Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

Chapter 929: Sped up

Chapter 929: Sped up

Since there was the chance that there would be more variant monsters coming out, I didn't want to take any risks.

This place was now part of our kingdom since the former Midra Kingdom's territory was now incorporated into the Kite Kingdom's territory.

So that meant that these people were our people and it was our duty to protect them.

So I had Klein pick out ten wyvern riders to leave here.

Ten would be enough to clear out the orcs even if there were variants.

But it wasn't just ten that we were leaving here.

We also sent twenty other wyverns out to check the other entrances into the canyon.

They would provide support if necessary, but their main task was to patrol the area around this canyon to see how many variant orcs there were.

They didn't understand why I gave them this order, but they would follow that order.

The rest of us had the hard task of clearing out the valley and reaching the crystal that was buried somewhere here.

After all, if we only took the crystal away, that wouldn't get rid of the orcs.

Instead, that would just cause them to leave the canyon en masse and swarm to the villages that were around the area. That would cause even more damage and that was something that we were trying to avoid.

So we had to clear out some of the orcs that were in the valley.

As we headed down, we found that there were far more orcs than expected.

We never would have expected all of the orcs that were waiting for us inside of this canyon.

It seemed like there were even more orcs than could fit in this place, but they had built several camps all over the place.

They didn't know we were here since we were watching them from above, but we could see everything about these camps.

Including the fact that there were many variant orcs that were wandering around in these camps.

It seemed like almost the entire camp was made of variant orcs.

What we had seen before was just the peak of the iceberg, they were the ones that were too weak to remain in the canyon and had been forced out by the variant orcs that were still in the canyon.

They weren't even the strongest even though they were variant orcs.

It seemed that the orcs in the canyon had developed much faster than anyone would have expected them to develop.

It should have been only around a month since the monsters started showing increased activity and yet there were so many of these variant monsters already.

It was almost as if their development was being sped up.

If we hadn't taken care of the crystals that were in our kingdom, would the same thing that happened here have happened in our kingdom?

Would we have had to deal with the same thing as this?

That was a thought that passed through my mind, but I quickly shook that away since it didn't have anything to do with this situation.

Even if that was the case, there was nothing to gain from thinking about it.

Rather, it was better to focus on taking care of the orcs in front of us.

So I gave a nod to Klein and he started the attack.

Even if they were variant orcs, that didn't mean that they were strong enough to overcome the flame breaths of the wyverns.

Not to mention that with the flame breaths, we were basically able to trap the orcs in their camp.

Their camp was made of wood since that was the extent of the building abilities of the orcs, even if they had evolved into variants.

So the camp was easily lit on fire by the flame breaths that rained down on the orcs.

The orcs didn't stand a chance at all as they were surrounded by the flames and burnt to a crisp.

Though as variant orcs, they did have a certain amount of intelligence and tried to break free of the burning camp.

There were some that gathered some of the weaker orcs to act as orc shields for them as they broke through the flaming walls.

It was just too bad that all of these orcs met the same fate.

They were faced with the sharp talons that came right at them

They didn't stand a chance as they were ripped apart by the sharp talons and then left to burn to a crisp in the flaming camp.

When it was all over, there were only ashes that were left behind.

None of us felt a single thing as we looked at the ashes that had been the orc camp in front of


We all knew that if we had left them be, the orcs would have just harmed more people.

it was better to kill them all than to leave them in a position where they could have harmed more people.

We didn't even bother cleaning up the camp since there was nothing to gain from that.

Once we finished off this camp, we headed off in a certain direction.

I was the one that was leading the group since I was the one that could sense the demonic


But along the way, we stopped to clear out several more camps.

Even though there were variant orcs in all of these camps, it wasn't hard for us to clear them

out since we had the wyverns with us.

The wyverns really were cheats in that the orcs couldn't do a single thing against them.

They were just too strong for the orcs to fight back against.

So with these wyverns, we were able to clear out several more orc camps and thin out the herd of orcs in this canyon.

Once we took the crystal, it should be easier for us to sweep through this canyon and wipe out

the rest of them.

As for the crystal, I was able to follow the trail to where it was buried.

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