Shinji Matou At Your Service

Chapter 320: The Clock Tower’s Response

Chapter 320: The Clock Tower’s Response

In that empty, dimly lit room, the sense of distance was extraordinarily distorted.

It appeared incredibly spacious, yet felt oppressively narrow. The candle standing in the center cast a hazy light on the faces of the men in the room, rendering everything indistinct. The air in that ill-defined room was filled with an indescribable gloom.

"——Only one returned?"

There were three people present. One was an old man, small in stature but standing perfectly straight, with wrinkles on his face that gleamed like fine wood carvings. This was Rocco Belfeban, the Head of the Department of Summoning. It was rumored that he had held his position for over fifty years, but this was not conclusively known.

Hearing the old man's raspy utterance, a young man nodded in agreement:

"I watched that battle... It was a truly unpleasant sight, an intolerable existence."

He was a handsome, red-haired youth with a clear and refined face. His eyes were filled with a strong and noble will, and his elegant appearance marked him as someone from the upper echelons of society. His words carried a sense of mission.

The man's name was Bram Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri. He is the older brother of Sola-Ui Nuada-Re Sophia-Ri, and the son and successor of the Lord of the Department of Spiritual Evocation, Rufleus Nuada-Re Eulyphis.

The old man nodded in agreement and turned his gaze to the last person, who had remained silent. This man, with disheveled long hair, frowned in displeasure.

"What is your opinion, Lord El-Melloi?"

Lighting a cigarette with the candle, the man called El-Melloi turned his head slowly.

"It's Lord El-Melloi II. I appreciate your respect for my intentions, but please add the 'II'. Otherwise, the name El-Melloi is quite bothersome."

"My apologies. Lord El-Melloi II, what do you think?"

"...Well, we'll probably have to change our approach. After all, we've lost forty-nine magi. Although one survived, they are of no use now."

The plan involved fifty magi and was meticulously crafted. At the moment the operation began, everything was progressing perfectly in every sense. However, a single familiar had thrown everything into disarray.

As a result, forty-nine were dead, and the last one barely managed a counterattack.

"Thanks to that person, we've been given a chance to retaliate. If we can gather seven Masters, we might see a path to victory."

"But who should we choose? Inexperienced magi would just get killed; Trifas is their territory."

After a brief silence, El-Melloi II stated the obvious in a calm tone.

"We should hire external magi. This Holy Grail War is unprecedented in scale. Naturally, the Clock Tower must also provide one or two participants."

The other two agreed. They needed to select seven Masters, but the situation was urgent. Choosing from the Clock Tower's noble families would be a major task. Due to the inheritance of magic crests, safekeeping, and other factors, it could take over three months to finalize. In comparison, hiring unaffiliated magi would be much more efficient.

"Then, let Lord El-Melloi II and I gather those who are eager for this opportunity. Let the Holy Church send the remaining one. To declare our legitimacy, we must have them participate."

"Then I'll be responsible for selecting the relics. Though it's a last-minute assignment, let's see how I can gather suitable catalysts for our fighting strength."

Hearing Bram's words, Belfeban struck the floor with the bottom of his cane and declared:

"This is vastly different from the imitation Grail Wars held around the world today. In terms of scale alone, it has already surpassed the Third Holy Grail War in Fuyuki. I urge you both to lift your spirits and make those who tarnish the Clock Tower's reputation deeply regret their actions."

Without looking at each other, the three men stepped forward in their respective directions.


England, known as the headquarters of the Mage's Association, the "Clock Tower" is based at the British Museum in London. Here, individuals who boast of their supremacy in the long history of magecraft, as well as ambitious magi from around the world, gather.

Among thousands, thousands give up halfway. Though that may be true... well, dreaming should be free—at least, that's what Kairi Sisigou, a former student, believed.

A slight impact on his shoulder. It seemed he had bumped into a student while lost in thought.

He thought of apologizing, but before he could, the student, with a face pale as death, fled from his side.

A sigh. Although this had become routine.

Due to the drugs they use or the magecraft they practice, magi sometimes assume forms that could be called monstrous. This is not considered shameful; if anything, it is something to be proud of, with no need for self-deprecation. This is common knowledge among magi.

—Even so, SSisigou wondered if the treatment he received was somewhat unreasonable.

Simply walking on the sidewalk, he had been subjected to body searches by police officers three times (each time escaping after casting a suggestion). Upon arriving at the Clock Tower, he had been questioned by security magi four times, and the terrified looks from students passing by in the corridors were countless.

This was racial prejudice and discrimination. If Sisigou thought to complain, they would undoubtedly respond:

"It's not that; it's just that you're too scary."

These were truly excessive words. Admittedly, he could accept that his appearance was somewhat frightening. He could also accept that his clothes differed slightly from those of ordinary magi. However, he had never forgotten to maintain a smile—

Sisigou, thinking thus, completely failed to grasp his scariness. The scars on his face, razor-sharp gaze, burly physique, and the black jacket sewn from the hide of magical beasts. Coupled with the fact that he roamed battlefields as a bounty hunter, his entire being exuded a thick scent of blood and gunpowder. Even magi, who generally lacked normal moral standards, would fear something terrifying.

"When you smile, it's indeed frightening."

The old man laughed in a sharp voice while consoling the disgruntled Sisigou. This was the office of Rocco Belfeban.

On the display shelves set against the room's walls were items like the skull of a beast that appeared to be a fusion of an ape and an elephant. Ancient scrolls, clearly over a thousand years old, were haphazardly placed beside them. Above, in seemingly heavy glass jars, small snakes with heads split into nine segments floated in formalin.

"This place is just as it always was, full of all sorts of things."

If his appraisal was correct, the snake in formalin was likely a unique item. Sisigou thought this as he sank into the reception sofa.

"It's nothing. Though rare, they're all known entities. Though valuable, I suppose."

"The juvenile Hydra, soaked in formalin, represents that level of value?"

"That's a fake."

Gurgling laughter, as if he had played a trick, came from Belfeban.

Sisigou glanced at him but didn't intend to argue. He silently sipped his medicinal tea. Though it was quite spicy, he drank it willingly because of its restorative effects.

"Back to the main topic, I didn't call you here for nothing. Do you know about the Holy Grail War of Fuyuki?"

Sisigou slightly furrowed his brows.

"I know of it."

"Then, do you know the true purpose of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki?"

"So, do you know the true purpose of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki?"

"No, I don't."

Belfeban grinned, showing a detestable smile.

"—It's to reach the 'Root's Swirl' and pierce through it."


Sisigou was stunned by this unexpected answer. According to Belfeban, in that ritual, what was truly necessary was not the Masters, but the Servants, namely, the souls of the Heroic Spirits.

Using the Lesser Grail to temporarily prevent the souls from returning to the 'Throne of Heroes,' and with the powerful souls of the seven Heroic Spirits, open the path to the Root. That is the true purpose of the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki.

"Does that mean the subcategory Holy Grail Wars happening elsewhere are different?"

"Yes," Belfeban nodded. "In their fundamental aspects, they are different. Those are mere imitations of the superficial purpose of 'granting all wishes'—counterfeits."

Granting all wishes is nothing but a simple lure, like a lamp attracting moths. Even the mutual slaughter among the Servants' is essentially meaningless. It was only because of its overly excellent form that this part was secretly hidden. But ironically, even the Three Founding Families who knew the true purpose had to participate fairly.

Sisigou was indeed surprised. But despite his surprise—what could he do? Indeed, the true intention of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War might be as described. However, no one who truly understands the Holy Grail War exists anymore. The Great Grail was taken, and the Three Founding Families did not participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Sisigou was undoubtedly a first-rate magus, but it was impossible to recreate the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki. Even among the lecturers at the Clock Tower, the headquarters of the Mage's Association, how many could fully replicate that system?

In other words, while this was precious knowledge, it had no value as information.

"So, old man, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"Don't be hasty." Belfeban stopped Sisigou's urging. "The main point comes next. The most crucial foundation of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, the Great Grail, disappeared after the Third Holy Grail War. You knew that, right? ... Three months ago, it was finally found. Or rather, it was discovered to have been hidden."

"... Where?"

"In the city of Trifas, on the outskirts of the Transylvania region in Romania. It seems to be set up in the oldest building of the city, the Millennia Fortress."

"So you want me to secure that thing?"

"Yes. The purpose of the commission is indeed similar, but—before that, there is a troublesome matter. The one who leaked this information to us is Danic, the head of the Yggdmillennia clan."

"'Eight-Forked Tongue'; Danic?"

"Yes, that Danic."

Danic Prestone Yggdmillennia—a man rumored to have lived for nearly a hundred years, the head of the Yggdmillennia clan. He ascended to the highest rank of the Clock Tower, the 'Grand,' and taught elemental conversion as a second-tier lecturer, but his students rated him extremely low. However, his true value was better realized in 'politics' rather than as a lecturer.

Factional struggles, power struggles, and budget fights were common in the Clock Tower, but he displayed exceptional skills as a politician, naturally betraying and switching sides. Not only those who trusted him but even those who distrusted him could be manipulated and kept in the dark—he was indeed a top-notch fraudster.

"So, Danic is the problem?"

Because he was such a person, he might indeed be involved in some sort of transaction related to the Holy Grail. But Belfeban shook his head, showing an expression extremely rare for the old man—a face twisted in displeasure, revealing anger.

"The problem isn't Danic; it's the Yggdmillennia clan."

"What do you mean?"

"The lord of Millennia Fortress is from the Yggdmillennia clan, and they have defected from the Clock Tower."

This news, in a sense, had an even more shocking impact than the true purpose of the Fuyuki Holy Grail War. It was completely unexpected.

Among magi, there are a few who defect from the Association due to being heretics or needing to be sealed away due to their power. Defection itself is not unusual, but an entire clan defecting is a different story.

"The whole clan defected? What exactly happened?"

"You know, the Yggdmillennia clan is not a noble family."

The quality of a magus is influenced by the length of their history. Noble families who have studied magecraft since ancient times can have histories spanning over two thousand years.

There are three great noble families, and twenty families that are akin to close relatives. The Yggdmillennia clan does not belong to any of these categories, nor do they have any connections, despite having a lengthy history.

There are various theories about why this happened: some say they lost a power struggle in the past, others say they had poor relations with the three great noble families, and some believe the nature of their magic circuits was contemptible. The true reason remains unknown. Regardless, they were always shunned by prestigious families.

However, the Yggdmillennia clan had no intention of aligning with these prestigious families. They abandoned the usual method of "accumulating generations to strengthen the bloodline as magi, perfecting the magical system chosen by the first generation." Instead, they gathered magi who had broad yet shallow connections with the clan.

Those who became targets included families with short histories and poor magic circuits, families in decline with deteriorating circuits, and families punished and wanted by the Mage's Association. These were people who, even after leaving the center of the Mage's Association, had not completely given up on reaching the Root.

The middle names of the Yggdmillennia clan members are those of families absorbed in this manner. They haven't even unified their magic crests, passing down the crests of their former families as they were.

The range of magical systems they study is also extensive. Western alchemy, black magic, witchcraft, astrology, Kabbalah, runes, and even Japanese Onmyodo—someone in the clan studies each of these.

Nevertheless, they were still merely a coalition-like organization formed by declining and short-history families. Their magecraft was mundane, unworthy of the nobles' attention.

Their average level was second-rate, with the occasional first-rate individual, but nothing more. Despite their numbers, they posed no threat. Of course, a significant reason they weren't pursued was Danic's political maneuvering. The clan's one advantage was their numbers—at least, that should have been the case.

"Perhaps feeling frustrated by this, one day they declared their defection from the Clock Tower. They even announced they would establish a new association centered around their clan."

Such a shocking declaration, Belfeban sighed. Sisigou felt the same. Declaring defection from the Clock Tower was tantamount to a declaration of war, like throwing down a gauntlet and spitting in their face.

Indeed, as long as they remained in the Clock Tower, the Yggdmillennia clan had almost no chance of being enfeoffed as nobles (lords). Whether a hundred or a thousand years passed, without a major upheaval, they couldn't escape their inferior status.

However, defection is different. Without something substantial, it would be impossible to defect as a whole clan.

Conversely, having something substantial could provide a sufficient opportunity for defection. Yes, for example—a universal wish-granting device, a Holy Grail that points the way to the Root.

Seeing Sisigou's expression, Belfeban felt he had reached a conclusion and nodded in satisfaction.

"Yes. It seems they want to use the Greater Grail as a symbol for their association. This message was conveyed by a surviving magus."

"...A surviving magus?"

Belfeban scratched his head, took out a parchment, and gently tapped it with his finger. The magic he activated reproduced past images. Sisigou thought that photographs or a video camera would suffice, but it seemed that at Belfeban's age, even a camera was intolerable.

The image that appeared was likely something Sisigou was used to seeing. A person with obvious signs of torture sat in a chair, staring blankly into space, muttering incessantly.

"This is the magus who conveyed the message to us. This was his condition when he was found. He has since been successfully treated and is now in a deep sleep. It might take half a year to cleanse his mind completely."

"What is he muttering about?"

"'We, the Yggdmillennia, will break free from the degrading political struggles of the Mage's Association and establish a new association in Romania to explore the true path of magecraft. When we activate the Greater Grail with seven Servants, we will take a solid step towards the path of glory';... and so on."

The 726th—this was rumored to be the Grail observed in Fuyuki. If the Greater Grail were to be activated, even a conservative estimate would suggest access to a vast, inexhaustible magical resource accumulated over centuries. If that were true, reaching the Root might indeed become possible.

"...May I ask a question? You mentioned a surviving magus just now. Does that mean some magi died?"

"Of course."

"How many died?"

Belfeban hesitated a bit at this question but eventually revealed the actual number.

"Forty-nine. Fifty magi, specialized in 'hunting', were sent to attack, and only one survived."


A sigh echoed in the room, though it was unclear who had sighed.

Specialized in hunting—they were, in other words, Sisigou's peers. Of course, they weren't freelancers but belonged to the Mage's Association. Even so, fifty was still too many. This meant the initial plan was to annihilate the opposition.

It was understandable, given the magnitude of the defection. If it were simply brushed off, it would damage the Association's reputation—more importantly, the two thousand years of honor would be tarnished if they didn't administer a harsh punishment. Fifty was an appropriate number for such a task.

But even that wasn't enough?

"Not just insufficient. It was a complete mismatch! Those maniacs countered with Servants!"

Belfeban's words provided a reasonable explanation for the fifty magi being wiped out.

"I see. That makes sense."

Even if they had sent a hundred magi, the result would likely be the same. For beings known as Heroic Spirits, modern magi were no different from children.

"The familiars we sent captured everything. A Servant suddenly appeared before the magi, smiled, waved a hand—and it was over. In the blink of an eye, all but one were impaled and killed."

"Romania and stakes, huh..." Sisigou pondered.

In any case, it seemed that the Servants had already been summoned. In that case, wasn't it a good opportunity?

"Old man, since the Yggdmillennia have summoned Servants, can't we join the fight as Masters too?"

The Greater Grail had been activated, so other magi should also qualify as Masters. By dispatching magi and summoning Servants, they could counter the Yggdmillennia.

"It's too late. Those guys have already gathered seven Masters. Even if they haven't summoned all their Servants, it's practically impossible for the magi we send to manifest Command Seals."

"Are they planning to kill each other?"

"Maybe. Or they could appoint a leader from their clan and have the other Servants commit suicide immediately. Either way, we can't intervene."

"Let me make this clear first. I have no intention of fighting against Servants."

Although it seemed unlikely, Sisigou declared this just in case.

Even if strategies were formulated, tactics devised, and luck and miracles were on their side, the odds of "defeating a Servant alone" were incredibly slim. And if the opponents were seven, it was practically impossible. To achieve that would require something like asking the Holy Grail directly, "Please kill the Servants for me."

"Don't say that. My request is for you to summon a Servant and fight."


What nonsense, Sisigou thought. Using the "Fuyuki" Holy Grail War system, there could be a maximum of seven Servants and seven Masters.

"This is where this Holy Grail War gets interesting. The number of summonable Servants is doubled—fourteen."


"The surviving magus discovered the Greater Grail lying dormant beneath Millennia Castle. He then successfully activated the backup system."

"Backup system..."

"The Greater Grail, depending on the situation, can provide various support functions related to the Holy Grail War, such as redistributing Command Seals. Although the probability is almost zero, if one faction were to unify all seven Servants, the backup system would activate to find a countermeasure. That's how it's set up."

"So, it means that to counter seven Servants, summoning an additional seven Servants becomes possible."

Fourteen in total. Even Sisigou could understand the significance of that number.

"Exactly. Trifas has one of Romania's rare ley lines. It has likely been accumulating magical energy at a faster rate than Fuyuki. Even with seven Servants summoned, there is still an inexhaustible supply of magical energy."

If this were Fuyuki, emergency measures would have been taken long ago. It could even lead to the complete depletion of the ley lines.

"In any case, Yggdmillennia has gathered seven Masters and Servants. Then—"

"That's right. We must also gather seven Masters and Servants, engage in battle with Yggdmillennia, and emerge victorious."

"If we win, what happens to the Greater Grail?"

"Of course, after our victory, we will secure it. The means to easily reach the Root is right before us, but whether the surviving magi can remain calm is uncertain."

I see. So it means "We'll take responsibility for anything that happens after annihilating Yggdmillennia."

It would be fine to make a wish, to prevent a wish, or—to destroy everything. Of course, this old fox in front of him must already have a plan. He would probably dispatch a recovery team the moment the war ended.

But, but! If he could act just a bit earlier—there would be a chance to fulfill his wish! An excited tremor ran down Sisigou's spine. Perhaps sensing his excitement, the old man nodded as if everything was going according to plan:

"Can you accept the request?"

However, it was better not to respond immediately. Answering too quickly would reveal his weakness.

"I have a few questions. Can I ask them before deciding?"

"Please go ahead."

"First, regarding our Masters."

"Ah, the remaining six have already been decided and dispatched to the area. Feend vor Sembren, Cabik Pentel, Deimlet Pentel, Jean Rum, and Rottweil Berzinsky. These five are the ones we've sent."

Sisigou approved of these choices. Each one was a renowned magus known worldwide. They were all battle-hardened specialists who would ruthlessly eliminate any enemy. Except for Sembren, Sisigou had worked with all of them before. There seemed to be no problem in fighting alongside them.

"The remaining one is a supervisor from the Holy Church, who also acts as a Master."

"A supervisor and a Master?"


Due to its name, the Holy Grail War inevitably attracts one specific faction. That faction is the unique force capable of opposing the Mage's Association—the Holy Church. Even if the Holy Grail is mostly fake, they cannot silently ignore magus fighting over an artifact bearing that name. Thus, it is said that the Church intervened in the Third Holy Grail War of Fuyuki. One theory suggests that their intervention was due to a request from Fuyuki's Three Founding Families—but the truth remains hidden.

"But does this war need a supervisor?"

In the Holy Grail War of Fuyuki, a fair judgment was needed for the Three Founding Families and the external Masters. Therefore, it was logical for the neutral Holy Church to be chosen.

But this time, it's a struggle between the Mage's Association and its opposing faction. There's no need for a supervisor to neutrally judge the battle between magus. If anything, they might be needed for covert operations, but the Mage's Association has no shortage of talent in that area.

"Don't be absurd. If we rashly exclude the Church and they side with Yggdmillennia, it would be troublesome. Our primary objective is to strongly promote ourselves as the legitimate magical organization."

From what Belfeban described, it seems the Holy Church is tentatively siding with the Mage's Association as an allied force. However, in the eyes of the Holy Church, this is likely just a means to keep the Mage's Association in check.

"Secondly. Summoning a Servant usually requires a holy relic as a catalyst. Is that prepared?"

Belfeban nodded. Strictly speaking, a catalyst is not necessary. Without relying on a catalyst, the summoned Heroic Spirit would be one whose spiritual characteristics resemble the summoner's, regardless of their strength. However, many Masters use a holy relic as a medium to summon a specific Servant to avoid this uncertainty.

Of course, even with a catalyst, there's no guarantee of summoning the intended Servant. For instance, if you used the remnants of the Argo, which carried Greek heroes, as a catalyst, the summoned Heroic Spirit could be the unparalleled hero Heracles, the captain Jason, the treacherous witch Medea, or the god of medicine Asclepius. There is no certainty before the summoning. It's possible to limit it, but that requires a catalyst uniquely tied to one Heroic Spirit—for example, using the first shed skin of a snake or a fragment of a cloak worn by a specific king would limit the summoned Heroic Spirit to that individual irrespective of compatibility.

Summoning without a catalyst also has advantages. Since the Heroic Spirit's spiritual nature is similar to the summoner's, a trusting relationship can be easily built in a short time. In the Fuyuki Holy Grail War, if the Master and Servant were incompatible, it was like holding a deadly bomb. There were instances where a lack of mutual trust led to tragedy until the very end. However, if things went wrong, the similarity might cause mutual distrust due to disliking each other's resemblance.

While compatibility is not something to be ignored lightly, the high-risk gamble of summoning without a catalyst has too many drawbacks.

In any case, having a catalyst is not a problem. As expected of the Mage's Association, they can prepare holy relics linked to most Heroic Spirits.

Belfeban stood up and carefully opened an ebony box taken from a drawer in the desk.

Inside was a piece of wood with processing marks. There was nothing special about it. Sisigou was about to speak when he noticed his voice inexplicably excited. That piece of wood carried a certain heat.

"What is this?"

"This is a fragment of the Round Table. Once, the knights who could take on a thousand opponents each conversed around this table. They fought not with swords but with words to protect their homeland, Britain."

"Britain's Round Table... Could it be, King Arthur!?"

Sisigou couldn't help but reach out to take it, but he barely managed to restrain himself.

The Round Table Knights... They are the knights under King Arthur. It is said that King Arthur designed the Round Table to eliminate the distinction between lord and vassal, embodying equality.

Each knight seated at the Round Table is a hero celebrated in legends. Not to mention King Arthur himself, there's Lancelot, Galahad, Gawain, Tristan, Percival... Regardless of who is summoned as a Servant, they all boast undeniable fame and formidable power.

"But, with the Round Table, it's uncertain which knight will be summoned. Most likely, it will be a Heroic Spirit that matches your spiritual nature."

"No problem. As long as it's a Round Table knight, whoever is summoned will qualify as a Servant."

"Hmm... Can I take that as your agreement to accept the commission?"

Sisigou thought for a moment. The preparations for summoning a Servant were already complete. Yggdmillennia, leveraging Romanian customs, would likely draw the country's strongest Servant. But is this an overwhelmingly unfavorable situation? The answer is no.

Seven against seven—numerically, it's fair. Most importantly, Sisigou has a wish that can only be fulfilled by relying on the omnipotent wish-granting device. Belfeban is aware of this.

—It's decided.

Sisigou nodded and lit a cigarette. He inhaled the purple smoke deeply, savoring the toxic feeling filling his lungs.

Belfeban made a seemingly displeased expression—he despised tobacco.

"With this, we have seven Masters. Yggdmillennia has seven Masters, and the Mage's Association has dispatched seven Masters as well. This means fourteen Servants will manifest in this world. This will likely be an unprecedented scale. At this point, calling it a 'war' might be an understatement; 'Great War' seems more fitting."

"A Holy Grail Great War, huh—"

Seven against seven. Until now, it has always been a battle among seven, with the last one standing emerging victorious. But this time, it's indeed a full-scale war among Heroic Spirits. One can hardly imagine the state of Trifas after the battle concludes.

"Pay me half the fee in advance. If you agree, let's sign the contract."

Hearing Sisigou's words, Belfeban frowned.

"The success reward is already quite generous."

"This is a job with a very low survival rate. I want to get what I can while I still can."

"Heh, is there something you want?"

Sisigou stood up from the sofa and, without hesitation, grabbed the formalin-preserved specimen of a young Hydra displayed on the shelf.

"Give me this."

"...That's a fake, are you sure?"

To this, Sisigou nodded without a trace of hesitation.

Instantly, Belfeban's face darkened. It's no wonder, as the specimen was genuinely real. Even if Sisigou sold all his property, it probably wouldn't cover even a third of its price.

"Alright, I'll take this."

Sisigou, looking delighted, tucked it under his arm and picked up the box containing the catalyst.

"Then, please fly to Romania as soon as possible. I will contact the overseer and the other Masters. Once you arrive, they should get in touch with you immediately."

"Oh, right. Old man, what's the overseer's name?"

Just as he was about to leave, Sisigou suddenly asked Belfeban. If it had something to do with this war, it was likely someone sent by the Eighth Sacrament. Maybe even a renowned figure.

"I haven't met him in person, but I remember... it's a priest named Shirou."

Unfortunately, it was an unfamiliar name.

P.S.: Because this is a parallel world, the structure of the Clock Tower's departments is slightly different. For example, this department shouldn't exist among the Thirteen Departments.

P.S.2: The highlight of the anime is the appearance of the FSF protagonist, Flat, an important character from the "Case Files of Lord El-Melloi II". Choosing Matsuoka as the voice actor is just fantastic.

P.S.3: Summoning Mo-chan!

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