Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 44

Episode 44. Endless Express (13)

Ran asked cautiously from the ceiling of the tail compartment.

“… … Wouldn’t it be better to go into the engine room?”

“There are too many boundaries. Didn’t you see it in the vanguard defense battalion? The front of the train is strictly guarded to the outside. It’s the tail section, so I can access it like this.”

The situation was much better than expected.

It would have been devastating if the entire train military system, including the Guardian, had been waiting, but looking at the situation, it wasn’t.

Parker complained.

“It’s enough to just go in front and break it, but why are you bothering me so much?”

“Let’s make a head-on breakthrough against the highest-ranking wizard who even uses multi-space movement magic? If you want to kill yourself, that’s not a bad way.”

A wizard is a being that becomes more difficult the more time he has to prepare.

And Benjamin is a wizard who has achieved the highest level on the train.

Therefore, it would be foolish to enter the space where such a wizard is waiting without any preparation.

So, Ran had no small amount of energy to move Taeyang and his party to the ceiling of the train, and Taeyang also thought of using a ‘light saver’ that consumed a lot of mana.

Dropping the ceiling of a huge area and jumping into the middle of them in an instant.

It might not be possible to cut off all the numbers with this, but at least the magic circles engraved on objects and walls could be nullified.

“Still, in a way, I’m very lucky.”

The most well-known structure in the Endless Express stage was the tail compartment.

If the place where they were waiting was not the tail compartment, this would not have been possible.

If you couldn’t figure out where to gather and stand, you wouldn’t be able to design a battle.

Hyeon-hye gave advice while looking at the prospective design drawing of the tail compartment.

-I just need to cut another 3m from there.

“Here like this?”

-huh. That would be the passage that connects the playground and sector A. If you cut it all the way from there and just cover the playground, you will inevitably be affected.


The sun had not yet turned on the lightsaber and carved a series of sword marks on the ceiling.

I wasn’t worried that there might be noise.

The train’s hard cold protection measures lightly eat up this much sound.

After making the scars into squares and roughly familiarizing themselves with the expected shapes of surrounding objects, the sun asked.

“Are you ready?”

The male and female nodded their heads at the same time.

All the mana consumed while hunting Untara was recovered, and the cooldowns of artifacts and skills all turned around.

perfect condition.

“Then let’s begin.”


The lightsaber let out a pleasant cry as I pushed a huge amount of mana into it.

Even though he consumed the dragon heart, the mana consumed by the lightsaber was burdensome.

‘I have to finish it quickly.’

Taeyang swung the sword against the previously drawn sword mark.


“The knife cuts so well that the hand tastes unique.”

The sun admired it and swung the sword again.

The ceiling

began to collapse making an unpleasant noise.

Awesome profit.

The three players checked each other’s eyes.



When the last piece of support was cut off, the ceiling collapsed.

“Spread! Spread out!”


“It is a time of shock and horror! You beggars!”

At the same time, Ran swung a fan.

Goreeknansin (怪力亂神) – goblin wind.

Hee hee hee hee-.


Hee hee hee hee-.

A large-scale delirium tactic to turn a hectic situation into a melee.


“Monster! A monster has appeared!”

Some of the SS guards, who were fooled, started shooting into the air.

Heh heh heh heh heh!

At least those who have the spirit left are Parker’s share.

He broke the bones of his prey with his elastic movements.



The sun turned off the lightsaber and mutu, dealing with the guards and examining the surroundings.

“Where are you?”

Benjamin Salomon Akraptor rich man.

The object they should be most wary of and the achievement they walk on.


Taeyang immediately bowed at Ran’s high-pitched voice.


“He’s so fast, he’s like a rat.”


Parker, who spotted Benjamin, immediately rushed at him.

The SS captain standing next to Benjamin aimed a gun at Parker.

LBK-2020: Model – Burning.


Horror erupted from the muzzle.

At that, Ran swung a fan.


stormy wind.

The wind like a wave pushed up the scar.

The captain of the guards with a bewildered expression.

But Parker ignored him lightly and punched Benjamin in the face.


Benjamin, who disappeared after being turned into smoke, reconstituted his form on the other side.

“huh. I was waiting for you.”

This time it was the sun.

Starburst High Kick.


Benjamin turns into smoke once again.

“what. Are you invincible?”

The sun frowned.

In preparation for being immune to physical attacks, he hit a lot of mana, but Benjamin, who reconstructed his body once again, seemed unaffected.

“Aim and fire!”



In the meantime, the SS guards who had gathered up the formation pulled the trigger at the sun.

The sun didn’t care and ran towards Benjamin.

Giving even a little time to casting will make it difficult.

Looking at the situation, Parker was dealing with the commander of the guards.

Bullets hit the sun.

The bullets of the well-trained crew formed a fire net, making it impossible to evade.

But it wasn’t particularly scary.



The wind scattered the bullets.

I take a fan with this taste.

Smoke Pistol.


Benjamin managed to cast the spell even though he tried to put as much pressure as possible not to give him time to cast.

It was time to catch my breath, but it was amazing.

The sun blew up and dodged the bullets.

If he had aimed for the head, he would have somehow bent his head and approached, but the senile wizard chose to scatter the balance by shooting bullets into his abdomen.



binge drinking on the other side.

Apparently, Parker had captured the captain of the guards.

Even the members of the bodyguards were unable to cope with Ran’s wind tricks.

“I just need to do well.”

Things were much better than expected.

One of the biggest reasons was that Salomon, one of the strongest powers, was invisible.

The moment when the sun, having a foreboding of victory, jumps into Benjamin.

Smoke Grab.

Memorise – Dispel Anti Magic.

Memorize – Spear of Phantasm.

distance magic.

Magic dispel magic.

and offensive magic.

The sun screamed.

“hey! They say you can’t use this kind of magic if you don’t give it time!”

-That’s normal. Memorize is clear.

It looks like he has to be attacked before he can do anything.

I held my lightsaber as I looked out the window at the sun streaming in.

The remaining mana is a burden, but there is nothing you can do about it.


The blade of the lightsaber was covered in pure white light.


The flame spear fired by Benjamin bounced off with one spark.

At the same time, the smoke shackles were also cut.

“Wow what is this?”

“Really using a lightsaber.”

Benjamin was also very surprised.

The sun thrust a knife into Benjamin.


Wind Pressure.

Benjamin blowing the wind ahead and away from my sun.

the sun laughed

“what? Aren’t you acting?”

can’t you use it anymore?

Or is this knife able to pick up smoke as well?

I had just cut down 2 magics 3 seconds ago, so the weight is on the latter.


Parka charged from the other side.


The sun also rushed at it in case the achievement was stolen.

desperate situation.

Benjamin’s eyes flashed.

The smoke that was wrapped around his right arm spread out in an instant and drew a magic circle.

Summon: Atlas’ sealed right arm.

At the same time as the magic, the giant demon’s right hand tore the magic circle and struck down the sun parka at the same time.

It happened in an instant, neither avoided nor counteracted.


The two dolls were slammed into opposite walls in an instant.

“It’s not cool.”

Benjamin roughly wiped his bloody cough and retrieved the lightsaber stuck in his right arm.

It was a series of mistakes.

It was a mistake to overconfident in the train’s defense, to underestimate the skills of the three players who came in, and to only call in the bodyguards to keep the secret.

In return, not only did he lose the captain of the guards, but his tail compartment was also damaged to the extent that it could not be used for six months.

“Cool. Whoa. If only Salomon had a proper mind… … .”

Benjamin swallowed his regret and looked at Ran, who was struggling.

Ran effectively neutralized the SS members, but was unable to finish it.

It was because he had already overused great skills from the time he entered.

“Finish it… … . I need to recuperate for a while.”


The smoke that formed the magic circle once again gathered around Benjamin.

Then a voice came from behind.

“I can take care of you for the rest of my life.”



Benjamin reflexively acted out, then screamed.


The arm that should have been acted out was rolling on the floor.

The sun grinned.

“It didn’t work in front of a lightsaber, right?”

In his hand was the light saber used by the corps commander during his lifetime.


Benjamin’s eyes trembled with astonishment.

Atlas’ strength is enough to break mountains.

Since he was properly hit, he should have been rendered incapacitated.

“uh. It really hurts.”


-Isn’t it ‘The Great Mechanism’?

-Artifact shit hahaha.

-Tempal Evande.

The sun raised the mana-consuming lightsaber.

Anelka-style human mutilation.


The world flickered to gray as the sun struck with its lightsaber.


Demon King Cimmeries, who was looking at the stage, stroked his chin.

“This is troublesome.”

It was at that point when Taeyang and Ran Parka cut through the ceiling of the tail compartment.

“If you leave it as it is, the ‘Endless Express’ stage will collapse.”

Creating another ‘environment’ that is well-organized and suitable for use as a stage and creates a rich storyline was not an easy task for Cimmeries, the Demon King.

In the first place, this stage was a case of using an entire destroyed dimension.

In addition, it was also an environment where the player’s existence could be inserted naturally even though there were many natives.

There are really few environments that can insert the player’s existence so smoothly into a naturally occurring dimension.

But despite being so well-formed, the train went through too much in a short time.

Gu-hyul, the commander of the corps, who represents the power of the train, is dead.

In addition, Regimental Commander Accutrus, who could replace him, was also dead.

Salomon Arcraptor, who was considered the leader of the next generation to lead the train, was shocked and shut up.

If even Benjamin Arcraptor died here, there was no one to control the train right away.

Even if humanity tried to unite and endure, the stage was over unless the control unit completely disappeared.

“I have to stop killing them.”

The strength of Endless Express was the environment and atmosphere naturally formed during the destruction process.

If Chimeries touches it, one of the well-received advantages of the stage disappears.

“Uh. That really hurts.”

Anelka-style human mutilation.

While I was finishing my brief thought, the sun was shining down on me.

Cimmeries snapped his hands.


Admin Options – Pause.

The tail compartment is dyed gray.

Cimmeries murmured.

“Because it’s a stage I cherish, I can’t let it break like this.”

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