Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 165: Julius

Chapter 165: Julius

Each of us cut our arms, except Red, and then the blood flowed down for a little bit, but then Rachel would heal the cut. I wasn't sure how the vampires would react to a dragon's blood or whatever his blood registered as. So, better safe than sorry, but we had all dealt with different types of vampires and I had even been good friends with one.

Well, good friends was a loose term with Kiada, but close enough. Still, this was the tried and tested way to get a bloodsucker to look in your direction, and we could already hear thumps on the roof, what? I wasn't even dark out yet? Daytime Vampires? This sounded like cheating!

The thumps started hitting the roof faster, and then crashing came from all areas in the building, but we were in the back of the kitchen, the only place with only one exit. I had quickly fused the door shut and braced it closed using fast magic and the materials at hand. Red had a long sword out, Rachel her daggers, but Esmeralda had woven a weave of fire across the stone entrance to the kitchen.

The first grey winged thing hit the blazing pattern and disappeared into smoke, and then they started to pour into it, but it was a blender for the monsters and not a single one even got close to getting through, until they stopped coming. 

The sound of clapping came from the dining area, and then a pale-skinned man walked through the fire weave as I would. The fire didn't touch him or his fancy suit, now this was interesting.

"What do we have here? You all reek of fear, like a filthy od..o..r"

"You might be having trouble telling us your whole story with a crushed wind piper. Do you mind if we sit down and talk like normal people?" I asked the struggling Vampire using an old and scratched voice. 

The Vampire waved his arms and I let go of him, dropping him to the ground, where he recovered quickly. He casually walked over to a counter like nothing had just happened and turned back to face me before hopping up to sit down. The Vampire eyed me but waited without saying anything, but I waited back, I knew this game.

Finally, the Vampire let out a long sigh and looked at the others who had come to stand behind me. There was no point in hiding who was in charge here, another apex predator meeting the bigger fish, but he didn't look surprised. Finally, the thing spoke, but the smart-ass tone was gone.

"What is with all you strong people coming into Ratiha? You're the second group that has drawn us out, then attacked, and tried to kill us. I can see why you might want to, but, I don't understand why two of you are here at the same time? This story only ends one way."

"We are hunting the other group, do you know where they are?"

"Group? There were only two, and I know where they were and where they might be going, but why would I tell you?"

"Fine, play hardball, I don't mind."

I froze his entire body in place with telekinesis, except for his head so he could still talk. I walked towards him, letting the hair shed off me and then changing into my black normal T-shirt and pants. I also went back to being bald, this thing wasn't working with MainFrame, but it had a rough idea of where he was, and he was a bloodsucking fiend.

I reached forward with my right hand and touched him, causing him to light up. I was curious to see what a vampire would be after getting my magic, but I didn't expect him to turn into a bat. I looked down at my hand just to make sure I had used my right hand, but I had. So, what the fuck just happened?

"What have you done to me!" The vampire screamed in a little squeak voice.

"Oh, isn't he so cute!" Jill said using her normal voice, snatching the Vampire bat out of the air.

"Put me down you giant hag!"

"Don't get saucy with me Mr. Battykins, or I will pull those little cute wings off you and cook them!" Jill said using her husky voice again. "Tell my husband were the other two were and what you know, or I will be making you for supper!"

"Stop! I give, I'll tell you! Man, what have I got myself into? Fine, I can show you, but then you will let me go, right?" The bat squeaked.

"No, you're stuck with us now batboy, think of this as turning over a new leaf. Plus, once I'm done with this pair we are looking for, then I will be dealing with the rest of your kind here in Ratiha. So, you're on the winning side already, the rest won't be so lucky."

"You think you can take on the Pure Ones, I recognize you from the descriptions now! You're that new King that popped up that can use and give magic, right? Pure Ones are immune to magic!" The bat squeaked in distress.

I punched a massive hole in the wall, no magic. I just punched the closest wall to me with a good amount of force behind it; this was nothing to what I could do with two gates open, but it was more than impressive enough for my purpose. After, I fixed the wall and turned back to the silent bat. His eyes were squinting at me, and Jill was letting him stand on her massive hand. The bat was using his little tiny hand to scratch his chin, but then he finally stuck out his tiny little bat hand.

"Maybe, just maybe, you might actually have a chance to end this all. It's been so long since there has been anything close to hope. My name is Julius, and I wasn't always a Vampire." 

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