Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 139: My Reasoning

Chapter 139: My Reasoning

I took Bridagon, the gathered slaves, and the group of magicless princess assassins I had collected so far back to Dreams. It was a fast trip there and back, but both Wendy and I were very adamant about everyone closing their eyes. I didn't want to have to keep washing puke off the ground each trip, but the trickle of slaves was starting to slow.

I was sure there were more than what had come forward, so that meant I would have to go hunting after dealing with the rest of the slave masters. They had all quieted down and were waiting patiently with stone expressions. The fear of becoming a small divot on the moon's surface served as enough to remember their new status. 

I walked back over to the line and Wendy joined me, making a set of chairs for Wendy and myself, then a table to put my arms on if I needed a lean forward ominous expression. Then, as I was about to sit down, I realized that this would take a while, so I created two groups of chairs. 

I made twice as many as needed; they could be taken and used by anyone after this. Hell, they would be like memorabilia of the first city to abolish slavery! The point of the extra chairs was to have two sections set up with a two-meter gap between them and to separate them. This way I could send them over to the other side to wait; I really hoped I didn't need to ship more people off to the moon.

The next person was a beautiful woman that wore a dark blue dress that showed a capital amount of cleavage that only left the shape of her nipples to question. This one was going to be trouble, I was getting a mental image of her giving me a look that blows my clothes off and knocking me onto a bed. Okay, maybe that was just some of my own overly dirty imagination taking control, but this woman was a predator.

"I am Jes Fall, a slave master as you call us. I have always just considered them an import and export service."

"Oh? And you think humans and Beastfolk are property to be bought and sold? What if I told you, the place where you were going will may you beg for slavery? You consider others as property, but what if the same logic is applied to yourself?"

Jes didn't speak, instead, she looked to be thinking about what to say next, but then something strange happened. I started to feel like I might have been a bit aggressive in the way I spoke to Jes. Maybe I should apologize?

'HYDE! Snap out of it! She is using magic on you!' -Nina.

Bless her, Nina's voice shattered the hold that was being taken on my mind by whatever magic was being used. I didn't think about it, I just reached forward and grabbed the closet bare patch of skin, sucking the magic from Jes. I guess I could have grabbed her shoulder, or touched her face, but she groped my mind, and fair is fair, but damn she had soft titties!

The shocked expressions over everyone were completely overtaken as Nina burst from my chest in a fury of rage, diving across the table. Jes never saw it coming, I mean who would? Plus the titty grab did not help things, but she had it coming, and I was pumped!

Jes's expression finally lost its composure as my angry green-skinned wife exploded from my chest and tackled her. I stood up, but just to watch; Nina hardly even got annoyed, so I wasn't about to ruin the moment. Nina was pissed and these people were about to learn why not to fuck with me, but then things got out of control.

Nina on top of Jes, slapping the shit out of her, but something was happening with Nina. The black scales of her dress were starting to move and Nina was slowly changing...oh fuck. 

I stopped Nina with magic, and then the four of us were on the moon. Nina needed to chill out and this bitch needed a reality check. I brought Wendy along because I didn't want to leave her alone, the boys were off collecting more brats, and now it was time to deal with these two.

"So, what have we learned today?"

I used magic to lift and bring the bruised and red-faced Jes closer to me, put a hand to her face, and healing all her injuries. I moved her back and then let her stand, while I went over to my still fuming wife. The transformation was slowly reversing, but Nina wouldn't look at me as I got closer to her.

"Babe? Are you alright?"

In response, Nina turned herself and dove into me without a word. I waited silently, She would talk to me when she was ready. This must have been embarrassing for her to lose her cool like that and then starting change. When the hell did that development happen?

'I don't know. I just got so mad that she would try to do something so stupid! You could have just killed them all and no one would have batted an eye, and I still think you should, but they still don't seem to understand this!' -Nina.

'I know they are frustrating, but I am not here to kill everyone. Some of them will take patience, my love. tomorrow, you and I will go and spend some time alone, okay?'

'That would be nice, maybe that is what is getting to me. I See Alex, and Kyra with their children' -Nina.

'It's okay, love, I get it, there is no need to explain. You and I need some private time where you aren't inside of me!'

'You mean some time when you're inside me instead?'- Nina.

That made me choke on air to the point where Wendy came over to pat my back and Jes apprehensively put a hand up like she wanted to help, but was too scared to get close to me. The playful tone Nina used made me run through about fifty different things I would do to her in my free time, in the span of two seconds. I finally got my breathing under control, but Wendy still had a worried expression.

"Hyde? Are you okay?" Wendy asked with both hands on my forearm, looking up into my eyes.

Damn, all my wives were such good looking girls that it was so easy to become distracted just from the emotions they displayed. Speaking of distractions, it had to be almost lunch by now, and I was getting hungry. Plus, I also had to get through the rest of the slave masters so I could get to the brat hunt, the sooner I was done the better. 

I leaned down and kissed her forehead and then tipped her chin up so I could kiss her lips. I whispered to her about Nina's comment, and her face went red. Wendy's eyes got big and she put a hand up to her mouth, but then took it away to glare at me/Nina.


I could hear Nina's soft and gentle giggles roll through my mind, making me smile. 

"She is laughing, isn't she? I will come in there and"

"Woah, Woah, tiger, you will not be going inside of me! And don't you make that joke either! Not that you would, but you're not a Nymph, so the whole tree walk thing isn't possible for you."

"What if I wanted it bad enough?" Wendy questioned.

Interesting, I hadn't thought of that, and it was a good question. Sure, I was the one telling everyone that all they had to do was believe in the dreams that they had. The thing was that I still barely understand how the magic works myself. 

"I can't see why not, by why? I get wanting to be close to me, but I can try to include you more when I go out. Is that all it is?"

"No, I see the relationship you have with Nina, and I am fascinated by how she can explode out like she did to attack this woman. Imagine if all your wives could do that? You wouldn't have to worry about us getting hurt if we can just merge with you. if it gets dangerous, we can hide, or we can make a surprise attack. I just want to be the best I can for you," Wendy explained.

I leaned down and kissed Wendy again, every one of them was amazing in their own special way. 

"So, you have two non-human wives'?" Jes asked.

I pulled my attention from Wendy and turned to Jes. I put up my hand and counted off each of my Kin wives'. 

"Fourteen of them are not completely human, well they weren't. Now three of them have evolved to remove all traces of their non-human other half. My magic is to give and take away magic, but it is a symbiotic relationship. I can give you the chance to become your wildest dreams, but none of this is possible with our current relationship."

"You mean there is a chance for someone like me to have a chance at...I don't know what to call it, but do you mean I could be like your wives'?" Jes asked with a hopeful expression.

I could finally see some real emotion coming from her, but this wouldn't be an easy path. I also wasn't looking for a new wife, but this woman might end up being someone important, and I did grope her. Not like that was a reason to marry someone, but if I was pushed into it, that was going to be my reasoning.

"You attempted to take control of my mind in some way shape or form with your magic. Honestly, you're only alive right now because you're a beautiful woman. If a man would have tried to do that to me, I would have opened the ground below him and let the land consume him."

I could see the uneasiness, but I wasn't done yet. I had put us out of view of the impact site, but now, I took us over to the small divots on the moon's surface. There was nothing there but a dark spot in the center of the half a meter wide pockmark.

"I wasn't kidding, you know where we are. When we go back down, I want you to explain to everyone what you saw here and how real the threat is. I don't show you this to scare you, instead, I would like you to scare the living shit out of the rest of the people so I am not forced to do this again. I don't like slavery, but this world has been running amuck for so long, that everyone thinks this is normal. So, I am trying to be understanding with you lot, but I have very little patience and a lot left to do."

Jes, gave me a nod with a determined look, good. Now, maybe Mesh and Buddy will be back so we can go home for our thirty-minute lunch break.

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