Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 26 Demon Order Meeting (1)

Night fell and I headed to the location of the meeting.

It wasn't in the town, but rather in a manor that had been built outside of town.

This was a private manor for one of the Lord Baron's subordinates and was regarded as a summer manor, so normally there wouldn't be anyone here. That gave it the perfect cover as the meeting place of the demon order.

When I arrived at this place, there were already many carriages gathered.

But at the same time, since it was a secret, there were also many guards gathered as well.

When they saw the carriage that I borrowed from Madame Rose approaching, the guards immediately came up to surround me.

I could see that the other carriages weren't being surrounded, so at the very least it seemed that they recognized the ones that came regularly. At the same time, it told me that there was a hierarchy of seniority in this demon order.

The guards came forward to surround the carriage and then they asked me to open the door.

The moment that the door was opened and they saw me sitting there, they immediately dropped their tough act and became humble.

That was because they recognized the cloak and mask that I was wearing.

These were guards that were chosen to guard the demon order gathering, so there was no doubt that they knew about the demon order. Since they knew about the demon order, it wasn't strange that they would recognize this cloak and mask.

As I looked at the guards, I couldn't help being surprised by something.

I actually recognized two of these guards.

These two were the ones that had guarded my cell when I was in the dungeon, the ones that had tried to torture me for their own ego.

They had acted tough back then, but now…they were almost groveling at my feet after seeing the cloak and mask that I was wearing.

I had the urge to torture them, but I held myself back in the end since that wasn't my goal in coming here.

If I were to take things too far, it would be very easy for me to expose my identity.

So I held it in and headed towards the manor, leaving the carriage to the driver and guards.

As I was heading in, I couldn't help wondering why these two guards were in this place.

When I was in the cell, they acted like they were guards that had been forced into watching over me. The way they talked made it seem like they were two low level guards that had drawn the short straw.

But when I thought about it, I realized that wasn't the case.

I was the sex slave that the Lord Baron had just bought for a decent amount of money, so I could be considered valuable merchandise. It wasn't as if the Lord Baron would leave me unattended, so he would send some guards that he trusted.

That meant that these two were actually high ranking guards that had the Lord Baron's trust that had been sent to watch over me.

With what kind of personality they had, it wasn't strange that these people worked closely with the Lord Baron.

After walking into the manor, I was surprised by how luxurious it was.

Even though this was a manor built for secret meetings, they didn't hold back at all in decorating it.

In the main hall, there were also a bunch of other men in the same cloak and masks as me who were currently talking to each other.

To my surprise, I found that there were also masked servants who were walking amongst them with trays in their hands. When I looked closely, I found that there were appetizers and glasses filled with wine atop these trays.

It was almost like I had walked into a ball instead of a secret meeting for the demon order.

The way that these people acted didn't seem like they were here to discuss evil things, but rather just to relax.

At first, no one really noticed me as I walked in, but soon there were a few people that turned their attention to me.

As for the reason…it was because my cloak was too big.

They couldn't help finding it strange that I was basically dragging my cloak behind me as I walked, so they had come over to see what was wrong. When they came closer, they realized that I was just short and the cloak didn't fit me.

Of course, that didn't cause them to lose interest as they were curious how someone as short as me had gotten into their group.

But they didn't doubt that I was in their group because I had the cloak and mask.

As I had suspected, this cloak and mask were the standard issue uniform for this demon order, so they didn't doubt me as long as I had this.

The ones that came up to talk to me were some of the newer members of the demon order. These were the ones that had only been inducted a few meetings before this, so they didn't know many people here either.

But they didn't hesitate to introduce themselves to me.

It was as if they didn't care about the fact that they were a secret society at all.

I found out that these people were either merchants or knights from the surrounding area that had flocked under the Lord Baron since he was the most powerful noble in the area.

The knights were in charge of the villages under the Lord Baron's town and the merchants were in charge of the economy of these villages by trading between them.

With these people, it could be said that the demon order had full control of this surrounding area.

It seemed that the Lord Baron had been thorough with his choice of people that he added into the demon order.

At the same time, it seemed like the demon order's influence spread way further than we had expected.

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