data that was not shown in the arena, but the air was not surprised.


Wusinrok (武神錄) Stage 1 – Heavenly Rock (天落).

Mana control in the air, which induces lightning-like waves, was incredibly fast and accurate even while watching it in real time.

The sun gritted it.


The magic armor that Byullim saved Taeyang covered Taeyang’s body.

Storm Bringer: Summon a storm.

[Storm spirit lord Arasil strikes the body of player Yoon Taeyang.]

[Activate machine PUNMFV-3000]

[Choose a synergy between strength and agility by consuming mana to raise the synergy’s grade by one level.

] ‘s synergy is adjusted to ‘6’.]

Arasil and machine PUNMFV belatedly summoned to save even a penny of mana.

The rough winds of the storm spirits encroach on the sea.


The sun’s vision flashed white.

Balak’s muscles endured the air waves that were infinitely closer to lightning without difficulty.

It’s not without damage, but… … .

‘It’s bearable.’

Consciousness did not fly away.

His shoulders drooped wide, and Taeyang’s fist was loaded like a shot put.

Jeonguihaeng 2 meals – interest (貫心): Yoon Tae-yang-style arrangement.

Woo woo woo.

Overwhelming mana flow.

Waves rippled across the sea and the clouds in the sky distorted like cotton candy.

It was a thought that could pierce the heart at once.

Instead of moving, the air looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

Gold river immobility.

“Look through it.”

The empty body was wrapped in gold.

An eye-opening brilliance.

One skill was added to it.



Power sponsored by Bassago.

The sun, feeling the flashing fragment of divinity, fiercely exposed it.

“Do you think you can’t break through?”


A fist that extends at the same time as the advance.

The empty space thought.

The water at the back of the river eventually pushes the water at the front.

The sun is definitely the back water, and the air is definitely the front water.


If the air retreated from here, it was certain that the wave named the sun would hit the land named the dimensional labyrinth like a tidal wave.

But unfortunately, the wave named empty was still too strong to be pushed back by the water… … .

It’s great.

One regret is removed.

The stars in the night sky are innumerable, and the sun is not the only star that has the qualities to shine brightly.

Also, what the sun shines is not an astronomical object in the air.


crash sound.

What was broken was the fist of the sun.

I lowered my hand again as I looked at the sun that the empty air that had escaped immobility before I knew it.

Wusinrok Type 6 – Destruction (滅亡).

After taking thousands of years of pleasure, the god of war eventually decides to destroy the human world.

It cuts off all worldly ties and at the same time shakes off the troubled mind.

A blade of cold and indifferent disposition that extends from a light heart.

before and after left and right.

The sun’s pupils with dragon’s eyes rotated without rest.

At first glance, the flow of mana is dizzy enough to be dismissed as a fantasy-type technique.

not a ring

Because all attacks are ‘real’.

There is no other workaround.

All I had to do was knock them all out, reach in front of the air once again, and extend my fist.

Wood Deuk.

The strong muscles forcibly returned the bones of the dislocated hand.

The stabbing pain was already a kind that Taeyang was accustomed to and could endure.

The pillars that had been standing tall broke off and were floating in the sea, and only the air, still standing upright, stepped on the mast pillars and looked at the sun.

Able to know.

If you reach it once again, this time it is the victory of the sun.

There are no other grounds.

warrior instinct.

Confidence that if you approach this time, you will never miss the opportunity.

“come. If you can.”

At the same time as a calm voice in the air.

Card deuddeuk.

Bet started bombing the space.

middle left.

He stretched out his fist.

Jeonguihaeng 1st meal – Tongcheon (通天): Yoon Tae-yang-style arrangement.


The energy bursting out from underfoot trampled before the impact hit its peak.

Jeonguihaeng 3 meals – Jipok (地爆): Yoon Taeyang-style arrangement.


Tongtian Interest Jipo, Chen Hong Five Elements, Six Harmonies.

The essence of the act of justice that Taeyang had learned spread out generously.

Honwon Taegeuk Samjae Sasang Five Elements Six Harmonies Seven Stars Palgua Gugung.

The martial arts of Akdo are also copied.

Through him, he made up for the lack of justice.

In the meantime, the five elements and the six elements.

I found the part where Akdogun and the group of cloud dragons met, but I passed it for now.


The empty space laughed.

Rather than ridicule, it is an empty laugh containing the meaning of envy that cannot acknowledge admiration.

Observation through Balak’s dragon’s eye.

The invincible five star possessed by the sun.

And the limits of the talent that divinity has expanded.

Taeyang’s performance surpassed the understanding of empty space.

“One is missing.”

This cannot break the air.

Wusinrok (武神錄) Chapter 7 – Ascension (昇天).

The remnants of the bet that bombarded the sun evaporated in one breath, and a ray of light stretched out from the outstretched fingertips in the air.


Instinctively stretched out transcendence.

Ballack’s muscles screamed that they were at their limit.

My eyes were tingling, and the light of divinity shook precariously as if it were fading.

In the process, the sun gear nose.

Righteous act, Oui(奧義) – Fate(運命).

I put my hand on the will of the sky.



Freed from all anomalies.

All the buffs supported by the skill of the dimensional labyrinth on the body of the sun faded.

Balak’s authority.

What remains is the reshaped body and divinity as they move from dimension to dimension, and a heightened spirit.

And the one motion that Taeyang is most familiar with.

Derivatives of Transcendent Jin-Gak.

Transcendent Jin-Gak – Fan Fist (旋風拳).

There is no excessive physical ability.

There is no movement of the qi.

Only near-perfect technology.

The trail of ascension is destroyed by the fist of the sun.


Red blood flowed from his mouth.

Gold river immobility.

A radiance enveloped the air and dimmed it.


The pupils of the sky widened and the sun stretched out its fist.

The body of the sick air stretched out its hand to face it.

I’m sorry.

The corner of the sun’s mouth drew an arc.

“It came in.”

in the interval of the sun.


Divine Dragon Flower.

[Player Taeyang Yoon’s muscles gain the abilities of Balrog, the Demon King.]


I heard the sound of something breaking due to the excessive use of authority.


Salvage site at the same time.

The salvage site was quiet.

Not only Taeyang and the rest of the players from Cheonmun who came down to do the salvage were silent.

I didn’t know the inside story of the battle between Yoon Tae-yang and Heo-gong, but I couldn’t help but know that something unexpected had happened.

Something in the form of a sphere appearing above your head.

The flow of mana was so intense that I wondered if passing by without looking was the way to preserve one’s life.

Rays of light hitting the surface of the water in real time and countless bubbles.

Byulrim looked at Messiah, and Messiah nodded.

There was no need for the Messiah to separately check the sun’s broadcast.

Because the chat window was already overflowing.

“… … It is a betrayal.”


Salomon lowered his voice.

“Are you talking about these guys?”

“okay. Fighting above… … It is the sun and the air.”

“oh my god.”

Byeollim scratched her head involuntarily.


astronomical longevity.

Rather, if it was the evildoer or other players, it can be dismissed as individual arbitrariness.

However, if the air is moving, the weight of the action changes.

“The fact that space intervened… this means that it will soon become an astronomical judgment… … .”

Byeollim frowned and scratched his head.

It was clear what they had to do.

Get out of this water as quickly as possible and join the sun.

“There is still hope. Akdo-kun and other players in Astronomy do not know this fact.”

“uh. Then, if we move first before this side responds, there is a possibility somehow… … .”

Then Ran muttered.



“… … The situation is worst.”

The reason why the elves sent wind spirits to reconnoiter.

Due to the nature of the space called the sea, it is open and free of obstacles.

Sleep holds the wind.

This clearly reveals the flow of the wind and at the same time provides a place for the wind to hide, unlike the ground.

In other words, it is difficult for the observer to interfere with the wind spirit or the player’s mana control.

Of course, apart from that, the attribute of wind has the property of being easy to catch information.

Anyway, as much as the wind spirit, Ran also received an advantage in collecting information.

The problem was the information Ran had obtained.

“The army is coming this way.”


“Military level. At least 10 sailboats. direction… … According to what I heard in advance, it was the elven faction. But I don’t know.”

The Elves and Orcs may have come together to seek the sun.

In fact, Taeyang already had a track record of capturing even the second-in-command of the Orc camp, a gliding hawk.

“Since you’re fighting with these kids, it’s escape, so this isn’t the time to be talking. They read my wind spells over there too.”

Astronomy is an S-class clan, the third strongest in the human camp.

However, the power gathered here is three sailboats at most.

Of course, there are Akdo-kun and Heo-gong on this side, but we must take into account the fact that they are not on the side of the sun either.

current position.

the center of the strait.

Salomon’s space movement is flawless, and he can move through Ran’s wind magic, but there is no way to shake it off if the elves are systematically obstructed and pursued.

“Preparation comes first. If the Heavenly Gate disappears immediately, whether or not it is hostile to us, we will have no answer either.”

Ran ran to the cloud dragon.

“What is going on?”

“You have to go up. right now! They will attack from the elven camp.”

The cloud dragon laughed.

“Ah, no need to worry. The scout ship sent by the elves… … .”

“Not at the level of a scout ship! More than ten sailboats?”

“That’s enough.”

Yu Gwan-mun, the astronomical player who was infusing mana into the orb of the ghost pirate ship, murmured.

“Above is Cheonan Manager and Munju. It’s nothing for you to worry about.”

“I’m sorry, but the situation is a bit serious right now.”

Messiah also intervened.

“We are not trying to ignore the astronomy. That’s how things are… … .”


“Go back.”

The middle-aged man nodded and pulled out a knife.


A huge mana pressure squeezed the surroundings.

“The great one is Yoon Taeyang. It’s not you. And even if it’s Yoon Taeyang, you can’t command me.”

It didn’t seem like it would come off easily.

Messiah bit her lip.

At that time, a chat erupted explosively from one side of Messiah’s field of view.

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