Should Have Let Me Die

Chapter 175: Big Enough

Chapter 175: Big Enough

The run around the range on the mountains was refreshing, and It was nice to have the wind rushing in my face. I needed a new outlook on my magicless life and I would have to rely on everyone. This was going to be like one day deciding to work in the dark, I had no idea about what I was supposed to do, or how to approach the situation.

'Everyone is going to be more than fine with helping you. Husband, you are one of the most respected people in the land.' -Nina.

She was right, but I also was the strongest, but am I still? The only downside to the gate is that I would always have to break each gate open by putting myself in dire straights. I normally was fine with this in the game worlds, but I didn't think I would get booted to the next world if I died. Even then, if you died three times, you were out and had to start all over.

But this was a game, and this was my power, something created for me, or something like that. It was more of a feeling that this was designed for me, by someone. Whoever it was must have known me well, because I was best under pressure. I would always pull through and besides the first time in this world, I had never lost a game.

I could see the small trail of dust that was being kicked up ahead from the carriages, and turned it up for the last sprint. I assumed after seeing the dust storm that I was kicking up was the reason why they all stopped and waited for me. I could see my girls piling out of the carriages, so I closed all of the gates and slowed down. Knowing that this helpless feeling wasn't going away left me feeling a bit hollow after they closed, and I was tempted to keep one open, but that was dangerous.

"How was your run? You were gone for so long? We thought you had gotten lost!" Alex said jokingly as she walked up with the rest of the women.

Good, they were all here, I might as well get this out of the way. Holding in this would just make me sourer and then mad for hiding it. I took a deep breath in before speaking, I still wasn't sure how they were going to react.

"Well, since you are all here I have something to tell you about my short little trip."

"Like maybe you are going to lift the pregnancy ban!" Nuwari shouted from the back with Titania and Tescelle nodding in agreement...Titania

Holy shit, I couldn't get big! For fucks sake! I really fucked the dog on this one. Ugh, just another problem to join the line that I was having trouble seeing the end of. Another deep breath, and I spoke.

"I no longer have access to the magic, it seems that I can still give it and I can turn into a dragon, but everything else is gone. Also, the ban is up."

There was a moment of silence, then the unexpected happened, they started to cheer. What the hell were they cheering about? I just told them that I wouldn't have magic and I would be all but useless...and they cheered. 

There were a lot of mixed emotions swirling around my head, but suddenly I was swarmed with girls hugging and kissing me. I wanted to be happy, but I was just too damn confused to make heads or tails of anything that was going on right now. Finally, the girls calmed down and Alex was the first to speak up.

"I would just like to say on behalf of all your current wives and the others yet to be found, thank god. 

"What? What do you mean, thank god?" 

Now I was so confused that my brain just stopped working and all I could do was wait for an answer. Kadence was the next one who stepped up to me and put a hand on my arm, smiling up at me with her brilliant face.

"You have been a lot of work, and you have caused us no end of worries. You just go running off and leave us all behind, but you can't do that anymore, you need us now!"

"I have always needed you!"

"Don't be stupid, you know what I mean! We all want to be part of your life, but you keep running off without us thinking that we will just be another thing for you to worry about, but we have all trained, and not just in this life; through all the games we have been getting ready for the moment when you would actually need us in the same way that we need you," Kadence said, leaning in and giving me a kiss.

This was all news to me; I mean, I knew that they had been training recently but in the other worlds? Where the hell was I for this? Oh yeah, saving the world as usual, alone. Okay, so I didn't like others to get hurt or have to worry about it, but was that so wrong?

"I get it, I'm the meathead that always goes off alone, but everyone knows that I did it to keep you all safe, right?"

Eighteen heads nodded at me in unison, but it was Mishka that was the next to step up to me, and this looked like I was about to get fifteen more opinions after Mishka was done. I had it coming, so I would just have to defend myself the best I could.

"Don't worry, babe! We will take care of you like we always do, but now you will just have to ask when you want something. Life won't be as easy, but think of this as our way to pay you back for every time that you have gone off alone!" Mishka said, then wrapped her arms under mine and around, with her head on my chest. 

I hugged her back and then rested my head on hers, breathing in the fruity soap she used in her hair. When Mishka pulled away, I leaned down and kissed her, then tickled her side as she stepped out of the way. I expected more of them to come up, but they didn't, and I wasn't sure what to say, the silence was breeding one hell of an awkward moment. I guess that meant that it was my turn to talk.

"Okay, I will be in your hands then, thank you for everything you have done and are going to do to help me. I love you all, and I hope we have a great time on this trip, all of you deserve it!"

That got smiles from all of them, and our group broke up, but I went over to talk to Titania in private. I asked her to go for a quick walk while everyone was getting loaded up and ready to start moving. Long days or not, if we didn't get our asses in gear we would be driving in the dark and dealing with monsters and other things, like random rocks that break wheels.

"You know what me not having magic means, right?" I asked Titania after we were out of earshot.

"Hm? You don't want to have sex with me now just because I'm a bit bigger than you?" Titania asked, looking hurt and about to cry.

Son of a bitch! Leave it to me to be vague to my love-struck wife.

"No, babe, that isn't it at all. I am just worried about you since I won't be as"

I was going to continue on, but Titania's hearty laughter cut me off. I looked at her and waited, just short of crossing my arms and tapping my foot, Titania stopped laughing and explained herself.

"I think you will still be more than enough. If you're as big as I remember, then it's probably better this way. Why? When do I get to have my date night?" Titania asked, before leaning down to give me a kiss.

After we kissed, it was my turn to laugh.

"Bwahaha, you're asking me that question? Isn't there someone in charge of that?" I said, still laughing.

Titania gave me a shove...and pushed me right off my feet into the grass. Holy shit this woman was strong! I think even if I would have had a Gate open I would have still gotten knocked over. Titania gasped, and then rushed to my side to help me up, not making me feel any better about being tipped over sideways from a playful push. 

"Are you okay? I am so sorry! I forgot about your magic! I thought you would have a Gate open, here let me help you up!" Titania said in a rushed and apologetic tone, extending her hand to me.

I accepted the hand up and brushed myself off and smiled at her. She didn't know that if she tried that before when I had my magic, the effect would have been the same. For some reason the magic never stopped most forms of physical violence the girls would dish out to me, so not as a lot had changed.

"Now that everything is clear as mud, we can head back and you can tell me all about your family! I want to know what a Tinker is too!" I said, taking my wife's large hand in mine and walking back to the wagons.

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