Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 144: Shake A Paw?

Chapter 144: Shake A Paw?

Gripton Explained that the Game Master wanted to destroy the world and my girl before I could get to them. Now he just wanted to take us all down, which didn't change things, but MainFrame would make things interesting. There wasn't much to say after that, just goodbye, things were a bit hazy on the end game, but now I knew what I was doing on Leo.

"Give them hell!"

I could feel warm pressure surrounding me, and I cracked an eye. No, I was not covered in pillows, it was so much better. I was covered in wives! 

Arrentia, Mishka, Nina, Xelios, and strangely, even Nika, and Elise. Part of me wanted to stay smothered, but I couldn't hold back, I started to kiss each one until they all woke up in excitement. 

"You finally woke up, it's been three days!" Mishka said burying her face into my armpit, tickling me.

"Hey, stop that! Three days? How are the captives and everyone else? And the city"

"Hyde, The world still turns when you sleep, you know that right?" Arrentia teased.

"I have to ask, but I have good news!"

"That you finally remembered we are all more than just your faithful wives?" Nina giggled, poking my side.

"What?, of course, you all know, but then you also know why we are all here, right?"

Everyone bobbed their heads, and I smiled at all of them, but then my smile faltered. They all had mischievous looks on their face, oh great what did they remember that I didn't? Was I about to get dunked into a boiling pot of soup?

"Alex and Kadence are waiting to talk to you. Get us dressed, and let's go see them!" Arrentia ordered. 

"Ey Ey Captain! 

I dressed each girl, and then I got kisses from each one, except, Nika who tried to mount me. I wasn't against the idea of some morning fun, but the girls pulled us apart and I was pushed out into the hallway.

I was feeling very nervous as I walked out into my backyard that was filled with luscious grass. I ran forward but slowed down when I got to Kyla who was on the ground with her beautiful mother. All thoughts of worry leaving me.

Of all the trouble this world had, my children were the greatest blessing to blast away any shadow. Countless lifetimes fighting for this simple right; even though it might be about saving the world and whatever, but this world was now the only thing that mattered. I would knock the snot out of Tampon and kick his ass all the way back to Aihalla. This was my world, all I had to do was straighten things out with the locals and sign a few papers.

"You're finally awake, we have all been waiting for you to get up."

I turned after leaning in to kiss both child and mother, before turning to meet Alex, who fell into my arms. I could feel her shake in my arms, as Alex cried softly, making me choke up a bit, but I didn't try to hide it. Soon, the rest of the girls crowded around, and I was surrounded by most of the women I loved, but there were still many more to find, and now they knew I was coming.

"We all have so much to talk about, but I think there are some people that would like to spend some time with you," Alex said as she broke awake and everyone stepped back.

Arrentia, Wendy, and Xelios all stepped forward with Kyra and Kyla. There was also a familiar wolf beside her, Linkun. That meant this was my party to go visit Maxven, but Linkun was the one to step forward and bowed his head.

"Hyde, I would like to ask for the same blessing you gave to my sister. I will be a value"


"That's it?" Linkun asked with a wide-eyed wolf expression of surprise.

"If you insist, I could make you roll over, or shake a paw? Just kidding, don't make that scary-looking face at me! You're ugly enough without the extra effort, now don't bite me or I will whoop your ass like a red-headed stepchild!"

I stepped forward and clipped the end of Linkun's nose a bit hard, but he was a flash of light before he could make a snap at me. The light didn't even bother me anymore, my eyes just filtered it out and a couple blinks left me staring at a wolf-man, paws and all. They did look a bit ridiculous, but if that's what the man wants, I say let him be a walking mascot.

Linkun's tail was about to give him flight when he turned to Kyra, giving her a gentle hug, but then put his arms out. Linkun took Kyla and walked away, and I walked over to Krya, who was whipping a tear from the corner of her eye. I was a bit confused about what was going on, but Kyra spoke up and explained.

"That was the only reason why he asked for your magic, did you know that? Just so he could hold his niece, it's not even his child, and he was still jealous that you could hold her and he couldn't. Every time I think that he is growing up, he just goes and does something like this!"

"I don't think it was a stupid choice. In fact, I like it a little bit more and I might even respect him for his choice, don't tell him that though."

"Don't tell him I said that to him either, hehe! I think we both might be up to our necks in dirty looks!"

Both of us laughed as I took Kyra in my arms, and kissed the top of her head, feeling her soft grey ears brush against my face. The other three gathered around me with expectant faces. Did these savages think we were leaving right now? 

"Don't I get a little bit of a break? I told Titania I would come work with her for a bit. So, do you girls mind waiting till tonight to leave?"

None of the girls would argue with me following up with one of the other girls, and I think now it was more instilled in them. I kissed the girls, and then Xelios took my arm, acting as my guide to Titania's shop. The two of us walked out a side gate and started making our way, but we were stopped almost every five steps.

"Hyde! It's so good to see you! My family says hello and thank you for everything you have done for us!"

"Great Hyde! Come and take a sample of my new invention, it would be an honor for you to take it!"

"Mr. Hyde!"

This was my little band of merry resistance fighters, the five of them crowded around me and Xelios, bombarding us with questions. After insistence from both the children and Xelios, I told them they could take along to come to visit Titania, but they had to keep their hands away from the stuff inside the shop. It turned out to be an excellent idea and made our trip twice as face after the freedom fighters joined the party.

Everyone that tried to stop us to talk was met by furious apologies from the children, then them explaining at Mach speed that we were going to visit my wife. This made everyone yield without a fight, not a single person argued. I guess it had become common knowledge according to the children that getting between me and one of my wives was the worst possible idea.

I felt like that was going a bit overboard, but the sentiment seemed to roll over well with the people because they all gave me warm smiles after each blitzkrieg explanation. It only took us about twenty minutes to get to the shop, and I started to get excited. I was surprised that it wasn't the only one puffing thick clouds of white and or black smoke. 

The town was expanding, and before I left for my biggest wife hunt to date, I would have to do the same as I did for Acosta. I wouldn't need to worry about getting knocked out anymore, the blackout was a trigger for the memories. That was done, and now I was back to being me, and that felt great.

The two of us walked up to the double door of The Titan's Armory and walked inside, children almost stepping on our heels. I had to lift a leg up and all the children rushed under it and over to Titania, who was just turning around. She was talking her gloves off, and I was about to tell the kids to stop, but Titania squatted down and scooped them all up like they were little kids, but the boys were almost as old as me. 

"All of them have been coming here since Trem and Clem brought them from Acosta. I was going to tell you when they asked, but Titania is so cute with them, since the change. Not that she didn't like kids, but she isn't the same girl from before."

"You aren't the same girl are you, you all have your confidence back it seems. That really makes me happy, but I will miss your rainbow blushes when you get embarrassed!"

"Don't worry, you have always been good at embarrassing us, so"


I love my wife. I think Titania is beautiful, loving, kind heart, and amazing, but nothing ever prepares you for an almost three-meter tall woman running at you with no sign of slowing down. Magic, help!

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