Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 168: Tear In Reality

Chapter 168: Tear In Reality

I walked into the city of Ratilleck, licking my fingers and ignoring the people and the occasional blank look I got. Everyone walked around like normal, but the people were not normal. It was just the same as in the village, and that meant there was a cure for the problem, me.

'Two people are moving fast towards you from above, watch out!' -Nina.

I was prepared for this, I was wearing a black cloak over me, and a hood over my head. I already had an air bomb in my index finger and I flicked at the closet female vampire. The rock was small, so it couldn't pierce the armor she was wearing, but a direct hit to the shoulder knocked her into a building.

The male had a sword, but I already was snapping the whip I had found, the connection hit the Vampire with so much electricity that he started to scream and struggle inside his own armor. I walked up and raised the whip of the smoking man, whose hands were up asking me to please never do that again.

"Where is the Castle? Where are the Pure Ones?"

"Follow the yellow road and you will get to the Palace, there you will find what you search for!" The smoking man pronounced.

"Did somebody pay you to say that?"

"WAAAAT?" The smoking man squawked and then fell over.

"Well Toto, do you think the yellow brick road is our best choice?"

"Waaaat?" Julius squawked from my jean pocket "Probably."

"I will reach into this damp pocket and fill it full of water!"

"Alright, Alright already, why do you always have to get so excited? Yes, that's the right way, now stop threatening me and save all the good people of this city, please!"

Stop giving me lip then! But I kept that to myself, that was like talking to a post. During the time at the village before I said my goodbyes, I went around looking for stuff, since the first time I found out I could give people magic, I had stopped using it on items. At the time I had considered it too risky, but now I could control the things that happened when I touched an Item. 

I like my pocket full of air grenades, those things would be good for not killing people. Though, the electric whip was only for the bloodsuckers, since I couldn't give magic to convert them. That was another problem I was going to have. This place was a dead zone for magic, and it wouldn't be easy to even remove the stones if we knew when they all were. 

That would have to be a problem for another day, for now, getting rid of the big bosses and MainFrame were my main targets, the rest would all fall after that. No more Vampires bothered me on my walk up the yellow paved road. It must have been bright at one time, but now it looked dull and worn. This City must have looked great back in its day before all of this wrongness happened.

The Palace was a huge structure, filled with towers and a lot of floor space. I groaned, rubbing my hand over my face. If this wasn't my grandmother's castle, I would just level it, but the place was nice, and Kalita would be disappointed in me if I didn't at least try to keep the place intact. I had only smashed a couple buildings so far, so I was trying.

I reached into my pocket and pulled out another sandwich and some jerky I had found, and started to eat as I walked through the palace gates. No guards or people were walking around, the place was a ghost town. Not surprising, maybe they expected me, and didn't want to waste the livestock.

I would be grateful if the Pure idiots came and just fought me, but that wasn't going to be the case. A different voice called out from up ahead that made me roll my eyes. Well, he was going to show up sooner or later, why not now?

"Hyde, It's been too long! I see you are up to your old cheating ways, nothing has changed, but this time, I have you! Your magic has been sealed, and you are just a man now!" Reginold called from somewhere up ahead.

"So, you finally decided to come and visit? Did you bring friends?"

"Smile nowhere, but there are no rules you can break here! I INVOKE GAME MASTER SUMMONING, DEMON CHAMPION!"

A rip, in reality, opened, like a tear in space, and a black demon with massive horns crawled out. The rent in reality closed as it stood over three meters tall, even bigger than the Titania. The thing had a long thin black sword that looked wicked sharp and almost as long as I was tall. 

I feel like I had seen this thing before somewhere, but I couldn't put my finger on him. Bah wasn't important, this guy would be a piece of cake, and then I was going to find MainFrame and put him in a box, and keep him there. I looked back over at the demon, but she was gone, and I was instantly jumping to the side to keep from getting cleaved in two.

"Hey, I wasn't ready yet, that's cheating!"

I thought it was a funny joke, but the demon was already coming for me as I landed. I pulled out the whip and cracked him in the face, but it didn't do anything. Now I knew what this thing was, A demon from the dragon world, immune to fire and all magic, a dragon's natural unborn enemy. This was just peachy, but this time I sidestepped the strike down and swung as hard as I could into the side of the demon's face.

The hit barely knocked him away, but I didn't let up, kicking the blade out of his hand and starting to rain down fists into the demon. He kicked me off and we were trading blows with a furious speed, but I wasn't winning by any means. Then I heard the Reginold scream again, this time more tired and labored.

Another rip, in reality, opened up, and another one of the same demons crawled out, but this time he was carrying a massive hammer.


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