Shincon’s One Coin Clear

Chapter 69

Episode 69. Long Day (7)

-Lan, welcome.

– What’s that spark behind?

– Ai sitpal! You’re letting the other guys down!

Ran, who discovered the Alpha Solar, stuck out his tongue.

“Were you being chased by that guy?”

“Oh, it wasn’t all that hard. The plan is half done.”

“but. I guessed that.”

It was too early when Taeyang found Ran.

Therefore, it was not difficult to infer that things did not go according to the original plan.

– I’m glad I found it right away.

Hyunhye rubbed her chest.

In the meantime, whenever the sun narrowly shakes off the alpha solar, there is a lot of concern that it will enter the explosion range of self-destruction.

For Taeyang, who had no special movement skills, Ran’s existence was tantamount to an increase in mobility.

This allowed Alpha Solar to get out of the explosion range more quickly when it self-destructed.

In addition, Ran was able to keep in check from a distance through wind magic.

“How long until dusk?”

-Look at the sky. When the sun goes down, that’s twilight.

“Can’t you specify the exact time?”

-Earth’s sky also sets differently every year, 365 days a year. Will it be the same here?

The sun sniffed and sniffed.

There is no need to realistically prove this.

-Let’s just find Yuri Maximoff. he’s sweet

“You want to find it? would that be possible?”

– You can guess where you might be looking at the book. You were going to do that anyway.

“therefore. At that time, leisurely observe the surroundings, huh? look at the sky Wasn’t that what you meant to do?”

– You can do it! I don’t know?

… … Does that make it root theory?

The sun asked with a questioning face.

“No, it’s me and I have Ran, so the situation is better… … . Are you really going to be?”

– Write! can you do it?

yes what I want to do it. I won’t dry it.

Again, the sun shook its body in the approaching heat.


The target of the sun, the female player Yuri Maximoff, shook her sword with an expressionless face.


Light pink blood was splattered on the dirt floor.

“Is this the end?”

The expressions of the players who were confronting her were terribly distorted.

“Why are you attacking us! I told you to come in if you want to come into town!”

She tilted her head.

Her silky-fine hair cascaded down her shoulders.

“You were trying to do something mean to me.”

Yuri Maximoff was a woman with white jade-like or pale skin and pitch-black pupils.

In general, it certainly had a beautiful appearance.

“I never had that. shit! No!”



The sword she was holding was aimed at the player who answered.

The six players standing next to them stepped back.

“Oh hey! what are you doing? We must fight together!”

Despite his words, the rest of the players were unmoved.

Yuri Maximov took a step forward.

“Answer me.”

A finely quivering blade.

It’s not because I’m nervous or heavy.

The fingertips are perfectly relaxed, reflecting the movement of light air.

The player couldn’t figure out this high-level fact from the quivering blade, but he did know that his life was in danger.


Player kneels.

The rest of the players gulped as they watched him.

“Perhaps the thought made you feel bad! But I swear no! I never thought of that!”

“It doesn’t matter if you didn’t.”


The player’s head rolls across the floor.

At the same time, the six players lined up behind jumped out.

In that short period of time, there was not a single person whose direction overlapped, as if they had agreed upon each other’s opinions.

She flicked her slender fingers in the air.



A ring of mana catches a fleeing player.

It was the player who ran the farthest to the left.


Yuri Maximoff threw down the sword he was holding and ran to the right.



A green light entered her body.

At the same time she accelerated.

“shit! Why this way!”

I was chased simply because I chose the outermost one.

The player who couldn’t know that fact complained and threw the spear behind his back.



Even in the midst of running away, there is no deviation from the posture of turning around and throwing a spear.

A player who is strong enough to take over the village well after ‘noon’.

Considering the difficulty and situation of the stage, this is definitely better than other players around you.

But the fact that his opponent was Yuri Maximov was his bad luck.

Cold Glory.


Steam came out of her mouth.

The spear that tore through the air froze in an instant, and Yuri Maximoff swung his arm and broke the spear without difficulty.


The player who confirmed the failure turned around and ran resiliently.

Yuri Maximoff calmly held the flying ice cube.

and threw

Wedge love!


A piece of ice (spear) loaded with mana tore through an artery near the player’s neck.

“There are three left.”


Yuri Maximov, his eyes closed, stretched out his hand.

Then the sword she threw first came flying and caught in her hand.

“Whatever you can catch. one.”

You can chase them both, but you don’t have to.

After completing her judgment, she scattered mana in all directions.

The thin mana thread that had been sprinkled in advance informed the location of the fleeing players.

It was a skill that could be practiced when mana control reached a level.

Yuri Maximoff, having identified the location, swung his arm again.


The sword slashed through space and accurately severed one player’s cervical vertebrae.

Yuri Maximoff looked up at the sky as he pulled out the sword stuck in the player’s cervical vertebrae.


The wind in the forest, which had been hot enough to be called a hot wind, became cold before I knew it.

The sunlight bombardment has long since subsided.

[Twilight approaches.]

The scarlet sky.

year passing by

The ‘twilight’ that the system window had warned of from ‘noon’ was surely approaching.

The movement of the sun spirit Sola, who was briskly moving around and shooting rays at living creatures, was also getting slower.

Yuri Maximov moved quickly.

It was clear that the sun spirits would self-destruct as soon as the sunlight on the forest disappeared.

Before that, I had to get into a safe place.

Of course, she found a place like that.

A town occupied by 7 players.

The reason why I didn’t pursue the two players was that there was a high probability that they would die from being caught in the sun spirit’s self-destruct anyway.



Or get attacked by monsters that have just woken up.

“Dusk. Time for monsters to rampage. Achievements can be obtained through hunting.”

Returning to the building, Yuri Maximoff assessed the situation by listening to the cries of monsters echoing throughout the forest.

Then, suddenly, she turned her head and looked at one place.

The mana thread she laid down was rapidly breaking down.

It came into contact with the body, and sometimes it was cut or burned by something.

“… … .”


She gently grabbed the handle of the sword.

Soon, the tree swayed and a woman with a fan and a man wearing a mat appeared.

“Explode, explode, explode!”

“Is this right?”

“Right! There is a village!”

And ‘Alpha Solar’, three or four times more reliable than the ordinary sun spirits, appeared after them.

Augmented reality appeared before Yuri Maximov’s eyes.

[Twilight has passed. The monsters are crowded.]




Ran jumped into the air and wrapped her feet around Taeyang’s neck.

“What are you doing?”

“Stay still!”

“You can choke!”

“Be patient!”

With his neck hanging over Ran’s legs, and looking at the flying sun with a pale face, Yuri Maximoff felt absurd for the first time in a long time.

at the same time.


‘Alpha Solar’ entered the self-destruct sequence.

Goeolryeolnansin (怪力亂神) – hooked wind.

It was the moment when Ran, who had mastered the art of wind, was about to wield a fan.


Yuri Maximov’s sword flew.

The power contained in the sword that flew in an instant was unusual.

Taeyang swung his feet with a ran hanging from his head.

Starburst High Kick.


The thrown black track was aimed at Ran’s neck, but it was hit by the sun’s feet and deflected.

Woowook Boo.

Instead of Ran’s neck, her huge fan was ripped open.


Taeyang hurriedly loosened Ran’s legs and looked back.

“Even in canon form… … .”

Yuri Maximoff entered the pupil of the sun that turned around.

She was running at the self-destructing Alpha Solar.

Yuri Maximov’s hand was thrown back.

It’s like shooting out a window.

But paradoxically, nothing was held in her hand.

Yuri Maximoff pursed his lips as he did not stop pretending to shoot the spear.

Idea access.


The sun’s pupil dilated.

Yuri Maximov’s hand, which was obviously not holding anything, was shooting a huge spear.

‘What is this?’


It was an incomprehensibly huge and perfect spear.

It was so flawless that even Taeyang, who had no knowledge of weapons, could recognize that it was perfect.


The spear fired at overwhelming speed pierced the sun spirit’s upper body, which entered the self-destruct sequence.

The giant spear perfectly penetrated the ‘nucleus’ known as the Sun Spirit’s weakness.

coogu palace.

A blow that would have put a normal sun spirit in a state of incapacity.

However, the body of ‘Alpha Solar’ began to swell.


The sun, seeing it, stepped forward.

Countless stardust began to swirl around his right foot.


Taking a deep breath, Yuri Maximov swung his free hand once more.

The sun’s eyes narrowed.

‘Is it a great sword this time?’


A gigantic, yet perfect greatsword slashed through the air and lunged at Alpha Solar.

Alpha Solar swelled up and swung her right arm to fight back, but the greatsword crushed her arm casually.

Quad de de de de deuc.

Woo woo woo woo woo.

The swollen sun spirit ceased operation.

only two numbers.

-… … Like this?

It was recorded in books, but seeing it with my own eyes was even more overwhelming.

Hyunhye swallowed her saliva.


Andras, who was looking at the crystal ball, spit out an exclamation involuntarily.

“To handle the connection to Idea so perfectly. Also mortal. I cannot hide my admiration every time I see it.”

“It is a human possibility. Inferior to any race, but able to stand above any race. Isn’t that kind of race?”

“yes. Just like you.”

Dantalian’s eyes drew a crescent moon.

“you’re right. Just like me.”

Andras crossed his arms.

“Certainly that player you chose. The wit stands out.”

He lures Jinneman’s ordeal, ‘Alpha Solar’, and sets it in front of Yuri Maximoff and explodes it.

It sounds easy to say, but when you dig into it, it’s not.

It constantly runs away against ‘Alpha Solar’, eliminates other players in the process, finds Ran, a fellow player, and at the same time specifies the location of the target, Yuri Maximoff, and delivers it at the perfect timing.

It is not something that can be done by individual force.

The overwhelming performance ability to create the desired situation clearly proved that Taeyang is not just a strong player.

“It’s the type that really suits you.”

Dantalian smiled lightly and rested his arms.

“But it’s still not enough. To say we’ve proven it.”

The scenes he wants to see are still there.

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