Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 238

Episode 238. Dantalian Plan (5)


Thick smoke covers the ground where Baal and Yun Taeyang stood.

The smoke full of mana was soon arranged in the shape of a magic circle, and Baal’s fist extended belatedly did not reach the sun by a short distance.

Dantalian hurriedly tried to use the power ‘Afrokin’s wild dog’ to pursue him, but Ran’s wind technique completely blocked the pursuit.

Dantalian gave up the chase.

It was because he had not yet moved on to the Impact Memorial Stage on the 64th floor.

The thick border of the dimensional bulkhead, which already held more than ten demon lords, sharply cut off Dantalian’s intervention like an angry cat.

The demon lord who had already entered must also be subjected to this kind of backlash.

Even knowing the predestined pain, I can’t help but go over it.

No matter how much Dantalian was, he couldn’t handle it when he hit the back of the head of those who were close to twenty.

Even more so when you think of the emotional goals he has accumulated with various demon kings.

In the end, it means that at this point when Dantalian lost control of the demon lords, Yoon Taeyang had definitely left the place.

“You’ve been preparing a retreat from the beginning.”


Again, it’s a variable that wouldn’t have existed if Gremory hadn’t done something stupid.

“Sending them alive wasn’t in the calculation.”

Dantalian shook his head.

Taeyang Yoon.

An overly sharp dagger that Dantalian painstakingly forged.

As the demon kings said, it was Dantalian who put Taeyang Yoon into the dimensional labyrinth.

The blade of the dagger named Yoon Tae-yang is supposed to turn around and aim at Dantalian himself.

After thinking for a moment, Dantalian finally shrugged off his regret.

What’s urgent right now is Baal.

Yoon Tae-yang was threatening, but if you think about it backwards, it wasn’t necessarily like that.

Talent is also a flower that blooms through time.

Yun Taeyang, who had just risen to the rank of Transcendentalist, did not have enough substance to aim for Dantalian’s life.

As long as Baal’s hunt was over and he was safe, the chances of losing his life to him were infinitely low, unless he threw his mind into the air.

“Besides, he… … I have too much to lose.”

Compared to Baal, there are plenty of ways to attack Yoon Taeyang.

That’s how the second act of Baal Hunt came up.


It can’t be considered hunting.

It was not a thoroughly prepared hunt, but the beginning of the first act of battle.




Yuri Maximoff grabbed Cain by the shoulder.

“He is dead.”

“no. Not dead.”

Didn’t die.

However, the battle cannot continue.

Baal’s blow left an impact beyond simply piercing the abdomen.

both in the body and in the soul.

It was too much of an attack for Cain, who could not even bloom his divinity.

Ran expressed concern.

“how… … Should I find a hospital room first?”

The sun shook its head.

“Once you are in a safe place… … doesn’t exist. It’s not like we can take Cain and escape without the demon lords knowing. For now, it’s best to recover here.”


Ran asked reflexively.

There was no answer.

She knew too.

There was no other way.

The good news was that the temporary cloud hideout was working better than expected.

“Anyway, the problem is next.”

Salomon murmured, puffing out poisonous cigar smoke.

Like Cain, he is the only human faction player who has not blossomed into divinity.

However, Salomon’s ball was so revolutionary that it was incomparable to Cain’s.

Salomon’s spatial magic saved everyone in Jus, the farthest being from transcendence.

space magic.

It is a basic power commonly used by demon lords, but it is a power that only one member of the sun party has.

“I think bringing you was a good choice.”

“I mean that… … .”

Salomon untied his apron and furrowed his brow.

The private story ended with that.

The dead, such as blood spattering lightning.

Cain lost consciousness with his stomach pierced.

Messiah with one arm blown off.

No further mention.

I didn’t have the time or space to think about them.

“Then let’s decide.”

The pale-faced Messiah spoke first.

The drooping left sleeve swayed indifferently.

“It’s a pity that I couldn’t kill Baal… … We have two options.”

Messiah was not proposing an opinion at this spot.

choices that have already been made.


or battle.

Running away was literally an option to run away.

Run away from this spot, climb up the battlefield as steeply as possible, gather the injured or blind powers among the demon kings, and find a way to return to Earth.

and battle.

What if the sun fails to kill Baal?

The Taeyang party naturally predicted the appearance of Dantalian.

There must have been a reason for giving the final blow to the sun.

“The question is, what is the reason for this?”

Ran crossed her arms and tapped her fingers on my forearm.

It self-destructs at the last moment, or it recovers in an instant by showing the phenomenon of retro-reflective reflection.

Or the fact that a similar variable would appear was expected.

Dantalian is a meticulous demon lord.

There had to be a reason why he dared to use the sun to kill Baal instead of doing it himself.

For that purpose, Dantalian even forcibly obtained Purkas’ authority, ‘kill’.

The problem was that the sun could not figure out why Dantalian sent the sun during the battle.


Salomon, who blew out another cigar, spoke first.

“First assumption. The power of Purkas blocked Baal’s final outburst in advance.”

“If it’s the first, is there a second?”

“Or that your attack was so poor that he didn’t feel threatened for his life.”

The sun’s eyebrows raised reflexively.

It’s a story that hurts pride, but it’s a reasonable hypothesis.

“… … It seemed like I killed most of them, but I recovered quickly.”


Salomon asked while smoking a cigar.

“Did you get hit?”

“The taste was definitely there.”

added Yuri Maximov.

“If it was worse than Cain’s injury, it would not have been worse. On the face of it.”

On the surface, it certainly was.

At that time, the sense of the sun sensed that even the divinity of Baal was at stake.

Even the sun himself had no doubts, and Baal before he recovered could not move normally.

“But you were hiding the ability to recover… … .”

Then Ran stopped talking.

“I’m sorry, but I think we should make our decision sooner.”

Koo Goo Goo.

A roar came from the side.

Taeyang and Salomon, who reflexively turned their heads, exhaled at the same time.

A red-eyed boy was coming down with a red-covered book floating on his shoulder.

“Dantalian… … .”

“It’s okay if you don’t lower your voice. Because it was completely blocked.”

Ran, who lightly stroked Taeyang’s shoulder, continued.

“Anyway, you have to decide quickly. If dozens of demon lords use mana, the barrier will shake and the location will be revealed. It’s a hideout that was created with only concern for concealment, not protection, so it’s vulnerable to excessive mana flow.”

“… … If I hadn’t done that from the design, I wouldn’t have been able to deceive the demon lords’ attention.”

Messiah wiped his face with his only left arm.

“After all, isn’t there any information we have found out clearly?”

“… … It’s just that Baal is ignorantly strong.”

“I’m not trying to decide which is the better option, I’m going to have to choose the less bad option.”

The number of cases when choosing a battle is one.

At the crucial moment, the sun, which entered with fantastic timing, successfully kills Baal and steals the divinity.

Afterwards, he escapes, digests his divinity, and collects powers by wandering around the dimensional labyrinth, which became the battlefield of demon kings.

Or, based on the strength of the armed forces, there was room for negotiations with other demon lords.

“The problem is the possibility of failure.”

If you don’t catch the decisive moment correctly, you die.

Even if you can’t break in with fantastic timing, you’ll die.

Even if you can’t kill Baal in one shot, you will die.

Even if you kill it, if you can’t take the divinity, you will die.

And that’s not all.

Even if you succeed in taking the divinity, you will die if Dantalian catches you in the process of escaping.

Then, what about when you choose to run away?

When the sun chooses to run away, there are two possibilities.

If Baal wins.

And if Dantalian and the Demon Lords win.

If Baal wins, he will be able to roam the dimensional labyrinth like a cockroach and gather power.

However, compared to the normal demon lords, Taeyang is extremely short on age.

If you meet a demon king, how will you be able to overcome it after a hard fight?

If he met multiple demon lords or a strong demon lord like Baal Dantalian or Barbatos, he had to fight a fight in which he could not even guarantee escape.

On top of that, if Baal, who killed Dantalian, was chasing the sun, the process would be even more difficult.

“Even if Baal wins, the remaining players in the dimensional labyrinth… … .”

I can take care of my own life, but will I be able to take responsibility for Byeolrim and other earthlings gathered in the dimensional labyrinth?

The sun wasn’t sure.

And if Dantalian wins.

It’s the worst.

After all, the existence that incorporated the earth into the dimensional labyrinth is Dantalian.

Will he leave the sun alone?

A wild dog that will one day aim for his life?

Of course not.

Baal may or may not pursue the sun, but Dantalian is certain to pursue the sun.

After thinking, the sun raised its head.

“I think the battle is right.”

– I agree. To preserve the lives of Byulrim and other earthlings… … . Impossible in its current state.

The three players looked at the sun.

“Baal Dantalian. I don’t know. You have to catch it anyway. I am too weak now. me too you We have to establish a foundation for growth somehow.”


Salomon exhaled smoke and nodded.

“To agree. If, by any chance, the demon lords try to descend further down the dimensional labyrinth… … We need the strength to stop it.”

Salomon’s hometown, Endress Express, is eventually subject to the dimensional labyrinth one way or another.

He is also in a position to defend like the sun.

Running away is an option that even the weak can choose.

Only the strong could choose to fight against one.

Messiah and Salomon also nodded.

“then… … let’s see How to fight underneath.”



The earth shakes as if the world would perish at any moment.

Baal still stands amidst the torrential rains of power that will perish in the aftermath of mortals.

The faces of the demon lords looking down at him were already bluish.

Revitalization (才氣煥發).

Dantalian’s eyes were filled with blue aura.

“It is beyond imagination, Baal. I did a good job of hiding this leeway while strutting around like that. It’s just amazing.”

“uh. you also. You are doing so much better than I thought.”

Baal laughed.

“One of them ends here.”

Literally, that’s it.

The reason why the demon lords were so fed up was not because they had an intuition of defeat.

Because I was afraid.

A human who subdued a tiger with a rifle and intelligence cannot help but be terrified when he sees a tiger that has escaped from the cage.

Even if victory is assured, even if the tiger is only breathing because of a wound.

Unless you can confirm with your own two eyes that the breath has stopped, your hamstrings will continue to numb.

“I salute you for your feat.”

Dantalian bowed his head.

More than a demon.

The realm of Baal could only be explained that way.

“Even though arrogance killed you, that arrogance led you there, so you won’t regret it.”

“Oh no regrets.”

Baal’s smile deepens.

“Fortunately, the.”

Dantalian lowered his finger.

‘That smile will remain in my mind for a long time.’

Quadd deed.

bottomless pit.

Baal’s body falls into a bottomless pit.

As before, the possibility of escaping to another dimension was blocked at the source.

And on top of that, once again, the power of the twenty demon kings is embroidered.

In the meantime, Baal did not lose his smile.

Why does Baal laugh?


because I was feeling

fall out-.

Something awakening in the corner of his soul.

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