Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 171: Insides Sucked Out

Chapter 171: Insides Sucked Out

It wasn't until the next day that my army showed up. Well, what was supposed to be an army of soldiers, was an army of my wives, and children. What the hell was going on here?

I went out to meet the group, not only had all eighteen of them showed up but they had brought company, the non-combat type. I could see Mesh hiding in the back of the group so I stormed past the women who were laughing, and walked up to him. The man wouldn't even look at me, but Marly gave me a huge smile.

"There was no stopping them, I tried to tell them, but they wouldn't wait. There is a small force heading this way, but the women were in a hurry. I'm sorry, Hyde, I tried to stop them," Mesh complained with his head still hung.

"Oh, don't blame him, you know how those women get don't you? They have something planned for you so, no point in getting worked up. You have been stringing them along for some time, and they have some demands," Marly explained to me as she rubbed Mesh's back.

Plans? What are these women up to now? I turned around to almost twenty-two pairs of eyes staring me down, save Kyla, she was trying to eat Krya's hair. What have I done now? 

"Ladies, what are you all doing here? And with the kids?! Kali, Kade, Nuwari, were any of you listening when I said that this would be dangerous?"

"We all know you have had this place cleaned up before the girls even got back to Dreams. No, we have all decided that it was time that we had a vacation," Alex told me.

"What? We have the rest of the world to take over! We can't just take a vacation!"

"Yes we can, and yes you will. I have had enough about this taking over the word all the time. Listen, honey, we all love you and we have been dragged around the kingdom for the last month, helping people and making the land a better place to live. Great, we all get that, but you need to take a break, and so do all of us!" Nuwari said, stepping up to me.

"Woah, okay, don't tear me in two. I guess I have been a little tunnel-visioned, but I am trying to make the world a safer place for you all to live in!"

"Hyde, we know that, but all work and no play makes very angry wives! Plus, you haven't even spent time with some of us yet!" Violet complained.

"Okay, but first"


"Okay, I give up. Where are we going? I assume you all have this mapped out, we will get free of the magic barrier and I will zip"


"What? No zippity zip?"

"No, you are going to take us to the Tri-Island Resort, and you are going to spend a week there with us and not run away to go free some nation! You can help everyone else, NEXT WEEK!" Alex said with a look that even in her human form that said, I will inject you with venom and then suck your insides out if you don't listen here.

"So, why can't we zip? I cool with going to the resort, but who is taking care of the city while we are gone?"

"Tell him, Kyla! That your big bad wolf of a grandpa came to visit and agree to watch over the place!" Kyra was holding Kyla up in front of her face as she talked into her back, making Kyla squirm in her hands.

I took Kyla and looked over at the other kids, but my eyes stopped on Xelios who was holding Lydia. Her face was split in two, so I walked over to her and kissed her forehead. Sweeping memories of the cosmic experience we had shared the other morning that had left me paralyzed after cross mind as I stepped back with a big smile. I had to grab Xelios's multicolored hair from Kyla's mouth as I pulled away, and Lydia was trying to suck on my sleeve that was long and black but made with normal fabric.

"So, you look, excited?! Spill the beans, Buttercup!"

"I'm" Xaelios started to say but was cut off as she burst with light.

I watched through the light, but it didn't seem to be affecting Lydia. I had to blink my eyes a couple times from staring into the pure light, but when I could see, Lydia was still the same age. Now, Xelios was very pregnant, and she had transformed from a beautiful girl, into a radiant queen. She wore a green, blue, and pink kimono that faded out from the center, the way her hair did now as well.

Xelios looked down in shock, checking to make sure the baby was okay, and then squealed and jumped with Lydia in her arms. Arrentia came over and took Lydia from the shaking Xelios, who then rushed over to me with tears streaming down her face. I took my little excited Queen into my arms and kissed the top of green hair as she let out little sounds of excitement.

Soon, I couldn't hold her bundled up anymore and she broke from me practically jumping up and down. I never thought that she would be this excited, but Xelios could barely contain herself. What had gotten into this girl?

"Babe, I am pumped that you're about to have a baby, but what has got you so excited?"

Everyone's wife went silent, and then they all started looking at each other with that we know something you don't know looking each time they glanced at me. I focused on Xelios, who was only looking at me, and she had the same face-splitting smile on from before, a bit more regal now, but just as big.

"There will be more than one," Xelios said coming over to me and giving me a kiss, while Kyla was starting to squirm in my arms.

"Oh? Well, don't keep me in the dark forever, how many?"

"Five girls."


Kyla had just bit my finger.

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