Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 141: Just When You Thought You Understood It All

Chapter 141: Just When You Thought You Understood It All

After landing an earth-shattering comet elbow to the ground, ran through the Giant Ants, smashing them as I went. There were so many of them, it was like wading through water, even as I cut a wide path through them, the trail was swallowed up. The key was to no stop, but these things were just to let off steam while waiting for the lazy son of a bitch to get back here.

Bhan, and Little Bo Peep, had just connected with the start of the hoard and the cloud dust became black particles. I could see him sitting up top with not a care in the world, feet up on the railing, as Bo Peep annihilated everything in its path. The name Little Bo Peep was the result just the same as my Meteor Punch and Comet Elbow, lack of supervision.

Out of the last eleven games I had played to get here, I was lucky enough to find Bhan for nine of them, but Kiada only joined us two games ago. Gra, and Centia, were not sure about bringing Drania into the loop, but they finally decided to let the pair join us. Bhan and I were both excited about having a woman around, well, at least until we met her.

Bhan almost died laughing when he had seen the disappointed look on my face from Kiada's lesbian reveal, but the disappointment was slowly overcome with the assault of question I had for her. Now we were all here, and there wasn't much left to do now that Bhan was back from his trip to the store. That meant that it was time to stop dicking around and start heading to the end. 

"KIADA!" I roared as I barreled through her Bone Buddies and Manbies.

Kiada was no exception when it came to the level of maturity and thought that went into the names of her undead pets. All these creatures were males, and I always got the slight feeling Bhan and I were only tolerated because Drania told her to play nice. I got a dark red-eyed glare as I yelled again from about ten feet away.

"I'm not as stupid as you, I didn't need to jump around like a loose spring to see that. This is hardly interesting anymore anyways; being at the strongest you can be isn't all that much fun if you can't get stronger."

"Well, then stop fucking talking, and let's go get lazy bones and head to the crack. I agree with you, but don't worry, when you get back as I did, you will be singing a different tune. I wasn't me, well I mean I had nothing to go on, and if you wouldn't have used the restore function on me, I would have been a blubbering mess trying to understand this all."

I jumped high into the air, and then came down on the top platform of Bhan's tank, where he was now standing with two drinks in his hand. With a lazy smile like Matthew McConaughey, Bhan handed Kiada and me both drinks and then went back to his chair. Bhan might be lazy as all hell, but his magic always made things easier.

I don't know if it was a quirk or something Centia was causing, but Bhan's magic, abilities, or system was always built around the idea of making his and the people around his in life better and, or easier. It was a great relief to have him with me this entire time, but that meant I had to do all the actual work for us, not that I minded. For challenging The Game Masters we had our Harems, Harem System, the ability to create new members, and most of our Builder System functions frozen. 

Without our systems, we had to rely just on our skills that we had gained over the countless lifetimes to reach him. The Game Masters were the ones that took our members, be He was the one to allow any of this to happen. Aegis, the Master System, the one that put everyone one of us here, was the target of all this struggling. 

There were more of us, but we all had the same goal, destroy Aegis and find a way home. The biggest problem every leader faced was that we couldn't remember what home was like, but Gra told me that we had all been stolen from somewhere against our choice. At first, I didn't believe him, but that was twenty-three lifetimes ago. 

Since then, we had all tasted Aegis lack of concern for the player, allowing Game Masters to influence games to negatively affect our games. That was not restricted to just outright killing us, and for no reason that we could discern. It wasn't until I was almost killed in my sleep by Talon, that I tried to understand what was going on, and believed Gra. 

Our first assault was a failure, but that was no one's fault. We all went in knowing that it could happen, but we never expected to be caught the second we warped onto the world. That was why I had to go through that shitty life, but there was something else about that life that was bothering me. 

It still felt real to me, even though I had all my memories back now, something wasn't right about it. There was also the last vision Gra showed me before leaving me, I thought that it was just a brutal reminder, but what if it was more than that? Ugh, I needed my wives here with me to help figure this shit out, but they were waiting for me, and this was just a past that had already happened.

Kiada was now sitting on a chair beside Bhan's and there was another chair that he had made for me waiting. I took it and sat down, Little Bo Peep was smoother than flying, and a small table appeared as I went to put my glass down in the air. Bhan's abilities were hard to get used to at first, but once you could wrap your head around just expecting the simple things in life to be easy, they were.

"So, woo, big boss fights with Mainframe, but he has been pretty quiet. The last time I ran through this world MainFrame Called me a cheater the entire and through everything, it had at us. I had even lost Jes and Carla, but I wasn't able to find them when we shifted into the Game Masters world," Bhan reminisced.

" with one S?"

"Yesh! I really hope my big tittied lover is okay, Heyso is going to be nothing but scraps of broken data files if this hurts either of them!"

Lazy as Bhan might be, something deadly inside of him changed if someone hurt one of his girls. Like scary deadly, we all met up for the final fight with MainFrame, and when Jes and Carla died, we won the game. That also might be why MainFrame has kept its fucking mouth shut this time, Bhan almost destroyed the Game World trying to kill MainFrame premently. Only the interference of Aegis could stop him, so now we had a boring eventless game.

It was still hard, no matter what, this was the pinnacle of the Game Worlds, it was supposed to be the ultimate challenge. Then we could play on the Zodiac Worlds that were not part of the Sequence, which was the only way to get to Aegis, and to end this all. I was getting distracted by all this info that I had now, and I looked back to Bhan, who was looking very worked up, so I spoke fast.

"I think it just found Jes on my the Zodiac world that I am in."

"HWHAT! Is she okay?!"

Bhan was on his feet and grabbing me by my leather coat, and lifting me clear out of my chair. I was pulled up to eye level with the three-meter tall version of Bhan, the Timid very of him getting worked up.

"Put me down before I hit you with fifteen bands of fuck off! I found her being a slave master, and the witch tried to use magic to control my mind. So I took her magic away and she was just about to join me for din"

Ugh, Bhan was such a meathead when he got like this. I smashed into the cliffside over a mile away from Little Bo Peep almost instantly after Bhan's fist connected with my face. Instantly I was hit with a comet storm of iron-hard fists, as Bhan jumped on to me. Alright, I hadn't even told him about how I groped her yet, but I was getting tired of this game.

[The Gate] Activated.

All fifteen bands snapped at once, and the force released blew Bhan back, leveling the mountain and killing every monster in ten miles. I was patient, but I was the real monster of the group, and Bhan's dumb jealousy was Yandere and annoying as shit. I closed The Gate before I hit the ground, this power was what Gripton had spoken of and if I hit the dirt, I would fall all the way to the center of this world and destroy it.

I snapped five bands and leapt back to Little Bo Peep, closing the gates before landing. Kiada was looking out on the empty open plain, and Bhan wasn't talking to me, which was fine. I would just keep the breast squeezing to myself, so I didn't have to kill Bhan.

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