Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 38

Episode 38. Endless Express (7)

Big la la la la la la la la la la la!

Air waves ripple through the skin.

-It’s done.

– You see this. DDDD.

-No, where is the corps commander?

-Wasn’t Chamryonggeom originally the one in charge?

-Is this the dragon? Coming out of the ballack stage?

-It’s not a magic dragon. Anyway, it’s similar to them.

-ㅇㅇ Jackie Chan class.

– I know and tell you. There’s absolutely no Jackie Chan of that size.

-ㅅㅅ You say it like you’ve seen it.

– I saw it. On the KK Ballack Stage. Hetzling, who will soon become Jackie Chan, is that much.

The Guardians were in a state of panic.

“call! Contact headquarters! Right Now!”

“It’s not possible! Mana is frozen.”

The company commander encouraged the Guardians.

“Even if we don’t contact them, they will already be here.”

“Even if we didn’t contact him, the intelligence department would have confirmed it, so he’s supposed to come soon.”

The battalion commander bit his lip.

coming soon?

That’s deception to encourage morale right now.

For nearly 20 years, the Ministry of Intelligence had been able to fully grasp Untara’s movements.

When I was in Rare, when I moved to the East, or when I flew by train.

However, there was no report that Untara had moved until the vanguard garrison battalion had departed.

It was a story that something was wrong with the intelligence department.

‘Or was it his goal?’

The current mana freeze was a phenomenon I had never seen before.

It was clear that he had turned the eyes and ears of the intelligence service away with this technique.

“To their respective positions.”

The Guardians formed formation.

The White Wyvern and his subordinate Wyverns, who had been attacking at random, were circling around the White Dragon as if it had never happened.

The battalion commander swallowed his saliva as he watched the white dragon’s huge body approach in real time.

White Dragon Untara was a monster beyond common sense.

None of the personnel stationed on the train caught Untara.

The only person who can stand against him is Guhyul, the commander of the corps, Chamryonggeom.

Even that relief was limited to expelling Untara.

Woo woo woo.

Suddenly, Untara’s chest began to swell.

“Breath! It’s breath!”


“I have to stop it!”


Hyunhye looked at the monitor and grabbed her head.

– Why is Untara at this point? You haven’t even entered ‘Dragon Nest’ yet?

The chat window came crashing down.

-Yoon Taeyang… I loved you…

-Three months with you… I didn’t do anything, but it was fun…


-Don’t die. TTTTTTTTTT

-Dantalian You really have too much freedom. The final boss of the stage appears at the timing when it shouldn’t have appeared.

Everyone is in despair.

Except for one person.

Storm Bringer: Summon Storm.

[The storm spirit lord, Arasil, strikes the body of player Taeyang Yoon. (Duration: 60 seconds)]


The body of the sun has become an elemental.

At the same time, a violent storm began to rise.

“Are you going to die like this! You can’t die with your eyes open!”

The wind that blew over the top of the train woke people up again.

The first to react were the Guardian soldiers.

“That’s right! Do everything you can!”

“Fuck! It’s something the corps commander has always done alone! If a battalion gathers, one person can do it!”

The two company commanders, who came to their senses belatedly, hurriedly concocted a magic formula.

Guardian-type magic barrier – Basic.

Guardian-type magic barrier – Custom Observer.

The battalion commander raised a large sword steel.

soldiers too.

Whether it’s creating a magic formula you know, or preparing a counterattack or defense using equipment.

There were also guardians who squeezed mana into a bunch and gathered it in the air.

They were doing everything they could, inefficiently or efficiently.

Ran shook her head.

“no. never stop The weight class is completely different.”

The amount of mana that Untara was absorbing was absurd.

“Let’s avoid the sun rather. Taking that attack head-on is crazy.”

“Where are you going to escape? If this place is destroyed, you can’t even break the stage.”


Ran sighed belatedly.

They are standing in the front row. That is, above the engine room.

“You have to do everything you can. If we don’t stop this, we will die too.”


Being trapped on stage was the same as dying.

“I really hate this situation.”

Ran bit her lip and opened her fan.

Woo woo woo woo.

I could feel the flow of mana being sucked into Untara’s mouth.

Even if I didn’t care how big the flow was, the feeling was clear.

I counted all the cards Taeyang could use.

Kangsin used it, and the use of the ‘Great Mechanism’ was excluded.

It didn’t seem like a problem that could be solved by turning the clock back quickly.

He briefly thought about throwing himself at Breath, but soon abandoned that plan.

Throwing yourself into the breath seemed meaningless.

Wouldn’t it be better to delay it by shooting a lump of mana?

After all, there is only one way.

“Cannon form. I’ve never done it in a strong state.”

The sun stepped on the advance.

Before long, Untara fired a breath.


-please… … .

Hyeon-hye couldn’t bear to look at the monitor and closed her eyes.

– Help me!!!!!!

-What is the corps commander doing!!! Aren’t you working!!!

-Where are the taxes we pay going?

– I think I’m going crazy. I think I’m going crazy. I think I’m going crazy. I think I’m going crazy.

– It’s a really good game. They treat players as less than a sunfish.

“Breath ejection!”

“With maximum output of the magic circle! Help those with excess mana!”

The cold air that spewed out of the white dragon’s mouth froze the air and crashed into the front of the train.


The battalion commander fired sword steel.


The sword seemed to delay the breath for a while, but it soon turned into thin ice and fell.

The defensive magic circle created by the two company commanders was also immediately shattered.

The same goes for the guardians’ desperate measures.

In an instant, the comfort of the train rested on Taeyang’s shoulders.

The sun frowned.

The storm spirit lord, Arasil, was much more difficult to deal with mana when he was strong.

This is because, in addition to the original sun mana, Arasil’s wind attribute mana is additionally added.

The elemental lord’s mana was ferocious and arbitrary, probably because of the modifier storm.

His left foot firmly hit the ground, and his right foot whirled mana.

wow oh

The star dust rotated like crazy.


A moan escaped from the sun’s mouth.

A lot of mana was wrapped around his feet more than he could have imagined.

Again, the entwined mana started running wild.

It was because the amount of mana the sun could handle increased exponentially because of the strong god.

There was also a problem with the surrounding environment.

The wind stopped for a while when Untara appeared, but originally, the world of Endless Express is always a world where cold winds blow.

In other words, the mana of the original wind attribute was incredibly abundant.

With this much mana reacting to the storm spirit lord and clinging to it, it was only natural that the sun felt heavy.

Mana called mana, and that mana called another mana.

Soon, the sun’s complexion turned blue.

It was because of the amount of mana his body could not handle.

But by the time I felt something was wrong, it was already too late.

Mana was now increasing regardless of the sun’s will.


The sun chewed on my lips, catching my spirit from going into a stupor.

His whole body, including his right foot, was about to run rampant whenever there was a chance for a tremendous density of mana.

“Big… … .”

Right calf thigh. It seemed that the dense mana was about to break through the skin and burst out.

But I had to hold on.

because otherwise you die

Cadde deuk.

Untara’s ejected breath was on the verge of reaching the train.

Then, a profound male voice rang in Taeyang’s head.

-You look tough. help me

“what? who?”

There was no answer.

And Mana became quiet for an instant.

Taeyang, who succeeded in controlling it in an instant, managed to kick his feet toward the breath.

Starburst High Kick – Canon Form.

At the same time, Ran swung a fan.

The magic of Isan.


A silvery-white light pierced the breath with a circular waveform.

The breath, which was strong against the battalion commander’s sword and the company commander’s defense magic circle, lost its shape for the first time.

The Guardians murmured in dismay.

“Did you stop it?”

“Did we make it?”


“yet! It just scattered the form! There are 2 waves left!”

Next, a typhoon powerful enough to move mountains swept through Breath.

The shapeless breath scattered in the air.


– Stop this.

-Haha There are users who block the dragon breath from the front?

– What are his specs? lol?

– No before that. What kind of male voice do I hear?

-I heard it too. What is it?

– So.

[‘KKTheMaster’ sponsored 1000,000 won!]

[Holy mana control. I can’t believe it Why weren’t you active at the same time as me?]

In a short time, the chat window slides down.

The battalion commander and other guardians also looked at the sun with astonished faces.

However, Taeyang’s interest was elsewhere.

‘Who was that voice?’


the sun is on its knees

It wasn’t voluntary.

Because all the mana in the body was removed with one big technique, the body did not have any strength.

No, the expression of being pulled out is more correct than the expression of being shaken off.

It’s not the mana I consumed by my own will.

Ran was already down.

“Okay… … I guess?”

The sun raised its cloudy eyes and looked at Untara.

If you get stuck once, you just go.

Do what you do. As usual. please.

The white dragon’s big eyes looked at the sun.

Before long, the guy opened his mouth again.

Woo woo woo woo.

The surrounding mana starts to be sucked in again.

“Pray… … eat… … .”

fucking game.

Despair filled Sun’s eyes for the first time.

As the mana was concentrated again, the white dragon’s scales trembled happily.

Eventually, the upper body swelled up.


It let out a second breath.

Battalion Commander Lando and the other Guardians just stood still and watched the scene.

It has to be.

They already did everything they could for the first time.

“Is it over?”

The words that I don’t know who said it went into everyone’s ears.

At that time, a man walked out of the magic circle guarded by the sun.

“It was a great struggle. gentlemen.”

A sword worn on the back of a black uniform that symbolizes the Guardian.

“I’ll take care of it from now on.”

A rough, raspy voice full of years.

It was the relief of the corps commander Chamryonggeom (斬龍劍).


With that, the consciousness of the sun was cut off.


A disconnected room with steel walls on all sides.

Pale fluorescent lights intermittently turned on.

And inside, the white tiger human parka was bound with thick chains imprinted with magical words and was locked up.


White steam billowed out of his nose with each exhalation.

coogu palace.

With a noise, a man approached the front of the solitary cell.

Parker growled in a low voice.

“Who are you?”

“Can you explain?”

A man who freely untied the purple uniform.

It was the Salomon Arcraptor.

“Uh. It’s very cold here. are you okay?”

“What is your purpose?”

Parker asked, glaring at him with the momentum to strike and kill him at any moment.

Salomon took out a cigarette from the other side of the cage with a feminine expression and asked.

“I heard you broke a window outside the train?”

“… … .”

Parker didn’t answer.

Salomon continued without hesitation.

“The first discovery was the worker’s residential area, sector B. I tore out the window here and went outside. And six hours later, they broke into the room where the Guardian was stationed.”


Salomon lit a cigarette with a match.

“That is my purpose. How did you survive the cold? Six hours.”

Exactly, the regiment commander was the reason why the white tiger captured the human parka without killing it.

The moment the regimental commander found the parka, he was given hope.

The hope that humans can survive without relying on ‘trains’.

It was the wish of all human beings working on the train.

The regimental commander asked the smartest human he knew, Salomon Akraptor, to study the parka.

Parker laughed.

“I was born to be strong. Do you think there is another way?”



Salomon let out smoke.

Survival outside the train.

The pill was the first attempt to achieve that goal.

The development of the pill was revolutionary, but ultimately failed.

Engineers had to manually purify mana, and it cost a lot of resources, and the duration was too short.

“Did you really survive with your body without anything else?”

“If you don’t believe me, why ask? As you can see, I was born with tiger skin instead of human skin. Thanks to that, I can withstand the cold better.”

This time, Salomon smiled.

The severe cold outside the train froze all the animals in the world to death.

Tigers, mammoths, and even cockroaches were no exception.

“okay. There’s no point in asking more. tell the story right away I want to study your body.”

“The samples have already been taken.”

“What kind of mana flows through your body? how it works on the body. How different your body is from a normal human. It is a story that I want to observe those things.”

Mana follows the will.

Body data could be observed from the outside, but mana flow could not be observed unless Parker had the will to show it.

Paca asked.

“What do I get?”

Salomon lit a cigarette and laughed.


Parker’s eyebrows twitched.

“you. It’s a ‘rat’. Oh, did you say ‘player’?”

It was a fact that only the highest ranks on the train knew.

At some point, once he entered the engine room, he could not come back.

Guardian Engineers Wealthy citizens. Rats seen occasionally. Everyone did.

The engineer was the only exception.

Unsurprisingly, Chief Intelligence Officer Salomon uncovered this secret.

From his father, who is a train designer, to the ‘rats’ who want to appear out of nowhere and head to the engine room whenever they have a chance.

and reached the truth.

“According to you, this world is part of a prison set up by the Demon King?”

“Have you figured out that far?”

“I hate to believe it, but it is.”

In fact, Salomon didn’t particularly care about him.

The existence of Salomon, who lives and breathes here, was clearly living by someone, not someone’s intention.

Rather, he made practical use of this fact.

When a strong player appears, this fact is often used as a bargaining chip.

‘Now this is also an extension of that.’

Salomon let out smoke.

The solitary room was thick with smoke.

“If you cooperate with the research, I will take you to the engine room. without any damage. You will be the first in the family of players.”

Until seduced by achievements.

Parker laughed wildly.

“Are you familiar with the player?”

“It’s not like we’ve only met once or twice.”

“But you don’t know anything about the Beasts.”

Quadd deuk.

The chains that bound him began to tear.

“… … let’s fight? That’s not a good choice.”

Salomon let out a puff of cigarette smoke.

Cigarette smoke coiled around him like a snake.

Iron gruck Iron gruck.

The chain fell to the floor.

Paca’s eyes flashed blue.

“Keep in mind. A prisoner never sells himself. Under no circumstances.”

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