Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 146: Beat The Piss Out Of Them!

Chapter 146: Beat The Piss Out Of Them!

I lifted into the air and I watched the city get smaller and slowly come into view. It was no problem to see where I was once I got into the air, and I was back at the house within moments. Once I was back on the ground I closed my eyes and dung for the magic, as I did before. 

It was a lot easier to find this time, and the magic came to me easier this time. I created four-meter tall clay walls that were over two meters thick with openings. Once that part was finished, I grew the four gates and then let go of the magic. I lifted back into the air and did a slow turn to look at my handy work.

I left plenty of room for the city to expand outward, but I could always put up another wall if the city outgrew the massive walls I had just created. For now, it would be more than enough and it would be a lot easier to defend for Mesh and Breth. Plus, I would feel a lot better knowing that my home was better protected.

I dropped back down to the ground, and my lovely wives were waiting for me, but all was not normal in Camelot! Wendy...and can Kadence were wearing respective blue and red armors. Both sets were done up in fancy engravings of flights of dragons and patterns of fire. 

"What are you two wearing? Don't think I don't think it looks sexy on you, but I am just surprised to"

"We want to go visit Thungarda, there is another wife there, according to Wendy, and the other girls decided that this would come first before we visited Maxven. There is another female Dragon that Wendy says might be a Harem Member, so I think we should go get her, but she is in the great Karglasstia mountain, home of the dragons."

"Oh? What promoted this? Did you just remember now?"

"Yes, we all got together and brainstormed to see if we knew where any other women might be for sure, and out of the fifteen names we came up with, Tharine is the one that needs us the most!" Wendy explained excitedly.

"You sound far too excited for her to be in any real trouble, not that I'm not excited to go play with dragons, but what is the rush if she is not in danger?"

"Mating season is coming up," Wendy explained.

"So, when do we leave? Yesterday? I swear to god, If Thungarda lets anyone touch my wife, I will skin every one of those big lizards!"

"We still have a week, but while you're there, you should try and make some alliances with them. If the world sees you as allies, then the rest of the works will fall into line, for the most part. Places like the Tri-Island and the Crashing Wave, and Firesti Empire, but most of the rest would sooner be with you than against dragons," Kade told me.

"Fine, is it just us two?"

"Yes, I am only going because" Kade started to get a worried it was scared.

"Babe, I think you should stay back and watch the city, there are a lot of things that still need to be done. Plus, we need to get Ragna back into power and get money circulating between our two states. I need you here, not shaking with some dragons. I will take Marly with me and Wendy."

"No, she refuses to come with us to go see her father, both are not really on speaking terms and it will be hard enough with me there, you don't need two female dragons that will be going into heat while trying to deal with another horney dragon, hehe," Wendy laughed, putting a hand over her mouth.

"Then we go alone?"

"No, you will be taking us with you, since the other girls have you booked for the visit to the Alphaking. So, we get to skip ahead in line!"

I turned to find My gorgeous wives, Nuwari and Tescelle, walking up with beautiful smiles. Each came and took one of my arms, big mischievous smiles on their face. I was just excited to have them come along, but now I was worried that those looks were going to spell trouble for me later.

"Then that's it? Just the three of us?"

"If we stay there longer than four days, I will give you a second turn," Nuwari said with a wink that made my heart spike and starts hammering in my chest.

"Really, no one else is brave enough to come with us. I am very surprised that both of you actually want to come, but then again, you two can be scarier than a dragon, hehe," Laughed Kadence.

I took Kadence into my arms and pressed my lips to hers, making licks of fire jump up around us. The kiss was warm and left me with a feeling of wanting more, but I would have to save that for another day. I had some dragons to go fight or argue with.

This was going to be a doozy, I could just kill them or beat the piss out of them until they said uncle. Then there is the part about them being huge and proud beasts that will bend a knee to no man, but I was far from just a man. If they wouldn't bow to a human, then they would bow to a dragon, but I was getting ahead of myself. My feet haven't even left the ground yet and I was already planning my victory dance.

"Okay, my lovely ladies, are we ready to go?"

"We have to fly there as dragons, or they won't let us in, and before you tell me about how no one will stop you from going anywhere, think. We need to get them on our side, then the rest of the world, save the major states, will be like putty in our hands," Tescelle explained.

"Let's try not to kill too many of the dragons while we are there. I know that they can be idiots, but they are all a closely-knit group so, if you hurt one, it is almost like hurting all of them. I know you could 'handle' them, but you and I both know that this is more than just about crushing all resistance," Wendy told me.

Fair enough, I did plan on making this my homeworld, so I had better make a conscious effort to play nice with the locals. I would not do very well if I ruled a bunch of people that didn't like me. Through the countless games I had played in the first twelve worlds, I had seen many examples of people that only ruled using the iron fist. While that might be my preferred plan of action, that didn't make me the best one, but that's why I kept all these beautiful women around me!

"Okay, I think I got this. Don't piss off the dragons more than normal, Don't kill all the dragons, and last but not the least, find my wife and bring her home. This all sounds like a great plan, but I'm pretty sure there will be some dragons that won't want to listen to me and that might be jealous."

"If they attack you first and you were being Hyde to them, then, by all means, whoop their ass, but male dragons are immune to magic, so your powers won't" But Nuwari stopped to stare at me and clenched my fist and stepped back from the girls.

I was so much more than magic, and I held back as I slammed my fist into the ground. Cracks spidered around my fist, and I quickly filled them in with earth magic, I was trying to show off not wreck the place, but I had got my point across to the girls and they all looked impressed. 

Magic was only half my power, Negima, was more than just taking the magic away, It was the power when there was no magic to be had, natural vs science, or something like that. I just wanted the girls to know that I could protect them no matter what happened, but I wasn't doing it because I didn't think that they could protect themselves, Each girl was trained and had each played through games and life learning skills.

"Okay, so now that we are already, what do you say we leave town and I will shift and carry us all, unless you want to fly, Wendy?" I asked.

"No, I am okay with flying until I can change back into a dragon, I want to stay very close to you while we are there," Wendy said as we were lifting into the air.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"I think the other dragons will see me as an oddity and make fun of me. So, I think I should stay close to you if that's okay? Wendy asked, looking up at me with cute eyes.

The combination of eyes and sparkling blue armor, made me pull her into a tight embrace when we got back onto the ground. My, oh my, these girls could be adorable sometimes, but this was an exciting turn of events! Not that I didn't want to go see Maxven or gain countless more wives, but I was going to do something else.

This something else was something that no other person could really understand, except maybe Marly and Wendy, but even then, the two were scared of most of the other dragons. I knew what fear was, I had heard about it, but I didn't associate fear with the word or image of a dragon.

Nah, Dragons were fucking cool as shit, and I was about to go play with a big group of them. I don't know if the girls could tell, but I was almost shaking with excitement and anticipation!

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