Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 157: End Of An Age

Chapter 157: End Of An Age


'So, you have been back, finally. I was getting worried that you were going to complete this world before gett' -Gripton.

'Can it old man, I don't want excuses or jokes right now. Why did you bring Greg here?'

'Isn't it obvious? Not one day without a leader and they all turn back into wild animals, killing a city filled with their only main supporters, and taking the queen of dragons. I put him there to control the idiots, and he did, for the most part. Stop being so thick-headed! You did get your memories back didn't you?' -Gripton.

'Yes, I did.'

'Then you know what is going on and why you are here now. So, why complain about the choices I made? The girls are all here and so are you. That alone should be enough to satisfy you!' -Gripton.

'What about MainFrame and my brother? That jealous idiot has been messing with both our worlds and now he is coming here.'

'It's better you face him, last time, Tequila said you both played the entire game without knowing about the existence of the other until the end of the game. That's why I told you about him and how to get MainFrame to chase you. This time, Reginald will have you to deal with.' -Gripton.

'Who is this person or thing, I have heard that name before, Reginald, in previous games.'

'Reginald 'is the persona MainFrame takes when in Game Master form, but whether it is just a persona or a copy of who he really was, I have no idea. The only thing I know for sure is that it holds a serious grudge against you and your brother. Something you two did to him has made him this way, but since none of us besides Tequila know what happened before the reset, there is no way to tell.' -Gripton.

'And what she knows is limited. Same song and dance, well, I have a couple mountains to level. So, I guess I'll be seeing you later'

'Are you really going to kill all of them?' -Gripton.

'Only the ones I can get my hands on, the rest will scatter, and if they cause trouble, I will hunt them. Why? You think I should just let them all live to do this again when they feel like it? Should I have to worry about them attacking my cities while I'm out trying to consolidate the rest of the world?'

'I suppose your right, but they can't all be bad.'

'Oh? And how many have come out from hiding to say, hey, look, I am loyal and I didn't follow the group like an idiot? Not a single one, and if even just one had made that choice, I would have changed my mind and tried to make myself more civilized, but they didn't.'

'I needed to make sure you weren't just doing this because you were mad, I don't doubt what you're doing is the right choice. Still, it is my job to make sure that you think about the things you do, before you do them, not after. You are fully aware of what you are doing and why, so I leave the gruesome task to you. Also, if they hurt Misty, kill them all, don't let even one go. If they are so willing to abuse their Queen, then there is no hope left for them, turn them to ashes.' -Gripton.

'I agree, but you seem a bit attached to Misty, what is that about?'

'She is one of my daughters, only Alex was born to this world from Tailin, one of my wives, but I have many other children that are in this world. So, as I said, If they touch my daughter, kill them.' -Gripton.

This was the first time that I really felt anger come from Griptons voice, even before in the game world. Now, I could feel it coming from his voice almost like he was shaking as he spoke. His anger fueled mine, and I let myself fall instantly to above Thungarda's mountain. I shift into the dragon, fully ten times my normal size, like a monstrous massive floating black island in the sky, covered in red cracks that leaked primordial light.


I sent the thought out as loud as I could, letting everything in one-hundred kilometers of me hear my thoughts

'I am here.' 

I turned in the direction of the thought and stared at the large short mountain about twenty-five kilometers away, and then I was above it. I could feel her presence below me now, and I decided that being an island in the sky wasn't going to do me any good. So, I changed back to my normal body, but I ignited the fire inside of me and dropped like a hot rock into the snow. I cut into the mountain with a white flame that sent me down past where Misty was being held.

That had kept her hidden and chained up from what I could see as I zipped by, and I stopped about thirty meters past the location, turning off my fire, and then zipping back to the spot that I saw Misty. Two dragons, red and green, both had their head hanging over the edge, so I used earth magic to grow spikes from the rooms and nail the dragon's neck to the ground, killing them both instantly.

Then I was bathed in fire, but I was the fire, no heat could match my own. I felt like a god as I walked through those flames, running my hand through it, watching the gouts of flames pass over harmlessly. That moment when I stood in the fire was the most peace I had in a long time, a complete block of all things around me, but then they stopped, and I started killing dragons.

Spikes of earth killed the dragons as they tried to escape, and some did, but not many. Maybe a handful or more, they thought that hiding from me and forcing me to come to them was the best option for them. There was no place that they could have hid from me, I would have found them, one way or another. As I walked back to Mistolagra, I burned the bodies to ash, even the bones. The mark these dragons had left on the world would become a legend and then a myth. 

The age of the dragons was over, and they no longer stood at the top of the food chain. What remained of the amazing creatures would fight by my side or be left alone, to fade into memory. I was the last person that wanted to do this to their beautiful creatures, but they had proven their worth, and in that, I saw no value.

'You killed them all?' -Mistolagra.

"Not all, but most. I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but they leveled the capital of Karst. Are you hurt in any way?"

"No, but...all of My children? Their families?' -Mistolagra.

"I am sorry for your loss, but this is why I did what I did. They all made their choice when they took you, and their fates were sealed after not a single one of them could see the error in their ways. What I have done will stay with me forever, but I would do it again in a heartbeat, without hesitation."

'I see, and I agree this had to be the way, but what of the others? The males that got away?' -Mistolagra.

"They will be left alone, and if they keep to themselves, but mark my word, hunters will be sent if I hear a word of dragon attacks. No quarter will be given, these males have chosen exile over fighting to save this world, so they will be stripped of the right to reproduce. That being said, now I move on to the next part, removing the target that you will have painted on you, as for now, there might only be two other women that can turn into dragons, but they are not normal dragons, and neither will you be. I ask that you take my hand and accept me as your leader, also your father says hello. Those dragons can count their blessings that they didn't hurt you."

"You can talk to him?" Misty said out loud in shock.

"Oh yes, he is the one that put me here. There are many stories to tell and lots of time, did I also mention that your daughter was the first to change back into a dragon after receiving my power?"

"You do know I have about twenty-five children, right?" Misty asked, giving me a toothy dragon grin.

"You know, I think you dragons are the most amazing thing around, but man, your smiles always give me gut pains! Marly! The purple one!"

"Oh? Marlogra? How is she doing?"

"She is married to one of my top generals. Get a load of this, since you're a dragon of the old ways, you will find the humor in this. Her husband? Was a scrawny little lizardfolk with only his skin holding his bones together!"

"What!? My daughter married a"

"...Brilliant sparkling orange dragon, and I married her daughter, Wendy."

"Do you plan on marrying me off?" Misty asked a bit defensively.

"First of all, I didn't marry off your daughter, I just pointed her in the right direction. I love your granddaughter, who is also pregnant, and because of certain things, she will be having our baby soon. So, have I given you enough reason to convince you, yet?"

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